7 Tips to Reduce Bloating After Eating

7 Tips to Reduce Bloating After Eating

Bloating isn’t solely an aesthetic problem. Many times, bloating can be downright uncomfortable and even embarrassing. While a bloated stomach can be caused by many different things from something as simple as poor food choices to more serious chronic conditions, there are several things which can be helpful in reducing gas and bloating besides taking over the counter remedies. Here are a few of them:

1.Pay attention to your eating habits

The unpleasant feeling of bloating can be caused by something as simple as eating quickly, which makes it easier to swallow air. This is one of the most common reasons why bloating occurs. Talking while eating, drinking very hot or very cold drinks during meals or drinking water shortly afterwards is not recommended as this can interfere with the digestion process by diluting the digestive juices thus increasing the chances of bloating, so avoiding these behaviors can be the first steps in preventing bloating after eating.

2.Fight bloating with these teas

7 Tips to Reduce Bloating After Eating

Pepermint tea can have a beneficial impact in reducing bloating as it contains menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect. Ginger tea is another good choice for fighting indigestion, nausea and banishing bloating, being a good choice both before and after a meal. To make the tea simply pour boiled water over a freshly sliced medium sized ginger root covering the cup and letting it steep for five minutes. Other helpful choices can be chamomile tea, which has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, or dandelion tea. Try drinking these teas 30 minutes after a meal at room temperature to avoid interfering with the digestion process.

3.Try munching on these seeds

Chewing a small amount of fennel seeds (about a teaspoon) can prove helpful in reducing bloating and even cramping. If you don’t like fennel seeds, you can also try eating anise seeds instead as they have a similar effect.

4.Add fiber gradually

Eating more fiber is a well known way of preventing constipation, however, introducing large amounts of fiber rich foods into your diet too quickly can actually make maters worse since many of the fiber rich foods also happen to cause gas. Try consuming fiber rich food in smaller doses, such as half a cup or less and gradually upping your intake.

5.Get moving

7 Tips to Reduce Bloating After Eating

Walking for 15 to 20 minutes after a meal can be very helpful for stimulating digestion and helping the body get rid of excess gas. A brisk walk is best since it will help increase blood circulation and make the process more effective.

6.Try a self massage

Sitting in a comfortable position and rubbing your belly in a clockwise direction using circular motions can also prove helpful in regulating the digestive function and reducing bloating. Repeat the motion for at least 10 times.

7.Try keeping a food diary

Frequent bloating can be a sign of sensitivity to certain foods. Keeping a food diary can help you spot certain patterns which can make it easier to identify the foods that might be causing problems. You can try limiting the intake of certain foods to see the impact each change has. While occasional bloating isn’t a cause of concern, if you experience frequent bloating you might also want to consider seeing a doctor as it might be a symptom of a more serious condition.

See also:Best and Worst Foods for BloatingWhat Ingredients Should I Avoid in Food?

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