How to Use Salt for Dandruff? 5 Ways That Work!

Are you tired of combating with dandruff? Tried all medications, but in vain? Don’t worry! There is a simple solution that lies in every kitchen. Guess what? Salt! Yes, Salt is full of therapeutic benefits to our body and skin. Using Salt for dandruff is an age-old remedy practised in many Indian households. From fighting fungal infections to giving you a clean scalp, Salt is a boon from nature. In this article, we shall learn the many benefits and home remedies with salt for dandruff.

Salt for dandruff

How Does Salt Help in Treating Dandruff?

There are two types of Dandruff – Wet and Dry. While dry dandruff occurs on dry and dehydrated scalps, wet dandruff occurs on oily and greasy scalps.

Here are the main causes of Dandruff.

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Unhealthy, Fatty Diet
  • Chemical-laden hair products
  • Fungal Infections
  • Unclean Scalp
  • Stress
  • Medical Problems
  • Dehydration and Nutritional Deficiencies

See More: How To Use Baking Soda For Dandruff Treatment

Importance of Salt to Treat Dandruff:

  • Removal Of Dead Cells: One of the best ways to treat dandruff is the use of salt massages. Unique salt massages are also obtainable to remove dandruff as of the hair by which the salt reaches the hair roots plus the scalp. This help in easier elimination of the dead skin cells since the scalp and thus given that a cleaner feel.
  • Unclogging Pores: The salt is helpful to absorb surplus oil, unblock follicles congested up by sebum as well as product gunk to reduce the inflammation connected with dandruff along with psoriasis on the scalp.
  • Absorption of Excess Moisture: Salt can absorb the entire moisture from your scalp, which is responsible for the growth of fungus.
  • Controls Oil Production: Salt also absorb surplus oil, which prevents your hair from receiving greasy along with this way dandruff will not attach on the scalp.

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How to Treat Dandruff with Salt?

Salt is the most economical and effective ways to get rid of dandruff. Here are some of the best home remedies which use Salt as the main ingredient.

1. DIY Salt Shampoo Treatment:

This is a simple yet effective dandruff salt treatment, which can be used every time you want to wash your hair. Here’s how to do this:


  • Salt – 1 tbsp
  • Shampoo – Handful


  • For this, you have to combine a tablespoon of salt with a handful of shampoo.
  • Then massage gently in a circular movement on your scalp.
  • Wash thoroughly and track with normal shampoo plus conditioner.

How Often Should I do This: Twice a week.

Why This Works?

Mixing salt with shampoo can exfoliate the skin on the scalp. It can promote blood circulation and control excess oil. This treatment can eliminate dandruff and promote new hair growth. It is also an easy way of incorporating salt in your shower.

[See More: Home Remedies to Control Dandruff]

2. Epsom Salt Dandruff Treatment:

Epsom Salt

Epsom is used for treating a number of health issues, including dandruff. It is also known to give you relief from irritation of the scalp, along with healing it.


  • Epsom Salt – 2 Tbsp


  • Softly massage a few tablespoons of Epsom salt on top of your dry otherwise somewhat damp scalp for 2- 3 minutes.
  • The salt granule will efficiently exfoliate the dead skin cells off your scalp plus assist in caring for dandruff.
  • Then, shampoo directly after your massage.
  • In condition, you have a dandruff shampoo; allow it assemble on your scalp designed for 30 – 60 seconds earlier than rinsing.

How Often Should I do This: 2-3 Times a week

Why This Works?

Epsom salt works as a natural exfoliator. It gently scrubs away the flakes on the scalp and controls the fungal growth. It also eliminates excess oil on the scalp and prevents dandruff. Depending on how severe the flakes are, one can increase the frequency of this treatment. However, excessive use may dry out your hair.

3. Sea Salt Massage:

Sea salt is a wonderful detoxifying agent that can flush the toxins out of the skin. It can curb the fungal growth and controls dandruff. Here’s how to use sea salt to remove dandruff:


  • Sea Salt – 3 tbsp


  • Get a few table salts in a salt shaker and shower it in your scalp.
  • At this time wet your fingers and set up massaging your scalp otherwise you can request someone to rub your scalp.
  • Stay massaging your scalp for 10 to 15 minutes in order that dead skin flakes are wholly removed from your scalp.
  • Following massaging, you can at this time bathe your hair by a normal shampoo or else anti-dandruff shampoo.
  • Dry your hair by a clean towel furthermore you will see the difference instantly.

How Often Should I do This: Not more than twice a week

Why This Works?

Sea salt can cure skin infections and wounds. It exfoliates the dead skin and restores normalcy. Sea salt can prevent dandruff by absorbing excess oil and controlling yeast growth. However, this treatment can severely dehydrate your hair, so make sure to follow it up with a creamy conditioner.

See More: Henna For Hair Dandruff

4. Detoxification With Salt:

Another way to treat dandruff is to clean the internal system. If your body is free from toxins, you can drive away infections.


  • Water
  • Salt


  • An additional method to use salt to treat dandruff is by taking it frequently with ample clean water.
  • Single of the chief reasons why people undergo from dandruff, together with a number of other difficulties is as they are dehydrated.
  • Therefore, to rehydrate your body, you have drink water by adding salt into that with the intention that the water remains in your body long sufficient to perform its work.

How Often Should I do This: Daily

Why This Works?

Drinking salt water can restore the body’s lost salts. Dehydration can lead to dry skin and is highly vulnerable to dandruff-causing fungus. A pinch of salt in your daily water intake can help you balance your salt levels and hydrate the body. Be careful with the salt content, as it can increase your sodium levels.

5. Saline Water Wash:

This effective remedy is one of the best ways to use salt to get rid of dandruff. Check out how to do this:


  • Salt – 3 tbsp
  • Water


  • Boil 3 tbsp of table-salt into water.
  • After cooling down to normal temperature, wash your scalp by it and rub for 5 to 8 minutes.
  • Then wash down your hair through the normal shampoo you apply.

How Often Should I do This: Once a Week

Why This Works?

This method can help the salt penetrate deep into the skin. It can exfoliate dead skin and prevents infections. It can even soak up excess oil secretion and absorbs excess moisture from hair.

Additional Tips and Precautions to Know Before Using Salt On Hair:

Salt comes with its own set of benefits and side effects. Before using it directly on your dandruff prone scalp, here are some points to know:

  • Salt contains sodium, which can dry out your scalp.
  • It strips off the essential oils from your hair and dehydrates it.
  • Salt can irritate a sensitive scalp and can stings and inflammation.
  • Using Saline water rinse can make your hair frizzy and unmanageable.
  • You must always follow it with a creamy conditioner and oil treatments to replenish the lost moisture.

Now that you know the many benefits of Salt for dandruff, why not give them a try? Salt can not only treat scalp infections but also prevent them from coming back. However, as mentioned in the article, you must exercise caution before using these remedies. Also, avoid using them every day, as it can ruin the health of your hair. If you have tried any of these remedies, so let us know which one worked for you!

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