Oily Skin Diet Changes

Oily Skin Diet Changes

Healthy eating habits can improve on any skin problem, since scrubs, toners, creams and other products cannot fully balance the oil production and reduce the appearance of shine on your skin. It has been confirmed that oily skin diet changes can help improve some of the problems associated with oily and acne prone skin.

Oily Skin Nutrition

An oily skin diet should focus mainly on fruits and vegetables, since they are a natural source of antioxidants, especially Vitamin A, which acts as a treatment in unclogging pores and reducing blemishes and other inflammations. So look for fruits and vegetables that are particularly rich in Vitamin A to help your body achieve a healthy balance, which in turn will produce less oil.

Eat plenty of mangos, papayas, salads, broccoli and carrots. Drink fresh juices and/or a cup of green tea every day. Nutrition is important when you want to improve the appearance of your skin but so is hydration: drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to help your body naturally fight and eliminate toxins.

Oily Skin Diet Changes

Oily Skin Vitamins

Besides Vitamin A, you also need other oily skin vitamins, which are essential for maintaining a healthy-looking skin and keep acne away for good. Some of these oily skin vitamins are provided by certain fruits and vegetables, but if you want to help your body fight acne and keep a balanced oil production, you should take oily skin vitamin supplements on a regular basis.

Vitamin C, for example, is indispensable for its antioxidant properties: it is recommended that you ensure your body a daily dose of Vitamin C. Also, Vitamin B2 has a direct impact on the way your complexion looks like, improving the blood circulation in your skin tissues. Without these two oily skin vitamins, you risk overproduction of oil and therefore, a greasy looking skin. Lecithin and zinc also help diminishing the oily appearance, while preventing blemishes and inflammations.

Oily Skin Foods to Eat

Your oily skin diet should be made out of plenty of vegetables and fruits: eat a salad every day, along with raw fruits (pears, apples, tangerines and pineapples) and vegetables (spinach, mushrooms, peas). Drink fresh juices for breakfast. Choose to eat poultry and cold water fish instead of darker meats. Cereals and soy products are another great source of oily skin vitamins and fiber.

Oily Skin Diet Changes

Oily Skin Foods to Avoid

You should stay away from fatty dairy products and red meat. Salty snacks and sweets can have a huge impact, so you should eliminate them from your oily skin diet. Limit the amount of coffee, alcohol and chocolate since they are known to be acne-trigger foods. Maintain a balanced oily skin diet and you’ll notice improvements in your skin’s appearance.

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