How To Reduce Stomach Fat?

Stomach fat continues to be one of the most common problems of this generation. From the Mc Donald red-lipped joker to the KFC’s zinger burgers, from those foot long subway sandwiches to the endless onion rings in a Burger King’s seat, the problem of obesity has experienced paramount importance in the past few years with the resulting graph only showing the increase and some more increase. Obesity is the term that we use for that fat kid in the school cafeteria trying to fit the entire cupcake in his mouth.

Reduce Stomach Fat

Stomach fat is the state of being overly healthy or a bit too much fat than required, which has now taken the world by a sudden wave. Then we lift the age group to the teenagers who continue to follow their childhood trail to these fast-food chains, thereby enhancing a lot more obesity. However, for some realization sets in late in the teenagehood so the youth may be the controlled stage which once again quickly escalates to being obese in the later years. We can make a whole life circle simply about how obesity and a mind work in sync to create the so much undesired result.

Then there are some who has no sign of belly fat but a simple pot belly hanging loosely over the size 38 pant. The same goes for ladies where the once skinny jeans which used to accentuate your curves now enhance your low hanging pot belly. Now you have switched to your bell bottoms thinking to hide the potbelly will solve the problem. You are fat, you don’t look good but that tall blond your ex was seen roaming hands in hands was, so you cry with a tub of ice-cream and some more beer and once again opt for a looser white shirt to hide the summer belly.

Don’t you wish to go back to those days where your crop top made the world turn their heads as you sashayed by, your brunette locks flowing in the air? Don’t you wonder how well your long platinum blond hair would have matched with that tight black blazer on the shop display? Don’t you always wish you could still sport that faux bob well with that corset for the evening and still all those wishes will only be so, if nothing is done about it, physically? While mental thinking can only get you so far, it is of paramount importance that you acknowledge yourself on how to reduce belly fat for women without having to worry about hiding your protruding belly.

Best Treatments For How To Reduce Stomach Fat:

Following are the best ways that can treat your stomach fat in an effective manner which has no side effects.

1. Lifestyle Changing How to Reduce Tummy Fat:

This is a common factor where your lifestyle defines your beauty and healthcare issue. Hitting the club every other Friday and drinking like a fish, might be your solace to not eating food for the entire week, but the Friday night beers have already made up for your difficult weekday diet. If you starve yourself the entire week and gobble what you get on the weekend, it will be of no help to you. A good week’s salad might wash down with the football night beer crates, and that tight little black dress would show off your thunder thighs and it wouldn’t be as impressive as Beyonce

Change your lifestyle into a healthier one. If you want to lose that tummy fat, then the first step to that is to stop drinking. Drinking also makes the body lazy (regular drinking). It has many other side effects apart from increasing body fat. If you don’t stop the frequent consumption of liquor, then the diets and exercises won’t that useful.

2. Don’t Be Inactive:

Now you may have a perfect lifestyle of salads and juices, broccoli’s mixed with homemade yoghurts and so on, but if you maintain your position as a couch potato, you would not be showing any results whatsoever. Take out those old yoga pants and squeeze into them. Let them stretch themselves and now you start with your stretching. Try being up on your feet and exercise your lazy times so that you can finally bring out that tight tux and the brown leather waistcoat and flaunt it high. The goal is to have to fit in your yoga pants once again without having the fibre stretch the pant to infinity and beyond. Being inactive makes the internal body to settle for a bad posture and that reflects. People will be less attracted to you, if you display a bad body posture and if you lay all the time. Well, that has to change to reduce the belly fat.

3. Eat To Fit:

Now the first step to knowing how to reduce belly fat is to know the right kinds of food that would help you get yourself back on track and in the game. Foods define your fat and they define your bodybuilding ability too. so in your youth or teenage, if you go on a strict diet and start thinking this is how you will lose weight, along with weight you are also sacrificing your only chance to grow and develop.

So instead of blindly giving up on your food, try your best to incorporate healthy in your plate and fight stomach fat like never before. Eating habits also have change for some people. Avoid the donuts and go for the brown bed. They are good for you, as they come with fibre and will allow burning calories more efficiently. This is good for losing that heavy belly fat. How to reduce tummy? Follow this technique.

4. Tea:

How to reduce tummy fat by using any type of tea like Oolong tea, white tea, black tea and so on, but can anything beat the benefits of a good steaming cup of green tea with the tea bag slightly slouched on that ornate saucer piece. Green tea is a natural tummy fat buster and therefore, every time you go grocery shopping, add a green tea carton to your list. Not only does it help in cancer cure but its rich antioxidant property and the EGCG element would help you fight the fat right off the shelf.

A recent study also showed white tea measuring up to the green where the experiment showed 70% fat absorb from your body on regular use. When you’re on a weight loss diet, then the herbal tea (other than green tea) will be great for you. Some of the best herbal teas are the ayurvedic or the naturally-made products which are domestic ones but work successfully. If you want to lose that tummy, then this is one of the few things that you will have to sustain.

5. Add Mass To Your Fat:

Losing weight doesn’t mean you have to be sickly thin and prim and proper like those size zero models. Instead, have your way and flaunt a healthy body by converting your fat into a body full of mass. For this, the primary requirement is protein and vitamin. Now a quicker but riskier approach to this is pills. You can buy over the counter protein and vitamin pills that would aid in your mass conversion.

The same goes for supplements which can be used to tone and sculpt your body, but can anyone compete against the authenticity of a good plate of meal. To add protein in your diet, incorporate a lot of chicken, which would also help you in growing in height. Red meats come second in the line along with good poultry eggs and fishes.

Seafood is also a good source of protein, and it has been announced that protein would help you control your metabolism and fill your stomach at the same time so that you can have your day without feeling a constant hunger. Proper consumption of protein has been proved to be extremely successful for people who want to lose that belly fat. Reducing belly fat can be a tough process but through this technique, you can effectively reduce that tummy. Apply this technique while you can as at a certain age, you won’t be able to consume such high amounts of protein.

6. Mend Your Oils:

Now pure organic vegetable oil and coconut oil has been proven to be one of the leading causes of weight loss. Hydrogenation technique inculcates more hydrogen atoms in your body, thereby enhancing a sculpted structure. Safflower oil or extra virgin olive oil is not a bad contender too. Being rich in omega-three fatty acids, these power oils will keep you healthy and lean. Try cooking your palates with this and you will feel the results. Choosing the right oils can be a hectic process, since when you’re eating to reduce your tummy, then choosing the right oils that will be effective for cutting down the belly fat should only be applied. This is one of the hardest parts. But this point breaks it down and makes it easy for you. Using oils is one of the best methods to reduce tummy fat.

7. Movie Time Snack:

The goal is to have more whole grain products all the time and therefore here are some quick fixes to those hungry brunch hours. Fix whole wheat, brown bread with a ham slice sans the cheese and add some lettuce or spinach to taste.

For those busy evenings, pop in a bag of popcorn in your microwave and enjoy them on the go. This is a hearty way to reduce stomach fat since popcorn is a whole grain product too. However, salting or buttering or cheesing the popcorn will be a total loss to this plan. It is a complete no-no. Buttering the popcorn can be extremely bad for health, and only a few people are aware of it. It adds extra layers of fat to the body since you are not just having on or two. You are consuming a bucket or a bowl filled with popcorn.

8. Dairy:


Eat your boiled egg, and before you rush out with your books in your hand, fix yourself a brimming glass of milk to add to the day. Start looking up the internet on how to make curds at home and then some more homemade yoghurt recipes. Once you know the recipes start working on them. Dairy products have been proved to be quite effective for reducing that tummy over the past. This is one of the best ways to reduce that tummy fat and a person will be able to consume a lot of good vitamins and stay healthy and the same time arranges a diet for himself that will allow him to lose good amounts of fat.

9. Eat Your Greens:

Now some greens taste great in your mouth, like the jalapenos in the Hawaiian salad and some taste well with that big juicy steak. Make a salad out of some broccoli and some leafy greens like lettuce or spinach and even the Chinese cabbage, Bok Choy. Avocados which taste great will help you too. You know yet another low cal fruit that would help you loads in losing tummy fat? Cool and green cucumbers. Veggies are always good when it comes to reducing fat. One can affect their abdominal muscles by eating proper vegetables. Vegetables come with the goodness of nature and surely assist in reducing body fat and that tummy as well.

10. Oats:

Whenever there was a question of weight loss in your house, your mother has suggested some serious oatmeal diet and it’s time you start listening to her. After a long day of work, cut some bananas and peaches, some pears and some strawberries, boil them oats, mix them in and recline in your TV couch for the day. A lot of people are not fond of oatmeal. But they are healthy and can allow one to maintain a healthy diet and providing the body with good proportions of fibre. This will allow one to ask for less food and lose more fat by consuming less food.

Wash out the sins: your body might be perfectly healthy, but we do live in a world where pollution is a major issue, and therefore, it is very important that you maintain a body full of water. Often the toxins and pollution outside enter our body through air and such, and these accumulate in the fat cells. Now, these stubborn toxins are a major reason why you are still bloating and therefore use the all-organic life-giving water to wash out your toxins from your system.

11. Start The Warm Up For Reducing Tummy Fat:

What is the exercise will help to reduce stomach fat naturally? Following warm-ups surely get rid of tummy fat.

A) Jogging:

First things first, start an everyday jogging schedule. Early morning, greet yourself with some pomegranate juice and then put your Nike’s on and go for a good run. Try looking for some partner who can join you in the run to make the jog more entertaining. This should be at least a 45-minute ordeal. This would increase your cardio as well as your limb muscles and put them to good use.

This is a great way of burning fat and you can observe how to reduce stomach fat by all these days. Often if you are a veteran jogger, find yourself an empty field and at the crack of the dawn, just start racing up and down the field. For professionals, tie a weighted wrap around your ankle for better results. Jogging is one of the best ways to burn that belly fat. A person will be able to reduce their tummy effectively by reducing the fat accumulated at the belly. One of the best ways to lose tummy is to step on the treadmill and keep a steady pace and slowly increase that (if you have that equipment available).

See More: Fat Burning Workouts

B) Swim Your Worries Away:

You need to know how to reduce tummy fat and therefore swimming is a great past time hobby that can opt for. Enrol your name in one of the closest swimming centres and have a gala time swimming away all your tummy fat. There are certain styles and techniques that you can opt for which can be better explained to you by your coach. Swimming is one of the best ways to stretch the abdominal muscles and put some decent pressure on the stomach and this will allow one to reduce that belly fat. If you’re working on reducing belly fat, then one of the best ways to make that muscle expand the stomach and compress it. This process will ultimately lead to reduced tummy. How to reduce stomach fat? Go and try some dangerous swimming.

C) Bike The Way:

When you cycle, there is a constant exercise going on in your abdominal muscles. If you go with the anaerobic approach, you will find yourself rapidly edging towards your goal. Anaerobic is a series of intense workout that lasts for only a minute or so and therefore while cycling at a brisk speed increases the speed and start to paddle at a faster speed. Biking at a good pace will allow one to make the leg muscles strong make the body fit as well. Biking for long distances will reduce the tummy and following the pro biker’s diet will allow you to get at a featherweight stage. The body will stay and fit, and you will be able to perform a lot of activities which were restricted due to your weight previously.

After a minute or so go back to the normal speed and repeat; With biking, your lower muscles go through a constant strain which would help you suck in that belly along with some major thunder thigh. If you do this type of cycling regularly, you are the best example of how to reduce fat from the body.

D) Crunches:

The next best exercise for your tummy fat is the crunches, which is an easier version of sit-ups. Start by lying down face up on a yoga mat and start by bending your knees upward. Now put your arms behind your head but not behind. Do not interlace your finger behind your back. Your thumb should be behind your ears while the rest of the palm supports the head and the neck. Doing proper crunches can be better than doing a lot of sets of sit-ups. It makes the muscles in the abdominal portion strong and makes them hard as well. If you want to lose a good amount of belly fat, then one of the finest ways to do it and stay healthy is to do some crunches. Doing crunches quite frequently makes the body healthy from the core as well.

Now with your chin up, lift your upper body only to the limit where your abdomen feels a straight pressure. Go back to the original position and then repeat. You can even opt for oblique crunches where you lie down and lift your legs up obliquely thereby creating pressure in the abdomen area.

E) Leg Exercises:

Leg exercises for how to reduce stomach fat. Here is a great leg exercise where you can use your lower body strength to reduce significant weight loss in your abdominal area. Lie down face up in a yoga mat and put your arms behind your hips. Tuck them in and then slowly lift your leg up until they are above the parallel level. This time you can use the scissor technique where you coordinate between your legs by an up-down motion. You can align your legs and then start rolling them in a circle.

This might seem easy, but in reality, it is a very strenuous exercise where your lower muscles, including your abdomen, work together to control the suspension of the leg. The leg raise (lying or hanging) have proven to some of the best exercises for losing belly fat. You don’t require a gym membership for it. You can do it at home quite easily in the most fun way possible. Turn on some music and make the exercise of leg raises more fun.

F) The Side Plank:

Side plank is one of the best examples of how to lose stomach fat and useful exercise for reducing belly fat. Now take a mat again and this time roll to the side so that you are resting on your one side, maybe your left with your left hand or left elbow supporting your head. The legs should be straight. Now keep your body flexible and rise your hip slightly to add pressure in the midsection. Maintain the position for a while and then release for a small pause and then retrace your functions.

G) The Tuck And Lift:

This is yet another important exercise that you can opt for. Once again lie face up on a mat and tuck your hands underneath your buttocks. Make sure your spine, neck and legs are all aligned. Now rest your upper body as you lift your buttock up in the air so that you form a slight N figure with your body. The leg and the head should still be planted firmly on the ground. Now start with one leg and lift them up. Hold the position, let down the leg to its original position and continue with the other.

[See More: Lose Tummy Fat In 3 Days]

H) Skipping:

Remember those olden days when you and your friend would go skipping in your terrace and everyone would fight for their turns. Well, its time you bring back those days with this beautiful exercise. Skipping in entirety will help you how to reduce tummy fat from all certain parts of your body and your goal is your abdomen. Don’t worry about the rest; just go skipping with a headphone on and see the results yourself.

12. Aerobics Can Reduce Tummy:

Here is a classy way to introduce fun to your everyday workout. When we say aerobics we usually mean a rhythmic patterned work out choreography with a solid dance number or music to match the rhythm. Aerobics is fun because this is a workout session turned into a dancing floor where you can exercise and have fun at the same time. Attend some aerobic classes, if you want to lose belly fat fast. Losing belly fat will become a lot of fun and energetic process if you do that through aerobics. Proper performance of aerobics will assist in losing that extra proportion of body fat in the buttocks and on the side of the waists as well.

Then you can see the difference of your body that how to reduce tummy fat when you are doing aerobic exercise regularly. These are fast, upbeat and would immediately help you in losing those stubborn fats. One of the common scenarios of aerobics includes a group of people working out at the same time, which will help you keep up with the tempo of the workout. However, if things are not working out well, you can always opt for a home workout session.

13. Treadmill Overload For How To Lose Tummy Fat:

lose tummy fat

Hit the gym and run for the treadmill. When you find a free treadmill run some more in it to lose stomach fat; this is to compensate for all the times you have felt lazy in your house and has strictly avoided the morning alarm to go out and jog. This will compensate for all those time so if you don’t have a knack to jog, just try your luck by the treadmill.

14. Yoga For Reducing Tummy Fat:

When we say yoga, it is more about stretching and breathing, but this strategic breathing and stretching at the same time would end up helping you lose belly fat. Yoga is a much calmer approach to reducing belly fat, and therefore, it is really important that you use the right kind of exercises to help you fight the stubborn belly. For instance, start with the entire series of sun salutations and then move on to the upward and downward dogs. These are simply related to breathing and stretching.

Side Effects Of Tummy Fat:

I will tell you one other reason why you need to know how to reduce tummy fat for women. With obesity not only is your depression and mind boggled but your system too. This means with obesity now you would be facing a greater deal of risks the first and foremost being diabetes. If you already are a registered diabetes patient, you know your knees are in deep trouble.

The other problems that come alongside are the sleep apnea where you experience breathing pauses while you sleep which is more deadly than diabetes health-wise. Then comes the occasional chances of artery-clogging with those cupcakes frostings you had earlier this noon which might mean by this evening you might find yourself in a hospital bed being rolled to the next available OT for bypass surgery. You have successfully allowed a stroke situation to cloud your evening gaming plans after office. If you follow the advice offered in this point, then you will surely be successful in reducing weight and that dense belly fat. The risk factors should be properly kept in mind and one should abide by them. It is like a law or rule for you until you lose that belly fat.

While the former is the fat accumulated in between your organs and your outer shell, the subcutaneous fat is not so cute anymore; it is the fat that you can feel in your tummy swivelling around.

2. Heredity:

A large part of your tummy fat can be blamed on heredity and since you have attained this dominant gene from withering your parents, this might be a reoccurring issue where even a hard-boiled egg will result in a small tummy underneath your navel. Some say the food you eat on your diet has made its way straight to your stomach. This can, however, be changed with precocious eating, healthy living and a lot more exercises to control. When the reasons for the problem is the genes, then there is nothing much one can do about it. This will be surely bad luck for someone. The one thing you can do is to work on your diet and continue your exercises. Hard work beats talent.

[See More: How To Reduce Belly Fat In 2 Days]

3. Know Your Reasons:

Your goal is to know how to reduce tummy fat and therefore before we start digging a hole, let’s all acknowledge the reason why we will be doing so. With passing age, our waists went broader, our structure too and while some of it was blamed on puberty and ageing for the other part, is your obese that needed a stern check. Now there are two types of fat accumulation in your body. The visceral and the subcutaneous fat.

How to reduce tummy fat for women not a big deal and if you work hard obesity can be fought and won. Heed the words of this article and see the results for yourself.

In this article, you have been provided with some of the best ways to lose that belly fat by following certain diets and also by performing certain exercises. There are numerous ways to lose belly fat and some of the best ones are discussed in this article. Reducing the excess belly fat can be easy if the steps are followed properly.

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