Healthy Diet Myths Busted!

Healthy Diet Myths Busted!

There has been plenty of buzz revolving around eating habits and what’s good and bad for you, and as more and more people are facing obesity, the interest towards healthy diets that determine weight loss or weight maintenance has reached an all-time high. There have been numerous healthy diets and methods that have caught attention and that claim that low fat, fruit packed, low calorie diets are the ones that work best, but according to new studies, not everything that you considered a healthy choice actually is, so check out the following busted healthy diet myths and find out if you’re doing things right!

Low-fat Salad Dressing Myth Many diets suggest switching to salads and using a low-fat dressing along with it to cut back on the calories and fat intake, but according to DailyMail, nutritionist Vicki Edgson and celebrity trainer James Duigan claim that eating salads with a bit of fat (healthy fats) can help the body absorb nutrients more efficiently as most veggies are fat-soluble. This will help you get more nutrients and thus feel less hungry, which will enable you to stay away easily from snacking and packing on calories.

Healthy Diet Myths Busted!

Skim Milk Myth Many people have switched regular milk in favor of skim milk to avoid extra calories, but this could actually not be the best option you could make as far as your diet goes as regular milk is not that high in fat and it contains fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K, so if you’re drinking a glass or so of milk per day it’s better if you opt for the full fat milk instead.

Margarine Myth Most people switched using butter in favor of margarine which is less fatty and packs fewer calories than the natural version, but nutritionist Vicki Edgson says that you shouldn’t just let yourself be won over by the less calories part as margarine is a highly processed product that contains fats the body can’t break down, so your body will store the fat thus preventing you from reaching your weight loss goals. Butter is a natural product which does contain a higher number of calories and fat, but also contains a natural fatty acid which helps curb hunger and reduce the risk of heart disease, so it’s better if you opt for small quantities of butter over margarine.

Fruit in Diets When it comes to eating healthy, turning towards fruits and vegetables is highly recommended, but due to the sugary content of fruits it’s best to lean more towards veggies than fruits. The two experts say that it’s best when you eat fruit to eat the ones that have thin skin such as berries and apples and to add a few nuts to your snack to help keep your sugar levels balanced as a rapid increase in blood-sugar levels will lead to tiredness and more cravings for sweets.

The expert duo’s advice to healthy eating: turn towards wholesome, unprocessed foods as much as possible, so tell us: Are you eating right?

Healthy Diet Myths Busted!

Photos courtesy of Thinkstock Photos

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