How to Color Hair at Home Easily?

The hair is considered to be a very valuable asset in a woman’s life. In order to take good care of it, she tries different kinds of styles. One of the most famous steps is hair Colouring. They will give you a very unique and well defined look.

how to color hair at home

Why spend thousands of bucks at the parlour when you can get it done easily at home? Whether you are worrying about what kind of colour you should use, then we suggest you this amazing article that shall guide you throughout the procedure and help you achieve the look you have always wanted. They are pretty easy to do and are quite inexpensive as well. So read the following paragraphs carefully on How to Color Hair at Home Easily?


Tips and Rules for How To Color Hair At Home:

There are a few basic rules you need to follow before you start coloring your hair. The first thing is to be conservative. Don’t choose any colour that is two to three shades darker than your original colour. The next thing is to ask a friend to give you accompany you. She will watch you as you colour your hair and also tell you if you have missed a spot. The third you have to do is get some deep conditioning treatment at least once a week so that your hair is shiny. The final thing you have to do is dye only your roots after you have dyed for the first time. If you have kept these points in time, hair coloring should not be a problem for you.

See More : Applying Colored Hair Ideas

The Tools You Will Need:


You will need certain tools before you colour your hair. The first thing is a paintbrush. It should be one or two inches wide. The next thing you will need is a bowl so that you can mix the dye and swirl the brush when you need to. The third thing is clips. This will help you in pinning up your hair. The fourth equipment is a rat tailed comb. This will help in dividing the hair into equal sections. You will also need two dark towels and an alcohol based facial toner.

Don’t Always Trust on the Box:

You don’t always have to trust the picture on the box. Hair dye reacts differently to different kinds of texture and even though you get it done by a professional, you still might not end up looking like the person on the box. Focus on the description of the colour instead. That will act as a better guide and give you good and beneficial advice regarding your hair.

Do a Strand Test:

The third thing you need to do is a strand test. This will help you to understand whether you really like the colour and also remind you how long you need to keep your dye on. You can simply do this by dying a small section of your hair and then wiping it off with a wet cloth. Then use a towel to remove the colour completely. This will help you understand which colour you should use and how long should you keep it still.

See More: Best Shampoos for Coloured Hair

Wash Your Hair:


Before you dye your hair, make sure you have washed it an 48 hours before. This will make dying a very easy process. If it is possible, you might want to avoid a conditioner. But if you feel that your hair is too dry, then you can apply a good conditioner for the next five minutes. This will help in retaining the moisture of your hair and your hair won’t dry up too quick.

Get Ready:

The next thing you need to do is get ready. Take a towel and drape it around your shoulders. This will prevent your clothes from getting dirty. You should also wear your gloves. Make sure they are made of normal rubber. Even latex will do. Wearing gloves will keep your hands safe and also prevent them from becoming too dirty.

Mix the Dye:


Now you have to mix the dye. Take a bowl, a brush and the dye. Follow the directions that have been shown in at the back of the product. Now mix the dye in a bowl. If the dye kit doesn’t come with a bowl, use a bowl at home. Plastic bowls are usually the best. If the kit doesn’t provide you with a good paint brush, you will have to buy it from a local craft store. The best ones are usually one and a half to two inches wide.

See More: Hair Color Sprays

Paint Your Hair:


After you have finished the strand test, you need to paint your hair. Take each strand and apply with brush. If the colour is too light, then you may reapply again. If you don’t like a light or dark version, you can try a different test. You will also need a comb to part different sections of your hair. These sections will ensure you don’t miss out on a single patch of your hair.

See More : How To Remove Hair Colour Naturally

Apply the Dye in Each Section:

Break your hair into smaller subsections. Start painting from the roots of your hair. If you start from your ends, the colours will not match and you might end up looking like a zebra. Work the dye so well that so that it simply looks more than a normal hair colour. You are definitely going to look like a princess at the end.

Set a Timer:


The final thing you need to do is set a timer. If you have a lot of grey hair, then you might want to keep your hair for a longer period of time. But don’t keep your dye over night as this will dry out your hair. It will open up the scales more than necessary.

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