How to Clean Hair Styling Tools

How to Clean Hair Styling Tools

It’s also worth mentioning that keeping your hair tools clean will provide you with a flawless style. Thus, you’ll get to rock perfect curls or a super straight mane that will make heads turn.

How to Clean Hair Accessories: Brushes and Combs

It’s very important to learn how to clean hair accessories, especially the most common ones, your brushes and combs. The first step of the process involves picking out the hair. Once you finish this action, you’ll probably notice a build-up at the base of your brush’s bristles. Now it’s time to take an old tooth brush and gently scrub your hair accessories with a bit of shampoo and warm water. Make sure to scrub until you remove all build-up.

How to Clean Hair Styling Tools

Cleaning Hair Styling Tools: Curling and Flat Irons

The next step involves cleaning hair styling tools. In this category you should include your curling or flat iron and also your hot rollers. Before you proceed, you should make sure that your devices are unplugged and cool. So, if you want to remove any product build-up or hairspray, you should pour a bit of sanitary alcohol on a piece of paper and then start rubbing the barrel. Continue by taking your old toothbrush and clean all the small spaces. Afterwards, take a clean and damp cloth and wipe your device with it. Finally, let your styling tools dry.

How to Clean Washable Hair Accessories

Hair accessories make you look beautiful, nonetheless, at some point you might consider reusing them. You’ve probably slept or even cleaned your house with them on, so they should be dirty. That being said, it’s time to find a solution. Here’s how to clean washable hair accessories!

Start by filling a medium bowl with warm water and add a bit of shampoo. Then place all your hair accessories and let them soak for a couple of minutes. Gently scrub each of your items using your fingers. This way, you’ll get rid of grease and build-ups. Once you’ve finished, rinse them with clean water.

How to Clean Hair Tools: White Vinegar

White vinegar is also excellent at cleaning hair styling tools. Mist a bit of this substance over your item and then wipe it with a cleaning cloth. The white vinegar has a lot of antibacterial benefits, so you’ll remove both germs and bacteria from your hair styling tools. You can also keep this effective solution in a spray bottle, as it will be easier for you to mist it directly on your curling or flat iron.

See also:How to Clean Hair BrushesEffective Anti Static Hair Products

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