Important List Of Vaccines For Pregnant Women

It is essential to eat right and exercise during pregnancy. But there is another thing you must focus on and that is vaccines. Vaccines are used for immunization against diseases and illnesses that can catch hold of a pregnant mother and the unborn baby at a very fast pace. On the other hand, there are also vaccines given to make sure that the pregnant lady has nutrients. In case her diet fails to provide that to her. While most of the population agrees that vaccines are crucial to living a healthy life. A lot of them are still unsure about that. Let us discuss about vaccines for pregnant women.

vaccines for pregnant women

Are Vaccines Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes, taking certain vaccines during Pregnancy is safe but not all. Take the required vaccines as early as possible. Because, according to professionals taking vaccines/shots on time can ensure that you have a safe pregnancy. Without affecting your personal health or the babies. Although there are certain vaccines that cannot be given during pregnancy. But are important to maintain stable health, these should be given in advance.

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Vaccines To Take Before Pregnancy:

During pregnancy, our bodies cater to the needs of two human beings instead of one. Which means that anything and everything affecting us will always affect the fetus. Even common sicknesses can cause major damage to the body.

As a child when we are born it is a compulsion to get vaccinated for certain illnesses. Often parents may miss out on getting certain vaccines. While in other cases the healthcare system developing constantly, people who are all grown up may avoid certain vaccines. People with misconceptions need to be rest assured that. Although if you are planning to get pregnant then it is advised that you take these pre-pregnancy vaccines.

  • Measles Vaccine
  • Mumps Vaccine
  • Rubella Vaccine
  • Chicken Pox Vaccine
  • Papilloma Virus Vaccine

List Of Vaccines I Can Get During Pregnancy:

During pregnancy only, few vaccines that are completely necessary to have a safe period of pregnancy are given. For e.g. the influenza vaccine is mostly given to avoid contracting any kind of common flu. The flu can cause fever, cold, cough and then several other issues to which can cause distress to the expecting mother. Thus an influenza vaccine during pregnancy especially in the months from November to March is very important. Whooping cough vaccine pregnancy period is also important. But you can also take Tdap Vaccine instead which is a Tetanus vaccine during pregnancy given between 27 to 36 weeks of,

  • Flu shots (Influenza)
  • Tdap Vaccine Pregnancy (Tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis)

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Which Vaccines Can/Should Pregnant Women Avoid:

As infants, we start getting vaccinated in order to avoid contracting any illness or sickness. Hepatitis B vaccine in Pregnancy, Polio Vaccine in Pregnancy are certain vaccines that cannot be given when the fetus is still inside the body. These vaccines can only be given directly to the baby after the baby is born.

Every adult has a chart that they refer to check the vaccines that they have been given or were given in the early stage of their life. Missing out on any of these vaccines can take a toll on the health. Any of these vaccines should be taken only before or after the period of pregnancy, taking these during pregnancy can have side effects. Measles vaccine during pregnancy, rubella vaccine pregnancy is preferred to be either used before the pregnancy or after, here are the other vaccines for pregnant women to avoid,

  • Rubella Vaccine
  • Measles Vaccine
  • Chicken Pox Vaccine
  • Mumps Vaccine

Side Effects That Can Occur To Get Vaccines For Pregnant Women:

Vaccines for pregnant women are often injected to put the immune system in the right state to tackle certain illnesses and sicknesses. Vaccinations can have minor side effects that can last for a few days as the body takes time. In some situations to get used to the invasion of the vaccine in the body. Some of the common side effects that can occur after vaccination are,

  • Redness or swelling in the hand where the vaccine has been given.
  • Mild fever
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Joint and Muscle pain
  • Shivering

The joy of pregnancy is immeasurable, but along with this happiness come along a lot of responsibilities and getting the vaccination in pregnancy is one such responsibility. Your health and the baby’s health has to be in the best condition. So that, no future or present complications can occur. So always try to consult your gynaecologist and keep a track on all the vaccines you get.

Frequently Asked Questions And Answers:

1. Can A Vaccine Harm My Unborn Child?

Yes, vaccines such as measles vaccine, rubella vaccine, vaccines for chicken pox, etc., during pregnancy can have an impact on the body of the pregnant mother as well as the unborn baby. These vaccines have the potential of infecting/harming the unborn baby if received during pregnancy.

2. Which Vaccines Do I Need After Childbirth?

Mothers who have recently given birth can check their health cards to get any missing vaccinations that they haven’t received. The doctors generally go through a thorough process. Vaccinate the baby and create a health card with instructions and dates that help the new mother in planning things out.

3. I Am Planning To Travel During Pregnancy, Should I Take Any Vaccines?

It is advisable to contact your physician and then plan things ahead. The pregnant woman can take Tdap, a vaccine that is advisable to get during pregnancy. The Flu shot is another vaccine which is helpful while travelling as it can keep common cold and cough at bay.

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