How to Get Rid of Back Fat by Yoga, Exercise and Home Remedies

Over a period of a long time if you take in poor nutrition diet and there is a lack of exercise in your daily routine regime then fat starts accumulating on the back portion of your body. This prevails with women way too much because of a sedentary lifestyle and lack of nutritious and high fibre diet.

Back fat disrupts your looks and even imposes a restriction on your outfit that will not let you wear backless and deep cut tops. Back fat accumulation even drops your confidence and self-assurance; it even confines your movements as well. But there is a good news! Some of these diet tips, yoga poses and exercises can avail you to reduce back fat effectively when practiced daily.

How To Reduce Back Fat By Yoga And Exercises

Causes of Back Fat:

1. Being Overweight:

There are various reasons causes deposition of fat on women’s back. One of the major reasons of fast deposition on one’s back is being overweight. If a woman’s body weight is more than her BMI (Body Mass Index), then fat will start to deposit on the back.

2. Irregular Eating:

Secondly if you have poor or irregular eating habits, the diet which has less of protein, minerals and fibre and high carbohydrates will lead to fat deposition on back.

3. Lack Of Exercising:

If you do not follow a daily workout regime and the body lacks exercises could be one the major reasons of fat deposition.

4. Genetic Disorders:

Some females face genetic disorders, medical conditions which could be another strong reason for fat on back.

5. Hormone Changes:

One more cause of deposition of fat in the back could be changes in the hormones. If there are changes in hormones, then it can lead to bulgy backs.

6. Age Matters:

Lastly, age matters. As you grow in age the skin starts running down and that cause to raise back fat.

It is very essential to be motivated all throughout the workout session and be consistent and regular for the results to be seen. Wear comfortable clothes as required for each and every workout and begin at a slow pace and gradually increase the pace and go sweaty to get that sexy back.

How to Reduce Back Fat by Exercises:

Exercising is only the best way to reduce back fat apart from other regimens. Let’s see few of the selective exercises for back fat and which are effective.

1. The Dumb Bells Exercise:

This targets back fat and is also helpful in burning calories. This is a basic dumbbell exercise reduce back fat. Here is a quick way to lose back fat.

Exercise To Reduce Back Fat Dumb Bells

How to do:

  • Stand erect with the feet hip distance apart.
  • Take a 1kg dumbbell on right hand and keep the left hand on the hip.
  • Lift the right hand above the head and stretch.
  • Lift the left leg and bend at the knee.
  • Raise the left knee towards the right elbow which has the dumbbell.
  • Stretch and hold the position.
  • Come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the other side.

At least do 12 to 15 sets on each side and see how you get rid of back fat.

2. Dumbbell Shrugs:

This strengthens the shoulder muscles and reduces upper back fat. Follow these steps to get rid of back fat.

To Lose Back Fat Dumbbell Shrugs

How to do:

  • Stand with the feet wide apart.
  • Keep arms close to the body holding 1 kg dumbbells in each of your hands?
  • Raise the arms so that the shoulders are close to the ears.
  • Hold the shrug position for a count of five and release. One is actually shrugging the shoulders.

Repeat the exercise for 10 to 12 sets on a daily basis and you will notice the positive changes in your body.

3. Dumbbell Rows:

These are one of the best exercises for back and if done correctly works wonders for reducing back fat and love handles.

Back Fat Workout Dumbbell Rows

How to do:

  • Stand with the feet hip distance apart.
  • Hold 1 kg dumbbells in each hand.
  • Bend down keeping the back straight and put down the dumbbells, with the hands straight and
    no bend at the elbows. This is the starting position.
  • Slowly bend the hands at the elbows and take the dumbbells as close to the body as possible.
  • Take it to the chest level at the sides.
  • Again, start over.

Repeat for 10 to 12 sets on regular basis and ensure your back is straight all through the exercise.

4. Exercise with Kettle Bell:

Kettle bell exercises are very good for targeting overall strength for the body, especially back bulges, back fat and belly fat. Kettle bells form part of strength training workouts. This is actually weights in the shape of a kettle targeting strength, cardio and high-intensity workouts. Here is how you can try this exercise to reduce lower back fat.

Reduce Back Fat With Kettle Bell

How to do:

  • Stand with the feet wide apart firm on the ground.
  • Position the kettle bell in front of you.
  • Now slightly bending forward, hold the handle of the kettle bell firmly with both the hands.
  • Come up and stand straight.
  • Now bend the knees slightly and swing the kettle bell between legs back and front of you, till the
  • raise to chest level.

Repeat for 12 to 15 sets and relax on a daily basis. Allow your body to sweat it a bit, and let it all burn.

See More: How To Get Rid of Upper Back Fat

5. Abdominal Crunches:

Crunches are the best back fat workout that targets abdominal fat and both lower back and upper back fat. If not done properly, this can injure the neck and shoulders. Hence, it’s very important to be careful while doing crunches.

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat With Abdominal Crunches

How to do:

  • Lie flat on the mat with the body touching the mat fully.
  • Now gently raise the legs and bend at the knee.
  • Cross the hands at the chest.
  • Now lift the body from the chest.
  • The neck and head with chest should be above the floor.
  • Come back to starting position.
  • Repeat the crunches for 12-15 sets.

Crossing the hands don’t cause injury to neck unlike holding the hands at the back of the neck.

6. Pelvic Thrusts for Back Fat:

If you want to try back fat exercises at home, then you can try this. It is a fabulous exercise for the back and completely shapes and tones you up. This is an amazing floor exercise to reduce back fat.

Back Fat Exercises At home Floor Exercise

How to do:

  • Lie on a yoga mat or floor mat with the back straight.
  • Bend the legs at the knees and spread the legs wide.
  • Lift your back and arch. Lift the pelvic area above the floor.
  • The body should be in a line with the knees to the shoulder.
  • The shoulder should be firm on the ground and knees above in air with feet firm on the ground.
  • Hold for few seconds and come back to starting position.

Repeat this for 15 to 20 sets and start to see the changes. Do it for a period of two months.

See More: Exercises To Remove Lower Back Fat

How to Reduce Back Fat by Yoga:

Yoga regimen is more effective to get rid of back fact compare to exercises. Let’s see what are they and how to do them for back fat removing.

7. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose):

Dhanu means bow and the name of the yogasana is dhanurasana means bow shape or in the shape of a bow. This yoga pose aims for reducing the back fat as this is done lying on the stomach. If you are wondering how to reduce back fat by yoga, here is your step-by-step guide to get it right.

Yoga For Back Fat Dhanurasana

How to do:

  • Lie down on your stomach on a yoga mat.
  • Inhale and keep the arms and legs stretched.
  • Exhale and bend both the knees and reach back with the hands.
  • Hold the right ankle with a right hand and left ankle with a left hand.
  • Inhale and rise slowly lifting the thighs off the floor and chest off the floor simultaneously.
  • Hold the breath and rest the whole body on the abdomen.
  • This is the final posture or the bow pose.
  • Hold till you can and slowly release the asana.
  • Relax and breathe normally.
  • Lie down with head on one side.

This yoga has been proven to be effective and also improves the overall strength of the body.

8. Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat and Cow Pose):

This is a great stretching yoga to reduce back fat and is great for building the correct posture for the back. This asana is very helpful in toning and strengthening the lower back.

Yoga To Reduce Back Fat Marjaryasana

How to do:

  • Kneel down on your all fours on a yoga mat.
  • Keep the palms firm on the mat.
  • Arch your lower back and torso, slightly with a bend at the hips.
  • Head down.
  • Then arch your back lower again and raise the head up.
  • Breathe easily in and out.
  • Repeat for 10 to 15 sets and relax.
  • Come back to the sukhasana pose or sit on the legs pose.

Do this every day in the morning and see how significantly the back fat disappears slowly.

9. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) for Tough Back Fat:

Bhujanga means a snake or serpent and this asana takes the name after that which means a cobra pose or the snake pose. This is a great exercise for the lower back and targets the lower back fat and muscles making them reduce and strengthens it. The arch in the back gives a great posture too.

How To Reduce Back Fat By Yoga Bhujangasana

How to do:

Lie on your stomach in a yoga mat.

  • Keep the palms facing down.
  • This is the starting position for the asana.
  • Inhale and stretch the glutes and abdomen.
  • Lift the chest off the ground slowly and raise the head upwards.
  • Keep the navel touched to the ground.
  • Keep the buttocks muscles tight all the time in the asana.
  • Relax slowly and come back to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise for 10 to 12 sets. Yoga exercise to reduce back fat are many in number. Although it is time taking, it sure works.

So, these exercises to lose back fat are safe. Although you may experience some pain in the beginning, but that’s the right way to go about it.

See More: Exercises To Lose Waist Fat

How to Remove Back Fat by Following Simple Tips:

Back fat always can be sheer discomfort. It will also add to the unhealthy fat in your body. Take away some tips that you can follow to get rid of them.

Limit Alcohol Intake:

To Remove Back Fat Limit Alcohol Intake

Alcohol is known to slow down metabolism and alcohol is mainly empty calories. Limiting the intake of it is the next best way to reduce back fat easily. You can substitute alcohol for adequate water.

Calorie Deficit Intake:

To Reduce Back Fat Calorie Deficit Intake

When you reduce your calorie intake by 500, you can lose over a pound in a week. 1-2 pound should be reduced to avoid the stretch marks and lose the fat at the back.


There is no escape from this! Go for some serious cardio workouts and rigorous exercises to tone up the lower back fat for about 30-60 minutes a day. Practice them daily and with time, you will get to do it with ease.

How to Get Rid of Back Fat by Home Remedies:

It is actually possible to reduce back fat with some easy to follow a diet. We’ll tell you how it is done.

1. Munch on Sweet Potatoes:

How To Reduce Back Fat Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes digest slowly and therefore keep you full for a longer time and will keep you energized. The high content of satiating fiber and cartenoids will stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent insulin from Costco converting calories to fat.

2. Snack on Fibres:

How To Get Rid Of Back Fat Snack on Fibres

Fiber will keep you full for a long time. This micro-nutrient will stop your occasional carving, thereby helping you lose some inches off the back of your lower back.

3. Stay Hydrated:

How To Lose Back Fat Drinking Water

Drink loads and loads of water. You may think you are sometimes hungry. But the truth is you would just need to be hydrated. Therefore, we recommend at least ten to fifteen glasses of water every day.

4. Detox:

How To Remove Back Fat Citrus Fruits

Make this quick detox portion at your home. All you need is some citrus fruits. Slice up some citrus fruits to your cup, that will contribute to the d-lemonene, which is an anti-oxidant found in the peels of the fruits.  You can also make some lemon juice or orange juice and sip whenever you want during any time of the day.

Much of this is successful only with exercises and workouts. There is nothing more efficient than that!

Getting rid of back fat is one of the toughest ways as you cannot aim at a particular part of your body and do workouts. You need to work out for full body and slowly and gradually the body fats start burning all over the body along with your back. So, if you want to stay slim without any deposition on your back follow anyone above mentioned exercise regime daily and get rid of back fat easily and stay healthy forever.

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