Homeopathy Medicines For Weight Loss

In today’s times, obesity is becoming a growing medical problem in both kids and adults alike. Unhealthy weight gain is often the result of poor diet and lack of exercise. There are several treatments that claim to reduce weight easily, but sadly the side effects are greater than the benefits. In order to cure obesity, homeopathy is the most effective and time tested method. It is also safe and proven treatment for weight loss with no side effects at all. Apart from giving you the much wanted weight loss, homeopathy treatment also enhances elementary system, metabolic system and digestive system.

Advantages Of Homeopathy Over Traditional Medicine

Homeopathy medicines are made entirely from natural botanical extracts, and therefore do not carry any risks that come with the use of traditional medicines. This is the main advantage, making it the more preferable choice. The convenience and ease of homeopathy remedies also make it a suitable choice. You are spared from the agonizing wait at doctor’s chamber or standing in a long queue at the pharmacy. Homeopathy is vast science and addresses each obesity issue separately and therefore offers better treatment than traditional medicines.

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Homeopathic Medicines For Weight Loss:

homeopathic medicines for weight loss

• Ammonium Carb:

Ammonium Carb is a good homeopathy medicine to cure obesity in person with weak heart. Besides it also offers relief to persons who are sensitive to cold.

• Antimonium Crudum:

Overeating is the main cause of obesity. Consuming Antimonium Crudum will curb your eating urge when you are extremely stressed and irritated, a condition in which we make wrong eating choice. It is effective for people with fat tendency mainly because of indigestion and overeating.

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• Calcarea Carbonica:

This is a magical treatment in homeopathy for weight loss. As the name suggests, Calcarea Carbonica is calcium carbonate derived from the central layer of oyster shells. The calming property in this medicine is best for emotional eaters and those who feel hungry just after eating. This will directly help you in cutting down calories.

• Fucus Vesiculosus:

This remedy is used when Calcarea Carbonica fails to give desired results. Fucus Vesiculosus is effective in treating flatulence, indigestion and acute constipation. It is also a good cure for goitre. Fucus Vesiculosus should be taken in drops with mother tincture.

• Ammonium Mur:

Ammonium Mur is best used in cases where the body is overall fat and legs are comparatively thin. It also helps patients with large buttocks.

• Capsicum:

This treatment is particularly suitable for persons with heart weakness and insufficient lax fiber. It also offers cure from indigestion and myalgia. Capsicum can also be used to cure obesity even among children.

• Aurum Metallicum:

Aurum Metallicum is an effective homeopathy remedy for weight loss especially for obese patients with high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

• Ferrum Metallicum:

The use of Ferrum Metallicum for obesity is widespread. It is preferable for obese patients with puffy face and anaemia. However this medicine should be carefully prescribed for patients with haemorrhagic phthisis as it may aggravate the condition. It is also good for children.

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• Phytoline:

Phytoline is a superb fat reducer. It is prescribed for patients with palpitation, nausea, eructations and difficulty in sitting and walking. This medicine should always be prepared in mother tincture.

• Calotropis Gigantea:

Calotropis Gigantea is a good homeopathy treatment to reduce body fat without any substantial weight loss. In this treatment the flesh is decreased that in turn makes the muscles firmer and harder.

• Lycopodium 30c:

If you have strong sweet cravings very often, this homeopathy medicine is very helpful. Single dose of Lycopodium 30c can instantly curb your sweet craving s and indirectly assist in weight loss.

The benefits of homeopathy treatments are diverse. Before using any of the above mentioned homeopathy medicines for weight loss it is important to consult a professional and follow the full course.

Image Source: Shutter stock

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