How to Get Pregnant on The Depo Shot

The depo shot primarily is a contraceptive that removes the need of daily birth control. It is a 12 weeks process where you must administer a depo shot which is done by a skilled physician to remove the need for any daily contraception. It not only removes the need to use other contraceptive methods such as the pill but it is more of a full proof process as compared to all other contraception methods which have their loop holes.

To get pregnant when on the depo shot you have to primarily stop visiting your physician and administering the shot. By doing so you are giving your body the opportunity to build new space for more eggs which can be fertilized. Like all contraceptive methods the depo shot primarily kills or destroys the egg in your uterus stopping any and all means of fertilization for a limited period of time. Normally this time period stretches for about 12 weeks or three months making it necessary to take the depo shot every 12 weeks.

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The Pros and Cons of The Depo Shot:

How to Get Pregnant on The Depo Shot

If you are able to stop taking the depo shot for a period of more than 12 weeks then your body will be suitable for having a baby. You can at this time try for a baby from which you will surely be successful. Getting pregnant after depo takes some time as mentioned above a depo dose takes about 3 months to subside. But it is not a difficult matter after the dosage subsides because then your body will return quite naturally to normal. The best part about depo is that it has no known side effects and is very full proof so you do not have to worry about anything.

Sometimes the question arises as to can you get pregnant on the depo shot which is absolutely not possible as the depo shot is a very strong contraceptive that works in an equal ratio over a period of three months. You can though get pregnant by staying off the depo shot for a period of more than three months. It is not that difficult to manage your pregnancy cycle once off the depo shot as mentioned above it has no known side effects.

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The Preferable Way of Doing Things:

How to Get Pregnant on The Depo Shot

Getting pregnant on depo shot is a very rare case but at the end of the day everything is possible. It is preferable though to stay off the depo shot when you are trying to get pregnant as chances of you getting pregnant during this time off the depo shot is much higher than when you are on it.


When consulting on the fact of getting pregnant on depo shot you must consult your physician but seeing that the depo shot is a contraceptive it is necessary that you keep away from the depo shot as soon as you wish to start trying for a baby. When on the depo shot though it does not have any side effects it will clash with your interest in having a baby as at the end of the day it is a contraceptive.

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the depo shot is a contraceptive that needs to be taken every few months or so when you are not trying for a baby. It is a full proof process with no side effects but when trying for a baby it is favourable that you stop taking the depo shot.

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