Homemade Facials for Combination Skin

Homemade Facials for Combination Skin

The desire to avoid potentially dangerous chemicals found in several conventional skin care products, an effort to make the overall skin care routine a little more eco-friendly or simply an attempt to find frugal alternatives in beauty care are perhaps the main reasons why most women are starting to pay more attention to homemade facials and other homemade beauty products in general. Although we are able to find a variety of recipes consisting of various ingredients when looking for homemade masks, adjusting them to meet our own specific needs is advisable.

Although finding mask recipes for dry and oily skin is relatively easy since the ingredients used are either moisturizing or slightly astringent, when it comes to the combination skin type, things can be difficult. Because the combination skin type has both the characteristics of oily and dry skin, finding a balance is extremely important.

Even though a relatively simple solution is using two different masks for various areas of the face, for many women this might not be a suitable option, due to various time restrains. Here are a few simple and affordable options you can use:Homemade Facials for Combination Skin

Pumpkin mask Although pumpkins might not be frequently used in skin care products, it is important to know that they have a series of impressive properties that can be beneficial for your skin. First of all, pumpkins are rich in beta carotene, an antioxidant that has the power to fight free radicals. Secondly, pumpkins are a good source of vitamin C and E, both of which are essential for your skin’s health.

Moreover, pumpkins also contain zinc, which might be beneficial for those who struggle with acne. To make a nourishing face mask, try mixing two teaspoons of cooked pumpkin with half a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of milk. Leave the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes and then rinse off. If you want an exfoliating mask mixing cooked pumpkin with sugar and cinnamon is a good choice.

Clay and almond milk facial While clay is an ingredient that is suitable for oily skin types, when combined with almond milk, it can be a wonderful alternative for combination skin types as well. Almond milk is an excellent moisturizer and at the same time removes excess oil and impurities from the skin. Mixing equal parts of almond milk and clay is perhaps the simplest homemade facial that can be used. However, this facial might not be suitable for everyone. Those who have nut allergy might experience unpleasant symptoms if they use this mask. To prevent any unpleasant surprises, testing on a less visible skin area first is highly recommendable.

Rose facial mask If you feel the need for a little spa-like pampering, then a rose facial mask can be your best bet. For this mask you will use the crushed petals from one rose, a tablespoon of rosewater, yogurt and honey. Mix all the ingredients and apply it on the face with gentle circular massage motions. Rinse the mask off after 15 minutes. Rosewater is suitable for all skin types, honey is one of the best natural moisturizers and yogurt nourishes the skin while providing a gentle exfoliation at the same time.

Peach mask For a nourishing mask you will only need a ripe peach, one egg white and a tablespoon of sour cream. Blend all the ingredients, apply the mix on the cleaned skin and leave it on for 15 minutes. After that, pat dry the skin and apply moisturizer. This mask is a wonderful choice for sensitive skin as it does not contain ingredients that might irritate the skin.

Homemade Facials for Combination Skin

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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