How to Choose the Best Hair Color for Pale Skin and Brown Eyes

How to Choose the Best Hair Color for Pale Skin and Brown Eyes

Choosing the perfect hair color for pale skin and brown eyes is a simple process once you figure out if your skin tone is warm or cool. Find out what hair color for fair skin and brown eyes works best for you, based on your skin tone and eye color differences.

A warm skin tone is easy to recognize after the hue of the veins in your inner wrists. If they have a slightly green tint, you have a warm skin tone, if they’re more blue, then your skin tone is cold. Once you know this important distinction about your skin, it’s easier to choose hair colors for pale skin and brown eyes.

How to Choose Hair Colors for Pale Skin and Brown Eyes

When you have a very light skin tone, you can also go for a pale hair color. On a warm skin, you’re better off choosing warmer color, but if you have a cold skin tone, you can opt for platinum blond, flaxen or champagne.

Hair Color for Pale Skin and Light Brown Eyes

If your brown eyes have a golden tint, you have more good options available and you can get away more easily with cooler colors. The best look might be a medium brown with lighter highlights. Choose blond highlights for more texture.

How to Choose the Best Hair Color for Pale Skin and Brown Eyes

Hair Color for Pale Skin and Darker Brown Eyes

Dark brown eyes offer a great contrast with fair skin and the best looks involve natural colors, not too different from your natural hair color.

You can also opt for cool colors but don’t go too far with the right hue when you want to be a light blonde. If you choose a two-tone color, lowlights work best.

Hair Colors for Fair Skin and Brown Eyes

If your natural hair color is light brown or lighter, you can choose a very light color that will complement your skin. This works best with a warm skin tone.

Bright red is one of the good hair colors for pale skin and brown eyes. Light or medium auburn can be a good look for you, especially if your eyes are light brown.

Going very dark is another good choice for a Snow White look. Choose dark chestnut brown for great contrast with your skin, but stay away from black with blue hues if you don’t have a cold skin tone.

No matter what hair color for pale skin and brown eyes you end up choosing, don’t try to make a radical change too fast. Consult a salon professional especially when you’ve decided on a shade much lighter than your natural color, a hair color for fair skin and brown eyes that may suit you best.

How to Choose the Best Hair Color for Pale Skin and Brown Eyes

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