Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Fashion and Body Image with BWatt Magazine

Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Fashion and Body Image with BWatt Magazine

Gorgeous Jennifer Love Hewitt covers BWatt Magazine’s first issue. In the interview, the beautiful 33-year-old ‘The Client List’ actress talks about having to face criticism regarding her weight gain, being single and happy, but also about her career and being thankful for everything she has. “I am so grateful for everything that I have. I don’t even think that it would be appropriate to talk about ups and downs in my career. Of course there have been ups and downs, but think about all those struggling actors and singers out there who don’t make it? I am very fortunate,” Jennifer says.

The lovely ‘Ghost Whisperer’ actress has been criticized in the past for her weight gain. And even though people made fun of her, she decided to pose for People Magazine and show off her body. “That is Hollywood too. At first I sat down and cried when I saw all the horrible things people were writing about my weight, but then I decided that I had to be stronger. I realized that if people called me fat, then there would be thousands of teenage girls all around America that would feel even worse than I did. Then I decided not to be picked on,” she confesses.

Jennifer chose to become a role model for those girls and insisted that they shouldn’t be ashamed about the way they look. “You know, being picked on is part of MY job. It shouldn’t be a part of normal teenage life,” she told BWatt.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Fashion and Body Image with BWatt Magazine Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Fashion and Body Image with BWatt Magazine

Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Fashion and Body Image with BWatt Magazine Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Fashion and Body Image with BWatt Magazine

In her world, being constantly in the spotlight is a natural thing. “I love the entertainment business. Don’t get me wrong. But for me that business is happening all the time. When I decide to go to the supermarket in my sweats, I know that means there will be pictures of me looking not so good. In the beginning it was annoying me, but now I decided not to care. I don’t want to live a life where I have to dress up for everything. I want to be normal, too,” she says. “If I have just been at the dance studio or at a yoga-class, I will be dressed in sweats. That’s just the way it’s going to be.”

She then adds that, “It’s exactly the same. It’s people picking at each other acting like teenagers.”

When it comes to fashion, the starlet admits she’s more into the classics. “I love fashion. I love dressing up and fashion is kind of like acting. You get to play a certain role. And you can always change. That’s fascinating. I think my favorites are my Prada-dresses. They never go out of style. When I was younger I had a wilder style, but now I’m more comfortable with things that never go out of fashion. The classics,” she explains.

As on her relationship status, Jennifer says that, “I’m happy and I’m single! I love being single. I get to decide everything on my own. I won’t say I don’t want a man in my life, but I’m not looking. I’m busy hanging out with my friends, going out, going to concerts and enjoying all that L.A. has to offer. I think I would even be a single mom. I know it would be harder, but I’m definitely not ruling that out.”

Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Fashion and Body Image with BWatt Magazine Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Fashion and Body Image with BWatt Magazine

Photos courtesy of BWatt

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