How To Tell If Your Wife Is Pregnant?

The relationship of a husband and wife is most unique and in its own ways need some effort to be maintained well. There are a lot of things that needs to be done from both ends to ensure there are successful results when it comes to marriage.

However, one of the best things that connect both of them is a child. When there is a third person that comes in the relationship, it is only to make the bond stronger. As a husband, it is important for you to know when your wife is pregnant. There are some telltale signs that can help you in knowing about her successful pregnancy.

This guide is a perfect one to see the various tips and suggestions that can be used in knowing when your wife is giving the good news. Check them and compare to see the results:

She Missed Her Cycle:

One of the perfect ways to know that your wife is pregnant is when she missed her cycle. Missing periods is confirmed news of being pregnant. ask her about it and you will know. A 28 day cycle is what a woman usually has. If she is missing it for 1-2 months now, then this is your time to know about her pregnancy.

She Has Morning Sickness:

One of the conformed symptoms that are usually associated with the first few months of pregnancy is that of morning sickness. Each morning if you see your wife having issues of nausea, vomiting and a feeling of sickness then you have something to think about. If the morning sickness persists for more than 2 weeks that you can surely tell that your wife is pregnant and confront her with it.

She Has Cravings:

You must have definitely heard that women have cravings even at weird hours of midnight when they are pregnant. If your wife faces the same especially for sour products and pickles, then there is something fishy to think about. Cravings are definitely one of the best ways to know that your wife is pregnant. If her midnight demands for certain foods are increasing then you can be rest assured of her pregnancy.

Her Mood Swings:

Mood swings in a woman is usually the sign of PMS or else the sign of early stages of pregnancy. It is one way a husband can tell that his wife is pregnant. a woman might even experience hysteria in many cases and feel irritated without reasons. Look for these signals.

Fatigue Problems:

According to professionals, a woman who is just about to enter the first month of pregnant experience fatigue till the third month. If your wife is going through the same feelings then there is a strong chance that she is pregnant.

Sensitive Breasts:

Are you someone who notices his wife having a lot of sensitivity in the breasts? Does she frequently complain about this problem in the breasts? Then it is quite possible that she is about to announce her pregnancy. Some of them experience the feeling near the nipples while some has the sensitivity all around the breast.

Hunger Pangs:

Is your wife hungry all the time? Does she eat all the time and still feel hungry? Heightened hunger pangs are one of the symptoms in your wife that will tell you she is pregnant. Along with this, she will also try to revert from certain foods that she must have been fond of earlier. This is one of the signs that tell you about her pregnancy.

These are some of the common and prevalent ways in which you can tell that your wife is pregnant.

See More:  How Make Pregnant To My Wife

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