What are the Divya Yoga Asanas and its Benefits?

The world stands in need of liberation, and big time it does. Talking about liberation, you are the world, which means your body is the universe to you, and good care should be taken to keep it hale and hearty. To have a physique that is accomplished and well attuned, chakras aligned and fit, you need to work out regularly and in an apt manner, say experts. We aren’t asking you to subscribe to expensive gymnasiums or pump iron for hours every day. Rather we are asking you to think about natures blessing, yoga for instance to achieve a well balanced, toned and a fit body.

Why Yoga?

  • Less time consuming.
  • More benefits.
  • Demographically accepted worldwide.
  • Helps the body, mind and the soul.
  • Keeps the perils and vagaries of the rat raced life away.

It is but important that you find the right teacher, trainer, school or guru to learn the art and science of yoga. The ancient method of staying fit has done wonders back then and till date has helped billions across the globe. However, please check with your family doctor before you enrol or start any classes on yoga.

See More: Hot Yoga Benefits

What is Divya Yoga?

Divya is the Sanksrit term for “divine,” “fate” or “fortune.” Within yoga philosophy, divya is often refered to divya-drishti which means divine insight. Once a yogi attains Divya-drishti it helps them to communicate and connect with the Divine and also enables them to see into the future as well as the past.

Divya Yoga is an amalgam of the ancient traditional practice of hatha yoga and a contemporary and modern method of bodywork called Heller work. Divya yoga was initially developed by Divya Aanand (Daryl Vansier) and has been recognized by the Yoga Alliance. It has become highly popular in modern time and is carried out in a number of studios as well as at spiritual retreats.

Divya yoga is primarily divided into four segments, with each segment focusing on a specific part of the body or other aspect of achieving the spiritual and physical advances offered by yoga. The first module focuses on the “sleeve” of the body, whereas the second one on the “core” structures, and the third on the balancing of the feminine and masculine energies, and the last module on the integration of all the foregoing parts.

What are the Main Asanas in Divya Yoga?

Let us learn more about the concept of Divya yoga asanas in detail below.

Patanjali Divya yoga can be practiced by people of all age groups. It is usually started with few warm up asanas and suryanamaskara’s followed by various combinations of asanas, poses and exercises. Patanjali Divya yoga also practices mudras, pranayamas and micro exercises which benefit the eyes, fingers, toes, face and neck. Divya yoga is ended with Shavasana.

According to Ramdev, ‘Yoga is a marvelous means of exercising, stretching, and relaxing the body/mind so it can be a healthy and long-lived. It helps in the co-ordination of the body, mind and soul’.

Some of the asanas that constitute Divya yoga are:

Baddha Padmasana: Baddha Padmasana is also known as locked lotus pose. In Sanskrit, “Baddha” means bound or locked.

Bhujangasana: Bhujangasana resembles the raised hood of a cobra, hence it is also known as the Cobra Pose.

Dhanurasana: As the name suggests Dhanurasana is given its name due to the shape the body takes while performing it – that of a bow. Dhanu means bow.

Halasana: The pose of the body while performing this asana looks like that of a typical plow, hence the name Halasana.

Kukkutasana: In Sanskrit Kukkut means Cock or Rooster, this asana has been mentioned in antiquated sacred yoga texts like the Gheranda Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradeepika. It is particularly a difficult Pose that requires immense arms power and takes a lot of time and practice to perfect this asana.

Matyasana Mayurasana: Within the context of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga this form of asana is considered to be the counter asana to Sarvangasana.

Paschimothasana: Paschimottanasana is a simple asana and showcases a classic Hatha Yoga pose and it has many benefits.

Saryangasana: ‘Sarv’ means all; ‘anga’ means part of a body. Sarvangasana is a yoga pose wherein the whole body is balanced on the shoulders.

Siddhasana: In Sanskrit ‘Siddha’ means ‘accomplished’ or an ‘adept’ and ‘asana’ means a ‘pose’. Siddhasana is mentioned as one of the four most powerful sitting poses suited for meditation in the Hatha Yoga text Hatha Yoga Pradeepika.

Vajrasana: This diamond pose is also called Adamintine Pose. It takes its name from the Sanskrit word Vajra (वज्), which means diamond or thunderbolt and as the name suggests it is a kneeling pose. Breathing exercises like Pranayama, Kapalabhati, and Anulon Vilom are usually done while sitting in this position, and in doing so it is said that, the body becomes as strong as a diamond.

What Entails Divya yoga?

One of the most popular new age branches today is Divyayoga. Let’s take a look at the concept in detail.

The Vajrasana:

Divya Yoga they say has helped many with hair fall issues and hair accidents. With the use of your fingertips, there would be plenty of exercise given to your hair tips and follicles, in turn making the hair strong and healthy. This practice also helps with hair growth, which would make your crown the center of attraction at all times. Divya yogic experts recommend the use of DivyaKesh Tail, which helps combat issues that plague the head and scalp, even headaches and migraines too. The oil is manufactured in the labs of Swami Ramdev’s Divya pharmacy, and has the following ingredients in it;

The Vajrasana

  • Bhringa-raja
  • Brahmi
  • Amalakl (Amala)
  • ShwetaChandana

Divya Yoga and Pregnant Women:

It is such a blessing to be an expectant mother, Divya yoga offers many poses for pregnant women to practice, for example;

1. The Cat Pose helps with issues of the lower back, this is especially in the case of women who are expecting and have acute pains in this region. The pose helps women with adaptability and movement

2. The Heroine Pose helps with psychological, physical, airy and other ailments that plague pregnant women. It supports the functioning of the backbone and the muscles around, and the spinal chord on the whole.

The above two mentioned postures help with the areas surrounding the ribs, the high chest, shoulders and the thorax. Alignment of the body is possible, the chakras are well-harmonized and it doesn’t have any adverse effects on the mother to be, or the baby in the mother’s womb, say experts


The poses mentioned helps with the apt proportioning of the uterus. The diaphragm too is helped with easy movements, and respiration acts are made conducive for the expectant mother as well. Signals are transferred to the brain with ease and in abundance, but in a very calm and composed manner. The binding and abstraction of the uterus is taught through such poses, say experts. This is exactly what helps a woman at the time of delivery or while the act of labour is on.

See More: How To Lose Weight By Yoga By Ramdev Baba

Divya Yoga and Thyroid:

Patients suffering from thyroid now don’t have to spend large amounts on drugs for treatment. Experts opine the application of sarvangasan or accept stand to help with such issues.

  1. The patient needs to begin with the yogic accept stand pose, and slowly collapse on their back.
  2. Now he needs to raise his legs till it is bent to his shoulder
  3. The kneecap should be chest bound and tucked to the chest
  4. The elbows bear all the weight and the arms support the hips
  5. The accept bend is then done for two minutes to conclude the yogic exercise

The thyroid gland is responsible for the weight in the body and for the activity in the body. With the help of the above mentioned exercise, the thyroid gland is stimulated and made efficient to work. Other asanas to be used as a follow up are;

  • Naukasana
  • Uttanpadasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Yashtikasana

Case studies have shown proof:

In this day and age, everyone wants proof for such claims, and this is why when you check online, you’d find million testifying for Divya yoga. Baba Ramdev has done wonders for many, especially for those who suffer from issues of the body and the mind, through Divya yoga. The asanas he teaches have been replicated in easier ways, time and again, and across the globe.

There are more than a billion now learning and using the benefits of Divya yoga. Across the nation there are classes where one can learn his ways of being fit. Apart from that, Baba Ramdev has his own videos, CDs and DVDs, yoga camps too, where he offers guidelines and points on how make the best of your health through yoga. Workouts illustrated are simple and lucid, and the benefits too are told

See More: Kundalini Yoga Chakras

Divya Patanjali Products:

The yogic guru has gone one step ahead and brought about therapies and home remedies for everyone to use, namely Divya patanjali products. The potions and concoctions part of the patanjali divya yoga used are made from one hundred percent natural herbs and are known to help with almost every ailment and disease of the body and mind. There are no side effects to be bothered about, since the ingredients as mentioned are one hundred percent natural.


  1. With the yoga therapy in place, people suffering from chronic pains have benefitted from Divya yoga and patanjali
  2. Asanas mentioned and when used has helped many across the globe battle obesity and weight loss in a natural way, sans the need for surgery and costly medication
  3. Divya patanjali products generated from the labs of the Baba Ramdev Pharmacy has an answer to every health need and issue
  4. Natural sources and resources are procured and obtained to ensure that every piece of the medication is authentic and genuine.
  5. Herbal remedies which can be made at home is taught by the yogic masters too

Stay healthy and stay happy!!

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