How To Get Smooth Hair Naturally At Home?

Have you ever wished that your hair was so smooth and soft that you could turn several heads as you walked past them? Do you look at celebrities on television and keep hoping that someday you will have hair that is similar to them. Well, you don’t have to keep dreaming about that anymore because we have bought you great suggestions that will transform your hair drastically.

Smoothing Hair Tips And Home Remedies

Do you want to know how to get smoothing hair? If yes, you have landed at the right place. Smooth hair does not only add to your beauty but also indicates that your hair is healthy. You can easily get smooth hair if you take good care of your hair and follow the right styling techniques after shampooing. Smooth hair is a result of effective hair care and treatments. It involves the use of god hair care products and minimal use of chemical-based products.

hair smoothing

Smoothing Hair Tips And Home Remedies:

A big issue for both men and women is how to get smooth hair naturally. So don’t worry here is solution for smoothing hair. Always use natural products and home remedies for smooth hair that do not strip your hair from the natural oils. Given below are some the best and treatments and home remedies for smooth hair.

1. Use A Shampoo That Suits You:

A good shampoo is responsible for cleansing your scalp and giving you smooth tresses. However, you should not shampoo more than twice a week since regular shampooing is known for damaging hair quality. It’s best to know what shampoo suits your best and which are the ones you should try in order to get desirable results. Some examples are Sunsilk Keratinology shampoo, Sunsilk Perfect Straight Shampoo and L’Oreal Paris Shampoo. They repair the ends of the hair and give it a smooth look. This is one of the best smoothing hair methods which has no difficulty.

See More: Home Remedies For Thick Hair

2. Do Not Shampoo Frequently:

Do not Shampoo Frequently for smooth hair

One the simple smoothing hair tips is to avoid shampooing everyday and limit to only 2-3 times in a week. Your hair requires the natural conditioning of sebum to make it stronger and look smooth and lustrous. By shampooing every day, your hair loses this natural oil and is devoid of any nourishment. This ultimately makes your hair look coarse and dry instead of smooth. Work out on a routine for shampooing your hair. You can even use dry shampoo between your washing days to make your tresses look fresh.

3. Cold Water:

Even though this could quite be a difficult task during the winter season, you have to do it for the sake of your hair. Whenever you shampoo, condition or shower, use cold water only. Hot water has a tendency of roughening the ends of your hair, giving it a rough and unappealing appearance. If you use cold water regularly, you will notice positive changes in your hair soon. Every cuticle shall be soft, smooth and voluminous. This another simple smoothing hair process.

4. Good Combing:

To get smooth hair, you are required to comb like a professional. By that we me mean that you should stay away from the comb when your hair is wet. Only when it is dry, you can brush it. The next thing you need to do is comb very gently, starting from the top of your head. This will prevent any hair breakage and make your hair less frizzy and unmanageable. Instead hair growth shall be promoted and you shall see great results only within a few weeks time.

5. Good Conditioning:

A good and deep conditioning treatment can do wonders to your hair making it smooth, radiant and bright. The secret tip to this is leaving a tiny of conditioner behind after you have rinsed your hair. This will smoothen the strands of your hair and give it a very soft and attractive look. You can also try some homemade natural conditioners such as the mayonnaise or egg pack if you like. They are a beneficial way to give your hair a super trendy and shiny look. This is one of the simple smoothing hair treatments.

See More: Tips For Silky Hair

6. Stay Away From Heat:

Stay Away From Heat

Straighteners, curlers, irons, sprays and gels may be the ultimate solution for hair styling but they surely do have negative consequences. The heat that emanates from these tools causes great damage to your hair, making it coarse and frizzy. So in order to love your hair and make it smooth and pretty, you need to stay away from them.  However, if you feel that you can’t do without them, make sure you learn to control the temperature or use a heat protecting serum that helps in the reduction of damage by forming an envelope around your hair.

7. Trimming:

Tips to Make Your Hair Grow Faster - Trimming

Trimming the ends of your hair is very important. It helps in the reduction of split ends which are responsible for making your hair dry, dull and damaged. The best thing to do in these cases is to trim it every four to six weeks. Go to your nearest parlour and make sure you get this done. This is an important and beneficial step you need to take in order to make your hair smooth and sexy. Trimming is one most popular and effective treatments for smoothing hair.

8. Banana Packs:

Banana Packs for smooth hair

  • Take one ripe banana and mash it.
  • Add two tablespoons of yogurt to it.
  • Now mix it well in order to make a smooth paste. Make sure that there are no chunks left behind.
  • After you have done this, apply the mixture all over the hair starting from the top all the way towards the end.
  • Let it stay for 45 minutes and then wash it off.
  • This pack will act as a hair moisturizer and smoothen your tresses as well. Do this two times a week to get the best results.

9. Hot Oil Massage:

Hot oil massaging is one of the ideal home remedies for smoothing hair. A hot oil massage once a week on your scalp shall give you healthy and attractive hair only within a few months. Use olive, Moroccan, jojoba, almond, rosemary or lavender oil in order to get the best results. You can use a combination of these oils, warm them and then apply all over your hair and scalp after it has come to room temperature. Massage for fifteen minutes and then wrap your hair with a warm towel. This will open up the pores of your hair and add a shine and sparkle to your hair. Wash off with herbal shampoo after 20 minutes.

10. Mayonnaise Pack:

Mayonnaise Pack for smooth hair

Give your hair a treat by giving a deep conditioning treatment using mayonnaise. Using such a hair pack shall stimulate beautiful and healthy hair. All you will need to do is take a cup of mayonnaise and two tablespoons of avocado paste. Mix it in such a way that it looks fluffy and well blended. Apply it to the hair from the roots to the tips. Cover your hair with a nice shower cap and let it stay for forty minutes. Wash off with a good shampoo after this. The benefit of this treatment is hair smoothing.

See More: Home Remedies For Shiny Hair

11. Egg Pack to Get Smooth Hair:

Beat an egg in a bowl and add some olive oil, cream and honey to it. Blend will till it has created a smooth paste. Now apply this mixture all over your hair. Let it stay on your hair for about twenty minutes. You should wait for it dry before you can rinse with cold water and then wash it off shampoo. Your hair will become glossy and glamorous after this. Try twice a week to get the best results. Egg is one of the best home remedy treatments for smooth hair.

12. Aloe Vera Gel for Silky Smooth Hair:

Aloe vera gel for smooth hair

Aloe vera gel has natural antiseptic properties that prevent scalp infections. It also works as a good moisturizer for your hair. The vitamins and anti-oxidants present in it make your hair healthy. Apply fresh aloe vera gel on your hair and scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse off. Your hair will look,silky, smooth and free of frizz.

13. Avocado:

avocado for smooth hair

Avocado is a healthy fruit, rich in nutrients that deeply moisturizes and nourishes your hair. It not only repairs dull and damaged hair but also makes it shiny and smooth. This makes avocado one of the excellent home remedies for smooth hair. Take one ripe avocado, peel it and mash it. Now to this add 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil and mix well. If your hair is colored, you can replace olive oil with sweet almond or jojoba oil. Apply this mixture on your wet hair (not too much) covering from the root to the tips. Keep your hair covered with a shower cap for 25-30 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo.

14. Beer Hair Tonic:

BEer for hair growth

Did you ever realize that beer can work as an extraordinary hair tonic? It is loaded with essential proteins that repairs damaged hair and also keeps the hair follicles hydrated. Beer adds strength, body, volume and smoothness to hair tresses. Wash your hair with a good shampoo. Pour beer in a spray bottle and apply on your hair, right from root to tips. Now massage gently in circular motion. Leave for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off. Your hair will be smooth and healthy like never before.

Read More: Beer for hair growth

15. Eat Well:

Eat well for smooth hair

Food is the most important thing that impacts our mind and body. It is a rightful saying that ‘you are what you eat’. By choosing a healthier diet you not only ensure overall good health, including your hair’s. With a balanced diet your hair receives the essential vitamins and nutrients naturally, without the need of taking any supplements. Replace your junk food and aerated drinks with plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit juices. It is equally important to drink plenty of water. Besides following a healthy diet you must also make some positive lifestyle changes. Smoking if not only harmful for your body, it also negatively impacts your hair’s health. Smoke from cigarette like other harmful pollutants can damage your hair and make it look dull. So if you want smooth hair quit smoking completely.

Use these wonderful remedies to put a shine on your hair. These home remedies for smooth hair are 100% natural and cause harm to your hair. So, next time when anyone asks you how to smooth hair at home or how to smooth hair naturally, share these wonderful ideas with them.

Images Source: Shutter stock

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