How to Treat Red Eyes

How to Treat Red Eyes

Medical conditions like conjunctivitis and blepharitis can start out with red, bloodshot eyes, but when the change is very gradual, you’re probably just dealing with dryness or maybe even allergies that haven’t been diagnosed yet.

Find out how to treat red eyes when the symptoms are slow to develop and they’re limited to more visible blood vessels on your cornea. If you have any other symptoms, from fever and irritated eyelids to light sensitivity or vision issues, you should consult a doctor.

Apply Cold Compresses

The easiest remedy for bloodshot eyes is a cold compress. They don’t just have a constricting effect on the blood vessels, but they can also impact fluid retention in the eye area. Slices of cucumber won’t do, you should use a washcloth with ice water, or for an even more refreshing effect, keep used teabags in the refrigerator for mornings in which you wake up with red eyes.

Try Artificial Tears

Over the counter artificial tears are also an excellent answer to the question of how to treat red eyes. They’re particularly useful when you’re dealing with eye dryness. Lubricating eye drops should always be used according to the recommendations on the packaging, since they won’t have the intended effect if you underuse them.

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Use Vasoconstricting Eye Drops

If you need a more powerful effect and your bloodshot eyes aren’t necessarily related to dryness, vasoconstictors can help. Unfortunately, they’re not a long term solution. Many of them cause rebound redness, which means blood vessels dilate even more than before using these eye drops if they’re applied for too long.

How to Treat Red Eyes

Try Antihistamine Eye Drops

When you’re wondering how to treat red eyes that may be related to allergies, you can try antihistamine eye drops. They’re only recommended if you have other symptoms, including itchiness and tearing. Oral antihistamines have dry eyes among their side-effects, so doing directly to the source with eye drops can provide better relief.

Reduce The Time You Spend Looking at a Screen

Your natural blinking impulse is reduced when you spend a long time looking at a screen, whether it’s your computer or a TV screen. That can certainly leads to dryness, and the solution is taking more breaks. Reduce the strain on your eyes by disconnecting yourself from the monitor or TV every hour, even for a few minutes.

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Apply Good Hygiene to Contact Lenses

If you’re wearing contact lenses, you’re more likely to experience dryness and bloodshot eyes. One tip on how to treat red eyes is to always make sure that you don’t wear them longer than the recommended time and cleaning them thoroughly. If you wear contacts, red eyes can also be a symptom of more dangerous conditions, so consult an ophthalmologist. If the only problem turns out to be mild irritation that leads to bloodshot eyes, you might try gas permeable lenses or even daily disposable contact lenses.

Check Your Makeup

Products like eyelash extensions, eyeliner and mascara can also be responsible for bloodshot eyes. You should also check pay attention to your facial wash. If the redness can be traced back to one product, remove it from your routine. However, don’t forget that even old products, from mascara to liquid and gel eyeliners can cause irritation if you keep using them before the recommended time.

How to Treat Red Eyes

Analyze Your Medication

Sometimes the only to treat red eyes is to remove the cause which has nothing to do with your eyes, but with other medication you’re taking. Dryness is a side effect of a wide range of prescription medication that should be replaced if you end up with bloodshot eyes.

Improve Your Diet

There are plenty of vitamins and minerals that contribute to your eye health, but vitamin A and vitamin B complex are at the top of the list. If you can’t eat more vegetables, especially those rich in carotenoids, consider a daily supplement.

Avoid Dry Air

The answer to how to treat red eyes can even be as simple as getting an air humidifier. Heaters and air conditioning can reduce the moisture level in the air, which leads to eye dryness and the bloodshot look.

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