Pescetarian Diet: How to Follow It

Pescetarian Diet: How to Follow It

What Is a Pescetarian Diet?

A pescetarian diet is a vegetarian diet that also involves the consumption of seafood. It is usually preferred for ethical or health reasons, being a good choice as well for those unwilling to give up meat completely.

A pescetarian diet is similar to a vegetarian diet in many respects, as it usually involves eating fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, beans, eggs and diary. Eggs and diary may not be a part of a pescetarian diet meal plan for those who choose it for health reasons.

Why Choose a Pescetarian Diet?

One of the main reasons for choosing a pescetarian diet amongst many people refers to the health implications of eating seafood instead of meat. It is well-known the fact that certain types of red meat, such as pork, have high amounts of unhealthy fats – saturated fats – as well as carnitine and choline.

Other people may choose to go for a pescetarian diet for ethical reasons, or as a transition to a vegetarian diet that includes no animal flesh at all.

Pescetarian Diet: How to Follow It

Pescetarian Diet Benefits

A pescetarian diet has many health benefits, most of them referring to the positive impact the Omega-3 fatty acids have on the body. The Omega-3 fatty acids are known to promote the health of the heart, raising HDL cholesterol levels and ensuring a good blood circulation.

Pescetarian Diet Plan

If you decide to go for a pescetarian diet, you should know that a healthy pescetarian diet plan involves the moderate consumption of seafood. In other words, a pescetarian diet is most days a vegetarian diet, fish and other seafood being preferred occasionally.

In order to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to function properly, you need to mix as many foods as your pescetarian diet allows you to. For instance, you may start your day with whole grain cereals, berries and eggs (boiled or omelet), while choosing seafood dishes for lunch: sushi, salmon salad, shrimp pasta, or any other dish you prefer.

Pescetarian Diet: How to Follow It

Snack mainly on nuts, fruits and veggies like almonds, pistachios, apples, pears, carrots, celery. Every now and then, splurge on your preferred desserts: you don’t want to make your pescetarian diet a very restrictive one, do you?

Last but not least, your dinners may be as varied as you like them to be: strictly vegetarian, perhaps involving veggie soups, or consisting of seafood dishes with broiled fish, for instance.

See also:Healthy Vegetarian Snack IdeasVegetarian Paleo Diet: How to ‘Eat Like a Caveman’ and Be a Vegetarian at the Same Time

Photos: Thinkstock

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