How To Do A Diamond Facial?

Diamond facial is one of the most effective age control therapy. It is a non-surgical peel therapy which can be done at home without much hassle. It is very beneficial for making up for the damage caused to your skin by pollution, harmful sun rays, etc. This facial is for those, who relish their skin to the maximum. This kind of facial has been in practice since ages and people still consider it as one of the best beauty solutions. You will find numerous diamond facial kits in the market which will come with diamond scrub, massage gel, detoxifying solution and a face mask and will cost you not more than Rs.1000 (INR).

Diamond Facial

How To Do A Diamond Facial?

Many beauty salons offer a diamond facial treatment which costs a lot. But you can spend much less and perform this facial simply at your home. Doing diamond facial is not that hard, though it requires patience and a number of products.

So you will have to find ways to budget that. Many stylists have come with numerous products for performing the most revolutionary diamond facial.

What’s depressing is that only a few of them actually work. Following are the list of the beauty products that you will need for performing a diamond facial.

  • Diamond scrub.
  • Diamond skin revitalizing mask.
  • Shaweeds
  • Plant protein rejuvenating mask.
  • Diamond skin nourishing cream.
  • Diamond re-hydrant lotion
  • Pink lotus
  • Sharose
  • Shasmooth
  • Diamond exfoliator.

See More: Homemade Facial Tips

Operating A Successful Diamond Facial:

First, use Sharose on your skin and cleanse your face with it. Then apply the plant protein rejuvenating mask on your skin and let it dry. When it dries up, take the milk and press it on the face and rub it. Do not rub thoroughly or it may make your skin itchy. After it off with water use the Shasmooth on the areas surrounding the eyes and gently manipulate it for 5-10 minutes. After all that being done, take the Diamond Skin Nourishing Cream and use it on the face and rub it tenderly for 15-20 minutes. You can use water (cold water) to rub more comfortably. Now, take the Sharose and flatten the skin using cotton pads marinated in cold water.

Apply the Diamond Skin Revitalizing Mask on the whole face evading the lips and eyes. Now, use the Shaweeds around the eyes and use a misty piece of cotton wool on the face after keeping the previous product for 15-20 minutes. Finish the treatment by applying Pink Lotus on the face to provide the skin with a defensive layer.

See More: Deep Cleansing Facial At Home

Diamond Facial Benefits:

Diamond Facial gives your skin that shine you always wanted. Some of the diamond facial benefits are as followed.

  • Diamond Facial enhances the effect of exfoliation compared to other therapies. It eliminates the deal skin cells from the face leaving you with the brightest skin.
  • If you’re dealing with a variety of skin problems such as tanning. They eradicate harmful toxins from the face and make it look hydrated and nourished.
  • This facial provides the skin with a uniform skin tone and removes blackheads effectively.
    After performing a diamond facial, your skin will breathe more comfortably.
  • One of the prime benefits for performing a diamond facial is that it will relax your skin and prepare it for the hectic week at work.
  • It relieves the skin from all kinds of irritation and reduces wrinkles and other signs of aging.

See More: Face Steam At Home

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