Buddhist Meditation Techniques

Meditation as you know refers to the practice of shutting down your mind for a few minutes and letting your entire system restart. There are various methods of meditation used by various people. However the main objective is the same everywhere, i.e. achieving peace of mind and balancing out your body. Buddhist meditation as the name suggests refers to meditation techniques related to the Buddhist religion and practiced and taught by Buddhist monks.

buddhist-meditation techniques

Basic Buddhist meditation is simple and takes just a few minutes. If you are able to take out just a few minutes every day to stop and meditate you will soon feel the difference it makes in your life. It will help calm you and refresh you to help you face your problems with a stronger mind. It also helps you overcome other problems such as anger issues, depression etc.

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All that you need to do is find a suitable tranquil environment where you won’t be interrupted by doorbells, phone calls etc. though meditation just requires a few minutes it requires your undivided attention in those few minutes.

Here are The Best Buddhist Meditation Techniques for Beginners:

Distracted minds can never meditate correctly. So switch off your phones or leave them in the other room. Many people choose to burn incense or use special meditation pillows and prayer beads. While these paraphernalia certainly seek to improve the quality of your meditation they are most certainly not a necessity. Thus, it is completely up to you whether you want to just seclude yourself in your bedroom and meditate there or whether you want to use these additional elements and create a separate meditating space for yourself.

You have to sit cross legged. Many people believe that meditation must be done only in the lotus position, i.e. sitting with both your feet on your thighs. This is not necessary. This position is achieved with much practice and will only distract you if you are a beginner and not used to the strain it causes. While your back should be straight, make sure you are comfortable. If you so wish, you can kneel down instead of sitting cross-legged.

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You can keep your hands in various poses or ‘mudras’. For beginners the easiest mudra is to let the tip of your thumb touch the tip of your index finger and then rest your hand on your knee. Or you can place your hands in your lap with the palms facing upwards and touching each other gently.

The next step requires more concentration. Close your eyes and start counting your breaths. As you count start to slow down your breathing. You can choose to chant a mantra or a prayer word instead of counting. The purpose of this exercise is to empty your mind of any stray thoughts. So try identifying every thought that enters your mind and then letting it go. As you breathe in and out feel your body relaxing. Slowly let go of everything holding you down. With each breath that you let go, let of a little part of yourself, till you are completely free.

For a beginner concentrating or meditating for around ten minutes is more than enough. By the end of ten minutes you shall feel a strange but appeal lethargy. Open your eyes slowly and resume moving gradually. Let your arms fall down, then stretch out your legs and stand up gradually. Don’t rush up or you shall ruin the effect.

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After this round of meditation you will find yourself rejuvenated and your mind completely refreshed! Once you have meditated for even a few days you will be hooked. Meditation is a way of life that is like a healthy addiction. Once you’ve got a taste of it, you won’t be able to live without it.

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