How To Perform Viparita Karani Asana and Its Health Benefits

Yoga has some excellent postures to maintain the well being of a person. It is the only physical activity which involves both the mind and the body. Especially in the stress filled world, Yoga has numerous benefits to offer relief. One of the best poses to calm down a chaotic mind and achieve body strength and fitness is Viparita Karani. The word ‘viparita’ is a Sanskrit word which means inverted and just in cue, the other name for the Viparita Karani Asana is Legs up the walls pose. The asana actually includes the person to be upside down halfway. Read along to know about the wonders of this pose and how you can enjoy the fruits of perfecting this asana.

Viparita Karani

Viparita Karani Tips For Beginners:

This pose is one of the challenging asanas in Yoga. It involves lifting up your lower part of the body upwards and maintaining balance. Beginners might find it tough to achieve in the first try. Check out some best tips to perform the legs up the wall pose:

  • Use a wall as a support for your legs in the beginning.
  • Press your thighs firmly against the walls
  • Maintain your breath to balance the entire torso region against the wall
  • Each time you exhale, you need to push the bones in the thighs harder for a firm grip.

See More: Asanas of Yoga

How To Do Viparita Karani Yoga Pose:

Follow the points below to know Viparita Karani steps:

  • For the initial beginners use a strong support, a wall if you must to perform the following yoga.
  • Lie down near the wall in a perpendicular state so that your lower limbs are facing the wall and then edge yourself closer and closer to the wall until your hips touch the wall.
  • Now that your legs are propped up resting against the wall, straighten them. You might feel a slight tug or stretch as you try to do so but that should not stop you.
  • Once you are in a semi inverted posture, place your hands on either side of you and relax.
  • Just lie down there for a good 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Breathe normally; no exaggeration in breathing is required.
  • Due to a rough base you might feel discomfort in your hip region and therefore feel free to use a cushion support or folded blanket underneath.
  • For experts who have mastered the yoga form, they shall not require a wall support any more.

This time they would use their lower body strength by suspending the lower limbs upside down and use their upper body strength as they use their hands as a support in their waist while lifting the lower body up.

Viparita Karani Benefits:

This asana has incredible benefits for health. With regular practise one can overcome a number of health issues and enjoy a good life. Some of the key areas where this asana can help are:

1. Mental calmness:

You may be surprised as to how putting your legs up and struggling to keep it up have anything to do with mental calmness. If something, it creates chaos all the more but after the workout has been done with, you would feel yourself flushed of all inner stress and once again we blame the intense blood flow and circulation that is enhanced and put to work once you assume the position. This creates the brain cells to open up and the rest follows.

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2. Ovarian problems:

I will tell you why this is an effective yoga that would help all women out there, from every ages and walks of life. It is because the most prized element in our body, the ovary is often tends to misbehave with us. Being the queen she rules her own way and to keep her and her problems at bay, this is a master yoga. For the ones still fertile, it can help you cure your menstrual irregularities while for the ones left with no more egg to shed, these yoga applies blood pressure and circulation in the ovarian region due to which the hormone secretions are controlled letting you have a peaceful post menstrual life.

3. Migraine:

If you are suffering from a pounding headache or a beating migraine wrap a tight bandage around your head and lie down on the recommended position. You would soon feel your migraine pain or headache slowly fading away.

4. Hypothyroidism:

When you lie down in a semi inverted structure, you would know that the blood is rushing to the brain and circulating there, thereby creating a slight pressure in the neck region too as it passes by. This activates and stimulates the thyroid glands. This way the secretion of thyroid might get at par with your bodies needs.

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Precautions and Contraindications:

Before performing this yoga asana, one needs to keep in mind the following precautions and possible side effects:

  • This asana must be strictly performed in empty stomach only
  • Make sure you have emptied your bowels before attempting this pose
  • You must maintain at least 4 hours gap between the exercise and your meals
  • This asana must be avoided during menstruation, as it inverts your body
  • People suffering from glaucoma are advised against doing this asana
  • Also, people with chronic neck problems must do this yoga under the supervision of an instructor

Viparita Karani Asana is amazing for tired legs and people who suffer from regular cramps in feet. It can alleviate back pain and has a therapeutic effect on the mind. It is wonderful in boosting digestion and lower blood pressure. People suffering from sleeplessness have benefited a lot from this asana. If you wish to drive away depression and lead a peaceful, anxiety-free life, this is one of the best yoga postures.

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