How to do Sahaja Yoga and its Benefits

Sahaja Yoga is an easy meditation procedure that helps you to connect with yourself. Even though we are all spiritual, we all need to know ways in which we can take our spiritual lives to a new level. And this can be done with Sahaja.

Sahaja Yoga and its Benefits:

Choosing A Quiet Place or Time:

sahaja yoga

To practice any kind of Yoga, you need to practice in a quiet place that is free from any noise or clutter. The best time to practice Sahaja Yoga is early morning. Since this is all about self realization, it would be impossible for you to do it somewhere you shall meet several kinds of distractions. To avoid problems such as these, it would be best to do it somewhere close to nature. Make sure the time of practice is the same for every single day. Don’t change timings.

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Learning How to Connect:

Learning how to connect with the world around you and trying to seek spiritual energy is very important for those who would like to practice Sahaja Yoga. The first thing you need to understand before you practice this is that there is some spiritual energy which exists in all of us and it loves it dearly just like our guardian or mother loves us. When you try to connect to this inner soul or this energy inside you, you will be asking her for the opportunity to develop a strong bond that will exclusively exist between the two of you.

Make Yourself Comfortable:

The next thing you need to do is make yourself comfortable. By this we mean that you should not wear any heavy or tight outfit that will stop your chances of breathing better. Make sure you are not wearing your shoes or slippers. All you will need is a mat and the beautiful presence of nature. Be seated and make yourself comfortable. Prepare yourself to stay focused and calm. If you are someone who gets restless often, spend some time in silence and contemplation and then slowly prepare yourself for the meditation. You can also sit on a chair if you like.

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Be Seated:

When you are sitting on the chair, make sure your feet are touching the ground. They should not be touching the ground. Now, place your left hand on your leg and your palms should be facing upwards. Take your right hand on the left side of your heart and place it there gently. Now, remember the name of any Goddess or deity you adore the most. Take her name and ask her whether you are the true eternal spirit. Ask her this thrice in your heart. This is your personal time with your inner energy so you need not speak loudly. Say it to yourself from within.

Go To the Next Level:

After this has been completed, take your right hand and place it on the left side of your chest one width down. Level it with your solar plexus. Now speak to the inner energy again through the name of your Goddess. This time, you should ask her whether you are your own master. Ask this question thrice in a very soft and gentle manner. Pay full concentration to the question you are asking and stay calm and composed. Try to develop the connection with your inner energy. This might take some time but don’t lose patience.

Ask For Knowledge:

The next step for you is to ask for knowledge. Take your right hand and place it one-width down. This should be right above your hip. After you have done that, ask your Goddess to give you pure knowledge. This should be asked for about six times. You will feel calm, relaxed and very composed throughout this. Bring some sincerity in your voice as you plead to her. Let it relax. Now take your right hand back up to where it was and say it with full conviction to yourself that you are your own master. You can repeat this ten times. This will help you feel confident, strong and positive.

Speak To Yourself:

Now it’s time for you to take your hand and place it on your heart again. This time, say it with belief. Tell your Goddess with full conviction and faith that you are the spirit. You must repeat this 12 times. Now turn your head all the way to the right and place your right hand on one side of your neck. Tell your inner energy that you have no guilty, that you are guiltless. Say it like you mean it. You need to repeat it about 16 times. This will help you to come to terms with your inner energy.

It’s Time to Forgiveness:

Now it’s time for you to forgive all those who have done wrong to you. Put your right hand on your forehead and use your finger tips to squeeze your temple. Now say it with belief and faith that you have forgiven everyone. This you may repeat as many times as you like till you feel like you have actually forgiven people. Don’t think of any particular individual or individuals during this procedure.

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Ask For Forgiveness:

Now you must ask the almighty for forgiveness for all the wrong things you have done. This one is simple. All you have to do is ask. Take your right hand and place it at the back of your head. Tilt your head towards the back. Ask from within that if you have done any wrong, you should be forgiven. Repeat this as many times you want.

Ask For Self Realization:

The final thing you need to do is ask for self realization. Now try and connect to your inner spirit and ask her to give you self realization. This you should ask seven times before you call it an end.

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