How to Apply Mascara Properly?

Mascara is one of the basic things without which you won’t be able to complete your makeup. Eyes are the most important section of our face and it takes lots of effort to make it look attractive. And for a perfect eye makeup we need mascara. By the application of mascara our eye lashes become perfect. We usually do not give much interest on the procedure. However we should never forget that, everything in the world of makeup has an ideal procedure. So, here are some steps that will help you to understand the Procedure for How to Apply Mascara Properly?

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So apart from mascara the things that you will need are: Primer for eyes (optional), concealer, eyeliner, eye shadow and the other two most important things are lash comb and lash curler.

How to Apply Mascara Properly:

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1. Find Proper Mascara:

Mascaras of different purpose like lashes volume or length or colour or definition are available every where. So choose proper mascara according to your purpose. Even if it comes with a well know brand please don’t forget to test it out.

2. Apply other Makeup First:

first clean your eyes then apply primer, concealer and foundation one after another. Primer along with a concealer and foundation are important if you seek long lasting makeup. Once you are done with primer you can follow this by applying Eye shadow and eyeliner.

3. Open The Mascara:

Open the mascara brush; make sure the bristles are coated properly. If not then dip the brush into the mascara bottle 2-3 times. Get the excess off from the mascara applicator by rubbing it in the interior edge of the mascara tube.

4. Position Yourself Comfortably in Front of a Mirror:

Make yourself comfortable in front of a mirror by leaning your dominant elbow on a fixed surface. With a firm hand, apply mascara from the roots then smoothly pull the wand up to the endings of your lashes. Remember if you don’t get your mascara from the bottom of your lashes, your lashes will appear shorter than they are. Move the wand back and forth to avoid clumps. Now do the same steps for the lower lashes.

Most of us worry about getting mascara on eyeliner; so to avoid this one can stick a business card behind eyelashes to avoid smudging.

5. Use a lash Comb:

To comb out the excess mascara clumps on the lashes take the help of lash comb. Start off by closing your eye and by combing from roots to tips of the lashes. Now open your eyes and gently comb the eye lashes from the roots to the tip. You have to do this before the mascara dries, or else the mascara will come off into your eyes and down to your cheek. And also comb the lower eye lash line in the same manner.

6. Repeat The Mascara:

Applying more than one coat is not a bad idea. You can evenly run it along your upper and lower eyelashes to make you lashes more full. Though most of the mascaras are only supposed to be coated twice. But if you wish to apply it more than that you have to be quick as putting fresh mascara on top of an unbending coat will make your lashes look spidery.

7. Adding Curl:

Allow the mascara to dry for 2 minutes. After that use the lash curler to add curl. This step is optional; however you can do this if you are not pleased with the curl.

8. Remove any Mascara Smudges with Makeup Remover:

Put a cotton bud on the top of the smudge, and lightly turn it around in place until it comes off.

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