How to Avoid Pregnancy

Are you escaping from getting pregnant? Do you want to know the tips to prevent pregnancy? The birth control you use is an individual choice that should be sensibly measured. Instructing yourself on the numerous methods is the chief step to discover the one that fits with your lifestyle as well as beliefs. Evading pregnancy is a decent idea for many women and couples, for many diverse reasons, liable on their conditions. Hence, today in this article we are telling you the best methods to avoid pregnancy.

how to avoid pregnancy

Not each couple wishes to start a family early in their marriage. To evade getting pregnant throughout your honeymoon (or at any other time), you need to use birth control. A honeymoon is typically a time of joyous and unrestrained lovemaking, when a couple finally has the time and place to be alone together undisturbed. There are many reasons beside honeymoon such as their career, job, money problem, living problem or family problem, too young to young to parent a child properly, complications because of their age, refusal or unpreparedness to hold the challenges, some spiritual or moral reasons, otherwise genetic problems that the parent doesn’t want to permit to children.

Pregnancy is a joyful event if it is a scheduled one. Contraceptives are the best as well as safe options to avoid pregnancy. Nowadays, there are many pregnancy control methods or techniques are available and you can select from them according to your convenience. The birth control techniques are not so expensive and hence, you can use them at a very low cost.

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Methods to Avoid Pregnancy:

Now, here we are giving you a list of best methods or contraceptives to avoid pregnancy. Both men and women can use the contraceptives and they are as follows;

1. Use Condoms:

Rubber condoms are worn on the penis for the duration of intercourse. When joint with spermicide, they are equal to 98% actual in stopping pregnancy, and one of the coolest methods. Condoms also defend alongside sexually carried diseases, or STDs. They avoid pregnancy by keeping semen from approaching into interaction with rich eggs. They are free or low-cost, cool to find, and don’t need any prescriptions or doctors’ appointments because it is available at drug stores and grocery stores. Some people have sensitivities to latex condoms, and select condoms prepared of plastic in its place.

2. Female Condoms:

It is also made of latex; female condoms are designed like a ring with a bag. The bag fits inside the vagina; however the ring stops external the body to grasp it in place. They gather semen for the duration of intercourse so it never has a chance to pass in the woman’s body. Female condoms also decrease the danger of STDs by defensive the vagina from openly getting moved. Female condoms are somewhat less actual than steady condoms, and certain people reveal that they are less relaxed to use.

3. Avoid Intercourse:

This is the greatest operative way to evade an unplanned pregnancy. If you choose not to have intercourse, there is no way that you can get pregnant. Self-discipline is by far the harmless and most real mode of birth control. Once you choose to have sexual intercourse, you can option to a extensive diversity of contraceptive options, but the distressing prospect of a pregnancy still continue as there are several other related factors connected to each of the methods. For artificial contraceptive approaches to be operative, it requires an arrangement of your bodily system, the appliance and the timing.

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4. Female Contraceptive Devices:

There are many female contraceptive devices are exist and they are as follows:-


IUD or intrauterine device is additional option that is a contraceptive insert that is implanted intimate the uterus and can be accepted for 5-10 years. It is very operative in stopping an accidental pregnancy.

The Pill:

Birth control pills are the most widespread among the contraceptive choices used by women. “The Pill,” contains synthetic estrogen as well as progestin hormones that save a woman’s eggs from leaving her ovaries, so that pregnancy can’t occur. Pills are extremely and 99% operative and it is sensible to take them below medical prescription. Contraceptive pills are obtainable on a prescription-only basis from your gynecologist or health care provider. The Pill must be occupied every day, at the same time each day, to work correctly. Skipping a few days could cut its effectiveness.


You can select to use a diaphragm which is a minute supple rubber disc and it is 80%-90% effective. This desires to be injected into the cervix over the vagina of the woman beneath a clinical setting. The diaphragm is modified in relations of size and it shelters the cervix so making a wall for the semen. It also carries spermicide and wants to stay in the woman for at least 6 hours succeeding an intercourse.

See More: Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Female Sponge:

Women can also evade pregnancy by using the sponge as it is a harmless birth control portion and unlike other options (for women), it is hormone free. It is suitable to use and very operative as well. The only problem is that it is however not extensively accessible, at least in the native drug stores. The sponge desires to be introduced inside the vagina and can efficiently defend sexually communicated diseases.

Traditional IUDs:

Prepared from copper, these are low-cost and long-term, and can be used as emergency contraception. The inclusion is complete by a doctor and takings just five minutes. The efficiency is 96%-98%, a slight less than modern IUDs with hormones free.


This technique is one of the greatest effective reversible contraceptive approaches, with an over 99% efficiency rate in contradiction of pregnancy. You acquire an injection every twelve weeks from a doctor or clinic.

Birth Control Patch:

One more 99% operative method that is relaxed to think of than pills. You put on a new patch each week, and that’s it. Your period will be more even than with other methods, though this also doesn’t defend alongside STDs.

Mirena IUD:

This nontraditional IUD is employed directly into the uterus by a doctor or similar expert. It issues small quantities of hormones that have confirmed 99% operative in contradiction of pregnancy.

If you want to permanently avoid the pregnancy then there vasectomy for men and Tubal Ligation for women are attainable. So, these are best methods to avoid pregnancy, I hope you find this article very helpful as well as interesting. Enjoy with this methods!

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