How To Make Cinnamon Oil At Home?

Cinnamon Oil is another popular form of Cinnamon! This oil is extracted from the Cinnamon barks by infusing them in oil. The resultant oil gains the delectable earthy scent from Cinnamon with added benefits of the base oil. Cinnamon oil can be used for treating a number of problems like skin rashes, hair problems, stress and even depression. Although Cinnamon oil is readily available in the market, you can make your own version at home, which is free from preservatives and chemicals. In this article, we shall learn how to prepare Cinnamon oil at home, along with various ways to use it.

How To Make Cinnamon Oil At Home?

Here we have methods on how to make cinnamon oil from cinnamon powder. One method does not involve any heat and uses cinnamon sticks as its ingredient. The other method involves heat, and uses ground cinnamon, or cinnamon powder, as its ingredient.

See More: How To Make Cinnamon Tea

Method 1:

  • The first method involves no heat or other preparations and takes about 2-3 weeks of time to complete.


  • Cinnamon Sticks – 1 bunch.
  • Olive Oil – 1 litre.
  • Cheese Cloth.

Preparation Method:

  • Get a wide-mouthed jar, with straight sides. Fit some cinnamon sticks inside the jar, filling in as much space in the jar as possible with the sticks.
  • Pour olive oil over the cinnamon sticks inside the jar. The oil must be enough to cover up all the cinnamon sticks completely.
  • Find a warm area in your house, preferably a window that has direct sunlight, and place the jar there for around two to three weeks.
  • Give the jar a shake every day. By doing this, the base oil will release the cinnamon oil.
  • At the end of the three-week time duration, strain the cinnamon oil from the jar. Strain the oil with the help of cheesecloth, or anything of that sort. Squeeze out the oil from the cinnamon sticks using your fingers.

Method 2:

  • Here are steps on “how to make cinnamon essential oil at home”. Pick them and apply as it is.
  • The second method is also pretty inexpensive but involves a little bit of heating process.


  • Olive Oil – 1 litre.
  • Cinnamon Powder – 250gms.

See More: Cinnamon Oil Benefits

Preparation Method:

  • Take a pan and heat the desired quantity of olive oil in it.
  • Once the oil is heated enough, add some ground cinnamon to the oil and mix it well. The ratio of the oil with the cinnamon should be four parts of olive oil for a part of cinnamon powder.
  • Let this simmer for around 3-5 minutes while stirring continuously.
  • As the aroma of cinnamon becomes prominent, turn off the heat. Do not heat the oil after this point, it can ruin the properties of the oil. Keep the oil aside to bring it down to room temperature.
  • Once the oil is completely cooled off, strain the resultant cinnamon oil using a fine-mesh strainer along with a coffee filter into a container. Store this cinnamon oil in an airtight jar, and keep it in a cool and dry place.

This homemade cinnamon oil required a minimum investment of money and is absolutely fresh and hygienic. You can store the oil without any worries in a dry place and in an airtight container, without it getting spoilt. The oil can be used for months after making it.

How To Use Cinnamon Oil At Home?

Now that you have learnt how Cinnamon oil is made, its time you check out some of the popular ways to use it at home, below:

  • Throat Infection: Just add 1 or two drops of this oil to warm water and gargle. This can clear the bacteria off your throat.
  • Stomach Problems: You can apply Cinnamon oil on the abdominal area to get rid of the pain.
  • Joint Pains: Mix a few drops of Cinnamon oil with coconut oil to massage your aching joints.
  • Oral Health: Add one or two drops of this oil on your toothpaste to fight bad breath and other problems.
  • Depression: Try smelling Cinnamon oil using a diffuser in your room.
  • Air Freshener: Spray Cinnamon oil and water mixture in your house to prevent bad odour.

See More: Cinnamon Uses

The cinnamon essential oil can be used in different ways to treat various problems. To enjoy its best benefits, it is recommended to try pure and organic Cinnamon oil. Also, never ingest this oil directly or apply it on sensitive skins. It can lead to irritation and even burns. So, follow the instructions clearly to avoid the side effects and instead, enjoy a great health and well-being. We hope you will try this recipe at home and get benefitted!

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