Homemade Anti-Aging Facials

Homemade Anti-Aging Facials

Delaying the first signs of skin aging has become a fairly realistic goal for many women nowadays. As we begin to acknowledge the main factors that contribute to skin aging along with the role that our habits play in this equation, we are becoming more and more concerned with turning the balance in our favor by paying attention to our skin care rituals.

Along with selecting skin care products that have ingredients which have proven to be effective in a myriad of scientific studies, taking a closer look at the natural and frugal ingredients that can make a difference in the way our skin looks is crucial. Selecting the right homemade facial for your skin type and for the problems you might be facing is the first step towards success. Another important factor that should be considered is the preparation and aftercare ritual. It is generally advisable to apply all face masks after the skin has been cleaned with a gentle cleanser to ensure that the skin will absorb the nutrients properly. Also, moisturizing after rinsing off the mask is advisable.Homemade Anti-Aging Facials

Carrot masks are a wonderful option for those who are struggling with dark spots. Carrots are one of the richest sources of vitamin A, which has been included in various anti aging creams.

A raw medium grated carrot is one of the simplest anti aging masks that can be used to treat unsightly discolorations. Apply the grated carrot on the affected areas massaging the skin gently and leave the mask on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Honey and almond flour can also be combined for a gentle face mask suitable for oily skin. Honey has been recognized to be a miraculous skin care ingredient for a long time because of its moisturizing and antiseptic properties.

Almond flour has a myriad of vitamins that have a beneficial impact on the skin. A thick paste applied on the skin is a wonderful natural exfoliant that makes the skin smooth and soft. The mixture is well tolerated even by sensitive skin types.

A chocolate anti-aging mask is a popular product in many spas. Aside from providing a relaxing experience, cocoa powder also has a lot of interesting properties that might help delay aging. Cocoa contains powerful antioxidants and various fatty acids which also help nourish the skin. Mix cocoa powder with honey, yogurt and and oatmeal powder until you get a fairly thick paste. The lactic acid from yogurt acts like a gentle chemical peel, while the oatmeal powder acts similar to a gentle facial scrub.

A seaweed mask is also beneficial for a firmer skin. Mix aloe vera with ground seaweed and a few drops of evening primrose oil and apply the mixture on the face and neck area with massaging the area gently to ensure that the active ingredients contained in the mask are well absorbed by the skin. Rinse after half an hour and apply a rich moisturizer.

A grapefruit and sour cream mask is one of the simplest solutions you can use when you need a refreshing mask that will also tighten the pores in the process. A wonderful choice for combination skin types, this mask is ready to use in no time. Mix a small amount of squeezed grapefruit juice with a few tablespoons of sour cream. Use this masks two to three times weekly for best results.

Homemade Anti-Aging Facials

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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