How To Take Care Of Hair During Pregnancy

Do you think your hair has grown thicker and fuller when you have become pregnant? However, the reality is not that. You are not actually growing more hair but losing it at slower rate than the normal. Under normal circumstances, eighty-five to ninety percent hair actually grows regularly and the remaining five to fifteen percent maintains a resting stage. After the resting stage, the hair fall out naturally (at the time of shampooing or brushing) and get replaced by newer growth. On an average, a woman shed nearly 100 strands in a day. Some of the peculiar hair changes during pregnancy are as follows:

how to take care of hair during pregnancy

Hair Care During Pregnancy:

1. Appearance of Thicker Tresses:

When you are pregnant, the estrogen level becomes higher, prolonging the growth phase of the strands. Thus, it results in thicker stresses and less shedding of locks.

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2. Shinier Hair:

In some women, the hair also becomes shinier. Sometimes the hair changes the texture as well. If you have curly hair, it might become straight. If you have dry hair, it would become less brittle and more nurtured. You will be surprised to find a natural gloss. If you have straight hair, there will be appearance of curls. In some women, the hair becomes darker or lighter as well.

3. Increased Growth of Body And Facial Hair:

Just like the attractive locks on the head, the hair on the body and face also grow faster. This happens because of increased level of hormone, androgen. However, these hairs can be safely shaved, waxed or tweezed. However, you should avoid using chemicals like depilatories or bleaches that get absorbed into the blood. You do not need to panic with the increased growth of facial or body hair. After the childbirth, the growth will be back to normal.

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Taking Care of Hair After The Childbirth:

However, after the child birth the hair does not remain as luxurious as that during the time of pregnancy. The growth cycle returns to its normal pattern within three to six months, and it can be clearly observed in women with longer strands. However, not every woman undergoes these dramatic hair changes at the time of pregnancy.

After the childbirth, when the estrogen level drops dramatically, you can observe increased rate of hair loss. So, to prevent such rapid hair loss you need to maintain a proper diet. Eating healthy food makes both you and your newborn stronger. Your diet should include lot of vegetables, minerals, fruits, and antioxidants (artichokes, blueberries, cranberries, spinach, and peppers).

These antioxidants are essential to protect the hair follicles that could be prone to damage because of autoimmune disorders. You can also take some healthy supplements. However, you should consult a physician before consuming any such supplement. You also need to handle your hair carefully. Avoid washing with hot water. While the strands are wet, do not comb it. Avoid the styles like ponytail that put pressure on the strands. Too much pressure on the locks result in breaking.

See More: How Age Affects Pregnancy

By following the tips, you can be sure of having shiny, healthy, and thick locks even after the birth of the little bundle of joy.

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