14 Amazing Peppermint Tea Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

If you are tea connoisseur, Peppermint tea needs no special introduction. Unlike the regular milk-based tea or chai, Mint tea is non-dairy, clear, herbal tea. It is a flavourful infusion of fresh or dried mint leaves. The whiff of a warm mint tea itself can soothe your mind and relieve you from stress. Apart from its calming effects, mint tea also aids in a healthy well-being. From treating digestive disorders to improving metabolism and boosting your immune system, Peppermint tea is loaded with benefits for your body.

Peppermint Tea Benefits

What is Peppermint Tea?

Peppermint tea is a herbal preparation made with Mint leaves and water. It is known for its curative effects on both the body and the mind. It is a clear beverage with a light golden hue that is attained from the juices of the mint leaves. Peppermint tea bags are also readily available in the market with different flavours to enjoy them on the go!

Pudina Tea Nutrition Facts:

Here is the breakup of mint tea nutrition facts:

  • Total Calories: 2
  • Total Fat: 0%
  • Sodium: 1.3mg
  • Protein: 0.2mg
  • Negligible amounts of Vitamins and Minerals.

Is Peppermint Tea Good For You?

Peppermint leaves are abundant in Menthol, an agent known for its relaxing and calming aroma. Mint tea made with these leaves is the easy way to enjoy the benefits of Menthol for better digestion, oral health and even common cold and cough. The tea also helps in inducing good sleep to cure chronic insomnia.

How To Make Peppermint Tea?

While the easiest way to enjoy pudina tea, is by infusing the ready-to-use tea bag in a cup of warm water, you can also prepare a more densely flavoured homemade mint tea. Here are some of the simple steps for this recipe:


  • Peppermint Leaves – 1 Bunch.
  • Water – 250ml.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes.

How To Do:

  • Pick the leaves from the mint bunches.
  • Wash them thoroughly.
  • Crush the leaves using the back of your spoon or hand.
  • Now, transfer them into a cup of boiling water.
  • Allow the juices to seep in for 3-5 minutes.
  • Strain the leaves and serve hot.

Serving Suggestion: You can also add a few drops of lemon juice or honey for enhanced taste and health benefits.

How To Drink Peppermint Tea?

The ideal way to enjoy Peppermint tea is by keeping to warm. Experts also recommend keeping mint away from dairy, as it can strip away the benefits and also cause digestion problems. You can also sweeten it lightly with sugar, sweetener or even honey.

How Many Cups of Peppermint Tea A Day?

There is no specific dietary recommendation for the daily amount of Peppermint tea. The ideal serving limit is usually 1-2 cups or a maximum of 23 cups per day. Consuming tea in excess can lead to certain side effects and stomach disorders.

When To Drink Peppermint Tea?

Peppermint tea is best had first thing in the morning for a natural way to detox your body and lose weight. You can also have it in between meals for faster digestion of food and keeping the stomach light. The tea is also great for activating your mind and body during 3-4 PM when you feel sluggish and sleepy.

Peppermint Tea Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health:

Here we enlisted 14 incredible advantages of peppermint tea for health, hair and skin. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Treats Stomach Disorders:

Peppermint tea is known for its effectiveness in treating many stomach related problems. Any person having issues with the stomach and its functions like that of irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, stomach aches, gas, bloating and more can easily use peppermint tea to their rescue. This is one of the best Peppermint tea benefits when made fresh.

2. Boosts Your Immunity:

Peppermint tea is rich in antioxidants which fight free radicals that cause damage at the cellular level. Other nutrients like Calcium, potassium and vitamin B in peppermint tea are what help in the achievement of this goal.  Consuming peppermint tea on a regular basis not only treats cold and flu but also helps in making the body resistant to it in the later stages and preventing it from reoccurring. A strengthened immune system is one of the major benefits of drinking peppermint tea.

3. Keeps Bad Breath Away:

Peppermint tea uses for oral health are long recognised by dentists. For those suffering from Bad breath, Peppermint tea is the best way to deal with this problem. The menthol in Peppermint tea can kill the odour causing germs in your mouth and restore its natural health. The aromatic flavour of this drink can leave a fresh taste and make your mouth smell nice.

4. Induces Good Sleep:

The smell of peppermint tea creates aromatherapy for the mind and thus helps in relaxing it and relieving the stress. This, in turn, helps in getting good sleep as well as treat insomnia. It also cures depression caused due to fatigue and excessive stress on your mind. It is therefore recommended to have 1 cup of warm peppermint tea before bedtime to enjoy a great night’s sleep. This is a best of mint tea benefits to the body.

See More: Peppermint Leaves Benefits

5. Aids In Weight Loss:

When it comes to a natural way of losing weight and weight management, there is no miracle better than using peppermint tea to your purpose. The consumption of this tea helps in suppressing the appetite and also increases the metabolism of the body. This helps in shedding the extra pounds from the body. Pudina tea benefits in detoxifying the body also.

6. Clears the Skin:

Any hormonal problems that cause skin issues like acne, pimples can be treated with peppermint tea consumption. A slight boost to the estrogen levels is what helps in the treatment of acne and giving clear and flawless skin. You can also make a batch of peppermint tea and water and soak in it for 15-20 minutes on a daily basis. Placing used peppermint tea bags on eyes can reduce dark circles and puffiness.

7. Relief from Sinus:

Consumption of warm and healthy liquids is known to cure the problem of sinus and what healthier than peppermint tea? It will clear the throat by thinning the mucus in the throat and soothe the soreness to cure sinus completely. The expectorant properties of this tea can give you relief from cough and dryness. It can also fight infection-causing microbes in your throat for a faster recovery.

8. Treats Morning Sickness:

Morning sickness is a common problem during pregnancy. You can now get relief from symptoms of nausea, dizziness, heartburn and loss of appetite with Peppermint tea. Not only does it help you overcome these problems, but also helps in relaxing your mind and restoring calmness. This is one of the major health benefits of mint tea to pregnant women.

9. Cures Cold and Cough:

The best and natural way to cure a cold and cough is with the help of Peppermint tea. This warm beverage can instantly clear your throat and reduce the mucus. It can also offer soothing relief to your irritated throat to offer quick relief. Besides, Peppermint tea can also treat headaches and irritation associated with Cold.

10. Anti-Inflammatory Agent:

Peppermint tea is loaded with anti-inflammatory agents to reduce the inflammation in your throat, skin and tissues. It can clear the eruptions on your body and lower their severity. Along with drinking Peppermint tea, inhaling it in the form of steam can clear your nasal passages and bring the internal allergies under control.

See More: Peppermint Tea During Pregnancy

11. Controls High Blood Pressure:

If you are suffering from high blood pressure, Peppermint tea can be your best bet! It reduces body temperature, which indirectly affects the flow of the blood. By calming the mind, Peppermint can relax your nerves and lower the pressure of your blood flow. It is the best caffeine-free option to get relief from these symptoms.

12. Reduces Menstrual Cramps:

Peppermint tea is a wonderful remedy for those suffering from painful menstrual cramps. The menthol present in this tea can relax the contracted muscles in your uterus and reduce the inflammation. It can also improve the blood circulation in your body and bring down the internal inflammation that causes cramps.

13. Lowers Cholesterol Levels:

Studies show that drinking Peppermint tea regularly has shown signs of reduced cholesterol levels in the body. It was also found to be effective in improving the secretion of bile juice for better digestion. Also, Peppermint tea can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body which can block your arteries.

14. Treats Scalp Problems:

Peppermint tea is known to improve the blood circulation on your scalp and thereby promote good growth of hair follicles. The cooling sensation of this beverage can treat scalp problems like itching, irritation and burning sensation. It can also keep fungal infections at bay and prevents the occurrence of dandruff.

Peppermint Tea Side Effects:

Although Peppermint tea is packed with benefits, overconsuming it can lead to certain side effects. Listed below are some of the main health risks posed due to Peppermint tea:

  • Acid Refluxes.
  • Burning Sensation In Stomach.
  • Mouth Ulcers.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure.
  • May stimulate early uterine contractions.

See More: Peppermint Oil During Pregnancy

So, the next time you head to the kitchen for some chai, try making this healthy herbal tea instead! Not only does it cure you of your chai cravings, but also help in improving your health. You can enjoy this low-calorie, caffeine-free drink every day without feeling guilty! Just try to use home-prepared mint tea instead of the bags to ensure a preservative-free experience. Time to go the Mint route!