Jessica Alba Covers Los Angeles Confidential March 2020

Jessica Alba Covers Los Angeles Confidential March 2020

Flaunting her gorgeous features on the cover of Los Angeles Confidential, the magazine’s March 2020 issue, actress Jessica Alba only proves once again that some women grow more beautiful as time passes. The 30 year old bombshell is considered to be one of the most beautiful women on the planet, and a single glimpse at the hot mother of two demonstrates why she’s earned this title.

With flawless looking skin, an enviable physique and ultra-seductive feminine facial features, Jessica Alba makes heads turn everywhere she goes and despite the fact that she has just recently given birth to her second child, the actress looks hotter than ever. With an impeccable image, Jessica Alba talks about her penchant for fashion, her style evolution and family life with Los Angeles Confidential between photo sessions, so check out excerpts of the diva’s interview with the magazine. About her fashion style, Jessica stated that:

“Fashion is part of the job. It’s fun to go out and see what everybody’s wearing. Some things really work, and some don’t. And then there are some people, like Kate Moss, who can wear anything.”

Jessica Alba Covers Los Angeles Confidential March 2020 Jessica Alba Covers Los Angeles Confidential March 2020 Jessica Alba Covers Los Angeles Confidential March 2020

As far as her style goes, Ms. Alba states that she’s been more daring as far as the color palette of her outfits go since she’s become a mother. She tells the magazine that:

“I didn’t use to wear a lot of color. I guess I’ve been more adventurous with my style and clothes choices since I’ve become a mother. It doesn’t feel as heavy or as big a deal. Before, I was incredibly bashful and shy. When I was younger, I was really uncomfortable in dresses and high heels or anything like that. Over the years, I’ve embraced a more feminine side.”

Becoming a parent seems to have managed to change Jessica, as she reveals that she now feels much more comfortable in her own skin. She told L.A Confidential that:

“I feel like I’ve finally come into my own and become the person I always should have been, or that I always wanted to be. I feel more grounded, free and comfortable in my own skin than I ever have. The paradigm just shifted completely to my family.”

Jessica Alba Covers Los Angeles Confidential March 2020 Jessica Alba Covers Los Angeles Confidential March 2020

Juggling an international career with family life is not easy, but it seems that the 30 year old mother of two manages to find the time to do both, although she does admit that it’s not the perfect balance as she sometimes feels guilty for not spending enough time with her kids as she’d want. Jessica reveals that:

“It’s not perfect. I’m constantly feeling I should be spending more time at home. I installed a kids’ corner in the office, and the baby is really easy right now. But every day is evolving and changing. If I’m not going to be home all day, I know I’ll be home at night.”

Check out Jessica Alba’s full interview and complete photo spread in the March 2020 issue of Los Angeles Confidential. Photos courtesy of Los Angeles Confidential

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