The fusion between fashion and technology is growing every day, and impressive new ideas can help revolutionize the industry completely. From KickStarter projects to already established innovations, technology is pushing fashion forward at a rapid pace.
See a few of the most impressive technological innovations for the future of fashion, from smart clothes and fabrics that reject liquids to 3D printed fashion and clothes made from recycled bottles.
Self-Cleaning Hydrophobic Clothes
Chariot, a KickStarter project that used nano-hydrophobic technology to make clothes that don’t get wet could quickly become the next thing in fashion. Using a 95% cotton fabric that simply rejects any liquid, the process isn’t permanent.
After 80 washes, the clothing will lose the layer that protects it from any liquid stain, but it could easily be perfect to last even longer.
Smart Clothes
Most people think of smart clothes when technological innovations for the future of fashion come up. MetaWear, another KickStarter project, delivers a Bluetooth and sensor module the size of a quarter that only costs $30 and allows anyone with imagination to turn their clothes and accessories into real wearable technology.
Virtual Fitting Rooms
Unlike other technologies, that need to be perfected before being used in the fashion world on a large scale, virtual fitting rooms are already here. Created for the purpose of making online shopping easier and decreasing the return rate, virtual fitting rooms like allow the buyer to try on the clothes in a virtual environment, with their exact measures, before making an online purchase of an item.
Smart Tailoring (Direct Panel On Loom)
Many technological innovations for the future of fashion are focused on green aspects of the industry and DPOL or Direct Panel On Loom offers an exceptional increase in fabric efficiency. By using a computer-controlled loom, smart tailoring allows for the creation of the exact pieces needed for the construction of a garment, reducing waste, along with energy and water.
3D Printed Fashion
Many designers have already experimented with 3D printers to create unique pieces. As the 3D printing revolution approaches, these gadgets could become a simple way of making your own clothes, after using patterns that are available online. So far, the biggest interest use of the technology in fashion has been for jewelry, but it as printers become better and cheaper, they might even allow users to make their own shoes and bags.
Waterless Dying
Among the green technological innovations for the future of fashion, waterless dying is especially important. AirDye and Dyecoo are among the first companies to offer a new way of dying fabric, which reduces the water needed in the process dramatically, from 7 to 75 gallons per pound of fabric.
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Bamboo Textiles
Another green fashion staple, bamboo textiles are becoming increasingly common. Most of bamboo clothes are made from a 100% bamboo yarn, but the fibers can also be used in combination with cotton, spandex and hem. Growing bamboo for textiles leads to less pollution and waste than in the case of cotton and the end result is just as soft.
Digital Printing
Similar to waterless dying, digital printing allows designers to apply prints directly to a fabric or even a finished garment using a lot less resources. Up to 95% of the water used in traditional dying can be saved, along with up to 75% of the energy, and that’s why digital printing is one of the most important technological innovations for the future of fashion. Brands like Alexander McQueen have been using the process for years.
Clothes Made From Recycled Bottles
Believe it or not, recycled beer bottles could turn out to be an important part in the future of sustainable fashion. Companies like I AM NOT A VIRGIN have created jeans using up to 25% recycled bottle fiber.
Fabrics Made From Fermented Tea (Kombucha)
One of the most amazing technological innovations for the future of fashion, textiles made from fermented tea allow you to grow your own clothes. Kombucha has been used by designer and TED Senior Fellow Suzanne Lee to create fabrics and even vegetables leather.