How to Lose Weight According to Personality

How to Lose Weight According to Personality

Losing weight has been a subject that eventually everyone becomes interested in as lifestyle, hormones and others can influence our weight. The need for diet plans that work and that can keep the pounds off without having them piling up right after stopping the diet has always been high, so no wonder that scientists and nutritionists have been trying to find the perfect solution to losing weight and keeping it off. One of the latest finds in weight loss seems to be related to our brains, as according to neuro-scientist Dr. Daniel Amen, if you want to lose weight you need to take your personality into account.

According to the study performed by Dr. Amen, different brain types require different approaches when it comes to losing weight, so certain diets that work for some might not work for you. The scientists have divided people with weight problems into four groups according to their personality or brain type which determines which diet plans are less likely to work for them and which ones will be a great match. According to DailyMail, Dr. Amen believes that different diet plans work for different people:

Compulsive eaters If you tend to be addicted to certain behavior, feel the need to have certain things be done in a certain manner, feel emotional and stressed when things don’t happen as you want them to or worry excessively, you’re probably a compulsive eater. Compulsive eaters don’t benefit from high protein diets and should opt for diet plans that include healthy carbs. In addition to aerobic exercises that raise the serotonin levels in the body, restraining yourself from eating in the evenings can also help you shed those extra pounds.

How to Lose Weight According to Personality

Emotional eaters If you usually lack energy, are not very positive about things, have a low self esteem, you’re shy and like to spend more time by yourself than surrounded by people, you’re probably an emotional eater. Emotional eaters don’t benefit from high protein or high carb diets, so they should opt for the Zone or the Mediterranean instead, diets that offer a healthy mix of fats, protein and carbs. Healthy levels of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids can also help you maintain a healthy condition, plus plenty of sleep and social activities will help emotional eaters shed those extra pounds.

Impulsive eaters If you’re easily distracted, need coffee or nicotine to keep yourself focused, if you usually interrupt people when they speak and if you tend to lose things, you’re most likely to be an impulsive eater. Impulsive eaters should stay away from high carb diets and opt for high protein- low carb diets instead. Green tea, foods rich in pheylalanine and tyrosine, aerobic exercises and meditation exercises are also recommended if you wish to shed pounds.

Anxious eaters If you find yourself lacking confidence in your own skills, you get scared and panic easily, you tend to see more the ‘half empty side of the glass’, usually tend to avoid conflict and suffer from tension headaches, you probably fall in the anxious eaters category. If you’re an anxious eater, low calorie diets will not work for you, so try to opt for macro-biotic diets that combine wholefoods and vegetables or switch up to The Zone diet. Foods that are rich in glutamine, vitamin B6, magnesium and vitamin C can help you lose weight easier. Yoga and breathing exercises are also a great option to consider.

According to DailyMail, Dr. Amen stated that metabolism has much less to do with obesity and that all diets seem to have the same approach for everyone. He explains: “Almost all diets have a one-size-fits-all approach. But our research over the past 20 years shows giving everyone the same diet plan may make some people better but it will make a lot of people worse.” “It is your brain that pushes you away from the table, telling you you’ve had enough, and it is your brain that gives you permission to have that second bowl of ice cream.”

How to Lose Weight According to Personality

Photos courtesy of Thinkstock Photos

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