Is Sulfur For Acne Effective?

Acne is a very persistent problem that many teenagers and even adults face every day for the better part of their lives due to a constant need for fast food and which is fuelled by a hectic lifestyle. Stress is also another reason for causing acne which is a chemical reaction on your skin. To get rid of that pesky acne there are several home remedies you can choose from but always consult your dermatologist on this fact. Sulphur is known as a very adept agent at getting rid of acne because it helps to soak up the chemicals on your skin which are the main cause of acne. Check out the benefits of Sulphur for acne.


What is Sulphur?

Sulphur is a yellow colored chemical that is mainly known for its disinfectant properties. It is used in oils, disinfectants and also fertilizers. Sulfur is also used widely in the medical industry to treat a variety of skin diseases. Sulphur smells like rotten egg and is a tasteless element.

How does Sulphur work on Acne?

Sulphur is one of the most effective treatments for acne. Pimples are usually caused by excess oil production under the skin’s glands. This sebum gets trapped in the pores, giving rise to bacterial infections. Sulfur acne treatment happens by drying out this excess oil on skin and controlling the sebum. It causes the peripheral layer of skin to peel off. This exfoliation helps in production of new cells, making way for fresh, smooth skin.

How To Use Sulphur For Acne?

Sulphur can be used in many forms to combat acne issues.Given below are a few home remedies for using sulphur for acne as a way of treating it effectively.

Sulphur Facial Mask For Acne:

A sulphur mask acne is a perfect way of treating your acne if you have sensitive skin because sulphur is well known for soaking up excess oil from your skin allowing your skin to breathe which is quite an effective way of getting rid of your acne effectively. Though sulphur cannot be used directly on your skin it is very helpful when diluted with an almost equal amount of water. Sulphur has a very distinct smell of rotting eggs which sometimes can be quite irritating especially if you are getting ready to go out somewhere because the smell of sulphur stays with you for quite some time so it is always better to use a masking agent with a more dominating and sweet smelling fragrance with the sulphur when you are getting ready to apply it. it is advisable that you apply the sulphur at night before going to bed so that the smell will be gone by morning. Try this method to experience the sulfur mask for acne benefits.

You Will Need:

  • Sulphur Powder – 1 tbsp
  • Jojoba Oil – Few Drops


  • Make a thick paste out of Sulphur powder and jojoba oil
  • Apply on the affected regions
  • Wash off after 15 minutes


The other way of treating your acne with sulphur is by using pure sulphur on the acne affected areas directly. Get a set of clean swabs and dip it in the sulphur, then dab the areas affected by acne and allow the sulphur to sit for at least an hour before washing it with cool clean water. Dabbing is perfect way of treating your acne by directly dealing with them. Dabbing the sulphur allows you to treat your acne exclusively without having it trickle on to the other parts of your skin.

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Treating Acne with Sulphur

Sulphur Wash:

If you are looking for a quick fix for your acne then a sulphur wash is recommended where you need to wash your face with a diluted version of sulphur. Do this at least three to four times in a week for fast results. The more you do it in the week the faster and better results you are most likely to get. Using soap is fine after the wash because soap will help to act as the fragrance agent that masks the smell of sulphur effectively.

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Direct Application Of Sulphur For Acne:

Sulphur can be easily applied and washed off making it an ideal way of treating your acne. If you do not want your hands to smell of bad eggs because of the sulphur then it is advisable that you wear gloves when applying the sulphur to your face. Sulphur has no lasting effects except the smell which makes it very safe to keep around your house though it is necessary that you get consent from your dermatologist before trying anything first.

Sulphur Soap: Does it Work?

Sulphur soaps are gaining popularity to treat acne, especially on body. These sulphur based soaps are considered to work effectively in curbing acne. Generally sulphur soaps are combined with other agents like Retinoid to reduce the dominating, pungent smell of sulphur. It works by destroying bacterial growth and killing the skin cells on the epidermis. This action is called Keratolytic, that helps in removing excess oil and cells that block the pores.

Their effectiveness however is still a question, as many studies prove that sulphur soaps are not the best treatments for acne.

Side Effects Of Sulphur Acne Treatments:

Sulphur treats acne by drying off oil and removing the upper layer of skin. This property sometimes lead to excessive dryness and peeling off skin. The common side effects of applying sulphur topically on skin are:

  • Burning sensation
  • Itching and Irritation
  • Flaky Skin
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Tingling sensation and redness
  • Hives

While some doctors argue the effectiveness of sulphur as against other acne treatments, a number of individuals have greatly benefited by this chemical. Sulphur does treat acne and help people covered in a blanket of pimples get a sigh of relief. Its important to know how to use this element carefully, as it is a powerful chemical and may reverse the effects. IF you have pimples, but do not have a dry skin, sulphur is a best bet!

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