How to Make Hair Grow Faster

How to Make Hair Grow Faster

Is it only a myth or you can really make your hair grow faster?

The market is over saturated with both chemical and herbal wonders that promise faster hair growth or increase hair density.  In fact, studies have demonstrated there’s no magic cure for faster hair growth, however there re some well or less known facts that can boost the growing potential of your hair.

Usually, our hair grows half an inch in a month, depending on our health, eating habits, season and genetic code.

How to Make Hair Grow Faster

The condition of your scalp plays an important role in hair growth – try stimulating the scalp that brings more nutrients to your roots.  Massage your scalp with your finger tips for 4-5 minutes, for those with short hair for about 2 minutes.

Don’t brush your hair excessively, it will only damage it.  When your hair is wet avoid brushing – while wet, your hair is fragile and prone to deterioration and split ends.  Use your fingers to detangle it or use wide-tooth comb.

If your hair lacks protein it can also slow down hair growth, try eating foods that are rich in protein like meat, poultry, seeds, dairy products and eggs, if your a vegan opt for soy extracts.

Proteins contain amino acids that promote skin cell renewal, these are essential to keep hair and scalp healthy.

There are several homemade treatments to make our hair grow faster, like hot oil massage and protein treatments once in a week.

Protein treatment recipe: Beat an egg yolk, then gradually add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add 1 vitamin E capsule to the mayo. Apply it on your hair and keep it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with mild shampoo and rinse well.

How to Make Hair Grow Faster

Hot oil treatment: Warm 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 of argan oil and 2 of coconut oil and gently massage every part of the scalp with the mix for 10-15 minutes. Rinse a towel in hot water, wipe and wind the hair around the head as it cools. Repeat 2 or 3 times to issue total saturation. After that, shampoo and rinse well. It is also great for brittle dry hair.

Biotin is essential for hair growth, consume foods that contain biotin.  Biotin-rich foods include cheese, milk, nuts, soybeans, cauliflower, corn, green peas, lentils, mushroom, meat, fish, eggs, peanut butter, poultry, wholegrain foods (especially oats) and liver.

There are several products for hair care that contain biotin, you can use them regularly.

Before buying all kinds of chemicals try these traditional methods.

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