How to Make Marigold Face Mask For Glowing Skin?

A vibrant flawless skin is a dream of every woman. To achieve this goal we are trying all products which are available in the market. Some of them works well and others not. We spend so much money on artificial beauty products. But we can make face mask at home which helps to get a flawless skin. Let’s try something natural. Marigold flower for face is very good to get better result.

Benefits of Marigold for Skin

  • Marigold has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-septic property. So it protects your skin from a infection.
  • It prevents wrinkles by stimulating collagen production.
  • It controls oil in your skin.
  • Marigold has anti-oxidant property so it helps to clean your skin by removing impurities.
  • It helps to rejuvenate your skin.

You can use this amazing flower to get a vibrant skin. Marigold face masks are suitable for all skin types and they are easy to make at home.

How To Make And Use Marigold Face Mask:

Check out some popular marigold face pack list.

1. Marigold Honey Face Pack:

Marigold Honey Face Pack

To make this face pack you need marigold paste, milk cream and honey. This face mask is suitable for dry skin

How to make it/ How to apply/ How to use?

Take 1 tbsp of Marigold flower paste. 1 tsp fresh milk cream and ½tsp honey. Mix them well in a bowl and then apply on your face and hold till dry, After 20 minutes scrub this face mask in a circular motion and remove it by washing your face with water.

Why it Works

Lactic acid and minerals in milk cream enhances the complexion. It hydrates the skin and help to improve your skin texture. Honey helps in anti-aging and also it hydrates your skin.


Apply this mixture on small area of your skin to check skin irritation.


This marigold honey face pack gives you a spot free clear face.

See More: Homemade Face Pack For Glowing Skin

2. Marigold Yogurt Face Mask:

Marigold Yogurt Face Mask

It contains marigold paste, yogurt, lemon juice and rose water. This marigold face pack gives you a clean skin with natural glow.

How to make it/ How to apply/ How to use it?

Mix 1 tbsp Marigold flower paste, 1 tsp yogurt, ½ tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp Rose water in a bowl. Mix it well to make a fine paste. After applying this facepack you need to wait little to dry this pack on your face then after 15 minutes wash your face with water. Apply this paste 2 times a week for best results.

Why this Works

Lactic acid and alpha hydroxyl acid in yogurt helps to remove dead skin cells and prevents break outs. Rose water helps to maintain PH balance of your skin. Also, it hydrates and nourishes your skin. Lemon juice has got beaching property and is good for oily skin.


This marigold face pack is suitable for all skin. So it won’t cause any skin irritation


This face mask removes wrinkles and fine lines and rejuvenates your skin. So this is the marigold facepack for glowing skin.

See More: Rose Flower Face Packs

3. Marigold Gram Flour Face Pack:

Marigold Gram Flour Face Pack

Main ingredients in this face pack are raw milk, marigold paste, Marigold paste. This is excellent face pack for normal skin.

How to make it/ How to apply/How to use?

Mix 1 tbsp Marigold flower paste, 1 tsp Gram flour and 1 tsp raw milk in a bowl to make a fine paste. Clean your face and apply this paste on your face and neck area. Let it dry and wash your face after 20 minutes. You can do this 3 times a week to get good result.

Why it Works

Gram flour is very useful for skin care. It makes your skin soft and smooth. Also, it removes dead skin cells. Vitamin e, alpha hydroxyl acids, calcium and other anti-oxidants in raw milk nourishes the skin.


It is not suitable for oily skin.


This marigold flower face pack hydrates your skin and gives you a young vibrant skin.

These are some effective marigold face packs for glowing skin. If you are can’t go to spa for your face treatment then get this marigold face pack to refresh your skin better.

See More: Ayurvedic Face Packs

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