How to Remove Your Makeup

How to Remove Your Makeup

Never ever go to bed with your makeup still on, be strong and try to resist to the temptation of jumping directly into the bed no matter how lazy you are.

With makeup left on overnight your complexion won’t look good in the morning – makeup and dirt will clog your pores, your skin will look dull and makeup in combination with your complexion’s natural oils, the sebum, can also cause irritations, breakouts, acne, splotchy skin.

Start with the proper makeup remover for your skin type.  For the eyes, use a special formula that can also dissolve waterproof products.

Do not rub and be as gentle as possible on the eyes as skin is very sensitive in this area – use soft tissue or cotton ball to take off eye makeup and a q-tip to get rid of the eyeliner.

How to Remove Your Makeup

After you have removed your makeup use your regular toner or wash your face with lukewarm water until all traces of makeup or residue are removed. Pat your your face dry with a clean towel and apply moisturizing cream to prevent your skin from drying out.

Use a rich moisturizer for skin cell regeneration, or if necessary, an anti-wrinkle formula.

How to Remove Your Makeup

If you’re really tired when you get home use makeup remover towels or wipes or and spray some thermal water to your face. Before going out, get all these ready and place them on your nightstand.

If you’ll have them nearby you’ll have no excuse not to remove your makeup!

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