How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast and Naturally?

Most of us are frustrated with the problem of stretch marks which is usually a result of weight loss or simple weight gain. These are typical lines and crack like marks on the skin which are of a much fainter colour and can at times also be very protruding. Stretch marks are caused when the dermis tears. Rapid growth or rapid weight changes will lead to quicker stretch marks. They may also be influenced by hormonal changes that are associated with puberty, pregnancy, body building, or hormone replacement therapy. These are very stubborn and biological symptoms which take a lot of time to get removed. These narrow lines that occur on the surface of the skin, will take a while to go away permanently. They are usually red when they appear and then fade to a silvery white colour. These are common among women, and sometimes even among men.

When the body grows, the connecting fibres in the dermis slowly start stretching out to make pace with slow growth. However, rapid growth leads to sudden stretching. This causes the dermis to tear, making way for the deeper layers of skin to appear.

How To Remove Stretch Marks Naturally

What Causes Stretch Marks For Men and Women?

Stretch marks are a common phenomenon among the women. The skin has three layers. Stretch marks form on your dermis, or middle layer when the connective tissue is stretched beyond the limits of its elasticity. This is normally due to rapid expansion or contraction of the skin, like weight gain.

Take a list of the causes of stretch marks.

  • Rapid weight gain will also the next reason why you may spot a stretch mark on your body. When you gain weight quickly, the skin stretches thereby giving rise to marks that you see.
  • Puberty is another reason for the mark. The rapid growth is typical in young people going through puberty. This can lead to stretch marks.
  • Certain medical conditions can cause stretch marks, like Marfan syndrome and Cushing’s syndrome. Marfan syndrome leads to decreased elasticity in the skin tissue, and Cushing’s syndrome can lead the body to produce too much of a hormone that leads to rapid weight gain and skin fragility.
  • Pregnancy: The prime reason for the occurrence of stretch marks is pregnancy. Post pregnancy, the stretch marks will seem prominent. This occurs because of the sudden loss of weight and contraction of the stomach after birth.

What Are the Usual Places of Stretch Marks?

On Thighs: Thighs are the main body parts that will have stretch marks. You will be able to see the thin white line across your thighs. This is a clear sign that you have stretch marks.

On Hips and Breasts: Hips and breasts will also have marks. When the body quickly puts on weight, these marks appear clear on the body parts like hips and breasts, that is an indication that your skin is stretching.

On Under Arms: sometimes your underarms are also prone top stretch marks. Rubbing vitamin E cream in the initial days of appearance will help cure it. However, the prime reason is weight gain. Weight gain causes stretch marks pretty much everywhere on your body.

There are however no medically proven strategies to get rid of them. Nevertheless, there is a range of remedies that you can try. In case you are wondering how to remove stretch marks fast, here are some remedies you can try your hands on.

strech marks remove

There are many reasons to why these pale coloured marks appear and these are heredity factors, quick increase or else decrease of weight, pregnancy, hormonal changes, Stress, fast growth, as well as typical changes in physical conditions. They are brown or off-white in colour. To an extent, lack of ‘collagen’ fibre plays an important role in the development of stretch marks. The stretch marks not offer any bad effect on your health but they make you feel bad and also embarrassed when you are trying to dress up just the way you want. There are several ways by which you can easily remove stretch marks.

23 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally For Women and Men:

Most of the people find it difficult to remove stretch marks but there are several home remedies and out of that some are mentioned here. Some of them work on men as well. They are as follows.

1. Honey & Yoghurt:

To Get Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally Yogurt And Honey

First of all, it is important to know the reason for which you should choose this. This is because honey is a natural moisturizer and yoghurt contains lactic acid which is again natural bleach. To know how to treat stretch marks with these two, you need do is,

  • Take yoghurt in a bowl and will be even better with Greek yoghurt.
  • Now mix to this some honey and nicely apply the paste on the stretch marks to let it rest for about 20- 25 minutes and then wash off.

2. Grapefruit & Coconut:

To Remove Stretch Marks At Home Coco and Grape

This is the same case once again with the combination massage of these two juices. Grapefruit is again natural bleach and is known to fade away blemishes and coconut oil adds moisture to your skin.

  • Simply mix portions of coconut water to grapefruit juice and then massage the stretch mark areas with this twice a day.
  • Make sure the ratio of coconut oil to the juice should be 3:1.

3. Potato Juice:

To Remove Stretch Marks Naturally Potato Juice

Remember that the liquid as of potatoes is packed with mineral plus vitamins which support to re-establish skin cells. Potato juice is your best answer to get rid of stretch marks naturally. 1

  • Begin with slicing a potato then scrub it on the affected area.

The eminence of the stretch marks will diminish. It is one of the best natural solution for stretch marks.

4. Aloe Vera:

To Cure Stretch Marks Use Aloevera Gel

As you know that Aloe Vera is operative to treat various skin difficulties because it contains several vital nutrients as well as energetic compounds which are used in the cure of slight injuries. Aloe Vera also possesses calming and healing properties and therefore plays an important role to remove stretch marks.

  • You can apply this directly on your face otherwise smear a paste prepared by mixing vitamin E capsules aloe Vera gel and oil from 5 vitamins A capsules.
  • After a while, wash with lukewarm water.

See More: Tips to Avoid Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

5. Shea & Cocoa Butter:

To Treat Stretch Marks Shea & Cocoa Butter

Butters such as these two are very popular when it comes to body lotions and other face packs. It is because these are natural and home remedies to remove blemishes as well as wrinkles on your skin. These kinds of butter are also well known to reduce stretch marks. Make a paste of this easily.

  • Mix one spoon full of each butter and then blend these together with Vitamin E oil
  • Apply the mixture on your stretch mark areas they are sure to go away.

6. Castor Oil:

Castor oil for strech marks

This is like magical oil because it has certain properties which not only to reduce stretch marks but also know the cure of a number of hair and skin problems. Also, castor oil is very useful to get rid of unwanted pimples, blackheads, spots and moles.

  • Apply castor oil on the specific areas and then cover it with a cotton cloth on which you will have to apply water heat.

This is another effective method to get rid of stretch marks naturally at home.

7. Sugar:

To Get Rid of Stretch Marks Sugar

Use natural white sugar because it is single of the greatest natural medicines to dispose of stretch marks. The application of sugar use exfoliates your skin. Make this simple easy to do remedy at home.

  • Take 1 tablespoon of raw sugar and mix into a few drops of lemon juice and certain almond oil.
  • Smear this on the affected area and mildly rub for 10 minutes each day before taking bath.

8. Alfalfa:

To Reduce Stretch Marks Alfalfa Powder

It contains vitamins E, amino acids, vitamin K and is widely used to remove the marks away. It also works as a toner. This remedy can be made at home as a stretch mark treatment.

  • Take 1 teaspoon alfalfa powder and blend with chamomile oil.
  • Put on this paste on stretch marks and allow it to dry around 15 minutes.
  • Lastly wash with water.

Do this 3 times a day to see best results.

See More: Olive Oil for Stretch Marks

9. Egg Whites:

To Remove Stretch Marks Egg Yolk and White

Egg white covers 40 diverse proteins and therefore, it plays a vital role in skin fitness. It is also a ironic in collagen as well as vitamin A and as a result, can cure scars otherwise blisters too efficiently. Start by making it on your own to prevent stretch marks.

  • Take out the egg white by sorting out the yolk from the egg.
  • Then, beat the egg white a slight by a fork.
  • Put this mixture on your stretch marks for near about 15 minutes. Then, rinse with water and smear some oil or moisturizer.

10. Lemon Extract:

Natural beauty tips - fresh juices

The lemon juice is certainly acidic that benefits to settle plus decrease stretch marks, acne, skin injuries besides other blemishes. Try this quick remedy at home.

  • Scrub fresh lemon liquid lightly on the stretch marks by circular motions.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash with warm water.
  • You can also mix cucumber juice into the lemon juice and smear this on the stretch marks.

Do this every day for over a month and continue until you see results.

11. Cucumber:

Cucumber for strech marks

The fruit of cucumber has a lot of skin lightening properties and also scar removal properties. This is also the reason for which it is extensively used in the treatment of tan and darkness as well. The quick way to use cucumber to prevent stretch marks do as the follow.

  • For the treatment of stretch marks, using cucumber is very easy because you just have to get slices of it.
  • Rub one at a time on the stretch mark area.
  • After you are done you can rinse the areas with warm water.

12. Avocado:

avocado for strech marks

Avocado contains folic acid which is very good to repair broken and cracked skin or stretch marks. You can use it in 3 ways.

  • First and the easiest is by blending avocado pulp, mixing lemon juice to it and then applying the paste.
  • Second, you can use avocado, olive oil and some aloe jelly and then apply this.
  • Lastly, you can blend avocado pulp, oatmeal and into this mix some olive oil and apply it to your stretch marks.

13. Coffee:

Most of us love the aromatic brew of coffee but are unaware of the fact that coffee also helps to treat stretch marks.

  • Just take some coffee beans and crush it first or, its better if you have coffee powder.
  • To this add some Aloe Vera juice or jelly and make a fine paste of the two.
  • Now apply this on the stretch marks and massage nicely.
  • After some time with the help of a cotton cloth and warm water clean the areas.

14. Apple Cider Vinegar:


More than how much it adds taste to food, this type of vinegar sure can add some glow to your hair, skin as well as stretch mark areas. The malic and acetic acid content in apple cider vinegar helps to break blemishes and marks down from the roots. The application is also very easy.

  • Dilute vinegar and water and spray it on the areas before going to bed and then wash it off the next morning.

15. Black Tea:

Black Tea for strech marks

Yes, this is the same black tea which is used at your home. This kind of tea contains a lot of Vitamins and minerals which we are not even aware of and just like it is good as a hair conditioner, and it also cures stretch marks.

  • Just take some black tea and start boiling it in water along with salt.
  • Now cool down this water and massage with this the affected areas daily for best results.

16. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea treeoil for strech marks

This essential oil is extensively used in aromatherapy and also helps to remove stretch marks naturally. Just keep in mind one thing that this is a natural antibiotic but not very suitable for people with sensitive skin. Here is a quick way to use it.

  • For stretch marks apply directly the oil a few times every day and then massage nicely.

17. Wheat Germ Oil:

How to Remove Stretch Marks - Wheat germ oil

This is often known as a very old technique by which you can remove stretch marks for sure but with regular use and that too more than once every day.

  • For this, you need some wheat germ oil and a cotton pad which we use for make- up.
  • Now pour some oil on this pad and apply it on the stretch mark areas nicely to get results soon.
  •  For best results, use regularly.

18. Glycolic Acid:

To Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast Use Glucolic Acid

The application of Glycolic acid on stretch marks offers a proliferation in collagen construction, equally constructing your skin extra flexible overall. Consult your dermatologist before using this.

19. Carrots:

carrots for strech marks

You need steamed carrots for this awesome treatment of stretch marks. You have to take carrots and steam them. Use carrots effectively to reduce stretch marks.

  • Make a paste of these carrots and apply this paste to your stretch marks.
  • Now massage well and then after some time you can wash off with warm water.

Do this regularly to get rid of stretch marks.

20. Taking A Hot Bath:

Stretch Marks Cure With Hot Both

You have to know that hot water benefits to recover your blood flow that can rapidly decrease the coming of stretch marks. However, you are in the bathtub, energetically brush the areas anywhere you ensure stretch marks by a loofah. This is because the loofah eliminates the coating of dead skin cells arranged the exterior part of the skin, similarly directly dropping the harshness of your stretch marks.

21. Vitamin K:

to Treat Stretch Marks Use Vitamin K

This is not a very popular nutrient that we often talk about but Vitamin K is essential for good and soft skin. It is recently proven that Vitamin K also works effectively to remove stretch marks with regular usage.

  • For this, you can either consume the green and colourful vegetables which have a high content of Vitamin or else you can apply Vitamin K lotion and cream on the affected areas.

22. Working- Out Sessions:

Prevent Stretch Marks Do Exercises

In today’s busy life many of us often do not look after our lifestyle much and also do not devote any time at all for physical exercise which is extremely important. Now with the problem of stretch marks, exercise is the way how to get rid of stretch marks naturally. There are different postures and positions for various affected areas and so you have to practice accordingly.

23. Hydration:

To remove stretch marks fast drink water

Water plays an important role to maintain your skin hydrated as well as flexible. The extra hydrated your skin, fewer chances to cultivate stretch marks. If your skin is well hydrated skin then it offers regular cleansing of skin pores as well as renovates bounciness, that benefits a lot to eliminate the stretch marks.

  • Therefore, try to take around 8 to 10 glasses of water each day and by this your body becomes hydrated.

3 Latest Laser Treatment to Remove Stretch Effectively:

When all the methods fail then you have last option and that is laser treatment. The laser treatment is mostly set aside for persistent stretch marks. The laser treatment is very costly but very effective to remove stretch marks.

Laser treatments are of 3 types and they are as follows;

  • Vascular Laser: This is a very popular method to remove red stretch marks. This so expensive for per session besides as a minimum of 3 to 6 sessions are compulsory.
  • Fractionated Laser: It helps to eliminate long-lasting, profound stretch marks. For this, around 3 sessions are required. This is another effective way to reduce stretch marks.
  • Excimer Laser: In this method, the melanin present in your skin is generated therefore your stretch marks crack the similar shade equally the skin neigh bouring it. This excimer laser requires at least of 10-20 dealings.

6 Best Allopathic Creams To Reduce Stretch Marks:

Besides the natural remedies to reduce stretch marks, there are also some popular creams on the market to get rid of them. Take a look.

1. Apply Retin A Cream:

Stretch Marks Cure With Retin A Cream

This is a moisturizer. If you want to remove stretch marks, then applying moisturizer on fresh stretch marks is one of the best methods. However, smearing cream on old stretch marks can recover their arrival, however not as operative as on fresh stretch marks. The moisturizer offers skin elasticity. The Retin is a retinoic acid cream and is very much helpful to decrease the arrival of the stretch marks.

2. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter:

Reduce Stretch Marks With Palmer’s Cocoa Butter

One of the most trusted product for stretch mark treatment is Palmer’s Cocoa butter. They contain vitamin E, shea butter and bio c-elaste. Their pricing is reasonable and is easily available in bigger markets.

3. Cerave Intensive Stretch Mark Cream:

Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Cerave Intensive Stretch Mark Cream

This effective cream to reduce stretch marks is ideal for people with sensitive skin. It is also known to reduce the depth of stretch marks. It is gluten-free and hypoallergic. The product is not tested on animals and the product need not be applied regularly. It is relatively inexpensive.

4. Dermology Stretch Mark Cream:

Reduce Stretch Marks With Dermology

The stretch marks are literally invisible after use. Vitamins, squalene oil, grapefruit seed extracts will accelerate the collagen production. It is the best prevention cream and is, therefore, used best before the onset of the appearance of the cream. You can prevent stretch marks effectively with this cream.

5. Mustela Stretch Mark Cream:

Stretch Marks Treatment With Mustela

This is a lightly fragrant cream and is also a prevention cream. It improves skin elasticity. Since it is made of natural, plant-based ingredients like avocado, it will get quickly absorb and free of parabens. The price is slightly on the higher side, but the product is worth the money.

6. Fresh Milk Cream:

We are talking about fresh milk cream over here. Just buy some from the market or prepare it at home with fresh milk. Milk has an innumerable number of proteins and minerals and your stretch marks will reduce very fast.

Milk Cream For Strech Marks

  • Just apply milk cream directly on the stretch marks areas.
  • Let it rest for at least half an hour and then you can wash off.

See More: Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can occur for a number of reasons and they seem to be quite stubborn. Most of the times, weight gain is the only reason. With the number of remedies that are home-made and the creams, available, stretch marks can be reduced to an extent. Try them out regularly and sincerely, to see the best results.

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