Holistic Beauty Tips and Recipes

Holistic Beauty Tips and Recipes

The term ‘holism’ indicates that the parts constitute a complex whole and these parts can no longer be seen as individual units, but in a strong relation with the entire organism.

Holistic Health and Beauty

It helps perceive the organs as part of the body, your emotions and the environment as interconnected with your state of mind and health and ultimately with your skin.

Let’s face it, if you’re healthy, you will look and feel beautiful. Beauty has its roots in biology and represents a means of attraction. Now we’re asking you: what’s nature’s goal? Answer: To reproduce so that species continue to exist. So, you should know that beauty is used in nature as a visual representation of health.

Holistic Beauty Tips and Recipes

Holistic Beauty Recipes

Tropical Hair Milk

This holistic skin care treatment is just perfect for your scalp.

Ingredients: half a tin of organic coconut milk, 5 drops of Ylang Ylang oil, 4 teaspoons of Monoi of Tahiti oil.

You should blend all these ingredients together, and then pour the mixture into your hair. Massage it, leave it on for 5-10 minutes and then rinse. This hair treatment is suited for all types of hair.

Source: The Holistic Beauty Book written by Star Khechara (p 123)

Chocolate and Vanilla Mud Mask

You can use chocolate and vanilla as holistic beauty products. The combo tastes divinely and it has amazing benefits for your skin.

Ingredients: ¾ ox of ray cacao powder, ¾ oz of rhassoul mud powder, half vanilla pod and 3 tablespoons of coconut milk.

Firstly, you should scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod and mix then with the coconut milk. Then leave the mixture to infuse for half and hour. Once the time elapses, blend together with the powders. Apply the mixture on your freshly cleaned face and neck.

You should use this blending fresh and it’s amazing for all skin types, especially for dry ones.

Source: The Holistic Beauty Book written by Star Khechara (p 84)

Holistic Beauty Tips and Recipes

Spicy Rose Bath Powder

Are you in the mood for some relaxation? Here’s what you need to do!

Ingredients: 3 and ½ oz fine sea salt, 3 and ½ oz fragrant rose petals, ¾ oz cinnamon powder and 50 drops of rose essential oil.

Grind the rose petals to a fine powder in a blender. Then mix all the ingredients in a ball and add the essential oil. You’ll feel great and relaxed.

Source: schoolofholisticcosmetology.com

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