It’s all about the attitude – preppy is indeed a happy and constantly optimistic person. If you’ll find out the main principles of becoming a Prep you’ll know how to acquire the essence of this style and know how to dress preppy.
That’s why the following ideas will make your job easier when adopting a stylish preppy look.
Preppy Attitude Usually preps are considered very vivid and nice people. Smiling is key when adopting this style as well as good manners. The followers of the preppy style have a sophisticated taste for cultural and social stuff. However don’t confuse them with posh, snobby people.
Classic Outfit To adopt an original preppy look, you should choose elegant and classic clothes. Bright colored casual outfits are replaced by a constantly refined, Ivy League look. Get some inspiration from old English movies, that show university students in their formal clothes.
Wear clothes always clean and well-tailored. There is another branch of this style the preppy boho. Those who prefer the boho look should opt rather for that one. Nowadays you can find these clothes under brands such as Lacoste, Ralph Lauren or Ann Taylor.
Preppy Must Haves There are several clothes and accessories that are signature pieces of the preppy style. In fact the point is to create the perfect combo of patterns and colors. A neat and well-defined outfit will guarantee your success. Let’s see the list of preppy must haves:
Shirts – Polo and Oxford shirts are essential pieces to create the preppy look. Whether you choose long- or short-sleeved ones, these will give you many options for achieving great combinations.
Skirts and dresses – Combine these fabulous tees with pencil skirts or short plaid ones. It is recommended to opt for pastel colors, khaki and tan are highly appreciated among preps. However if you would like to have a brighter look, then you can wear pleated skirts with a vivid colored shirt. Nautical skirts can be another option to dress preppy.
Polo dresses are bang on trend especially striped ones, combining them with high heels or strappy sandals you’ll look extremely elegant. Choose from the signature patterns of preppy style as: polka dots, stripes, argyle and plaid.
Pants and shorts – Bermudas are must haves of this look. Both in the case of boys and girls. These go with any kind of plain or patterned top. Choose a bright color combination if you would like to reflect your attitude. Jeans are also appropriate however without any discoloration or rips.
Shoes – Preppy girls should opt for ballet flats or ribbon flip-flops. However if you want to combine it with a modern look, you can opt for leather high heels
Accessories – Wear simple classic pieces, usually silver or gold. Preps like sophisticated stuff, if you want to make your look more girlie choose small headbands and ribbons.