Jessica Biel Covers W Magazine April 2020

Jessica Biel Covers W Magazine April 2020

Jessica Biel is ‘W’ magazine’s April 2020 cover girl. The newly-engaged actress sits down for a chat and opens up about her rebellious teenage years, being the tomboy type, her healthy approach to life, but also about the beginnings of her career, ‘7th Heaven’, and her upcoming role in ‘Total Recall’.

Even though she strikes a super sexy pose for the magazine’s latest issue, the beautiful 30-year-old actress confesses she was not always the girly type. “We lived in Colorado, and my parents were outdoorsy mountain people. My father would always say, ‘Go out and don’t come back until you have something to show me.’ Which meant he wanted me to come back with a scraped knee or an injury. When I went out to play, I felt like I’d better get hurt,” Jessica says.

Biel also recalls that, “I did, but it was always, ‘Let’s play sex with Barbies!’ My Barbies were usually naked. Once, I took their heads off, cut their hair, drew on their short, spiky hair with some markers, then stuck the heads on Christmas lights. Every year, we’d string our tree with those Barbie heads. It looked demonic. My parents were so cool—they saw it as a form of self-expression.”

Speaking about her teen years, the actress told W’s editor Lynn Hirschberg that, “I cut my hair supershort and dyed it blonde. I had to apologize to Aaron Spelling [the producer] for doing that. He wasn’t happy. When I turned 17 or 18, a really obnoxious friend sent a stripper to the set. I had to apologize for that too. The show was all about family values, and they took that position seriously. I was always apologizing.”

Jessica Biel Covers W Magazine April 2020 Jessica Biel Covers W Magazine April 2020

In her interview with ‘W’ magazine, Justin Timberlake’s fiancée also talks about the beginnings of her career. “When I was 11, I was in a competition sponsored by the International Modeling and Talent Association. You paid a certain amount of money and they taught you to walk a runway, present a comedic monologue, a dramatic monologue, a dance routine, and a song. My runway look was a one-piece bathing suit, a top hat, and a bow tie. The competition was in L.A., and afterward I got a manager and an agent. I tried out for a billion things, and after three years, I was cast on the show 7th Heaven,” the actress says.

Jessica Biel is renowned for her healthy and toned body. The lovely actress admits that, “I’ve always been physical. I have no concept of what life is like without physical activity.”

In her latest film, ‘Total Recall’, out this summer, Biel has a girl-on-girl battle royal with Kate Beckinsale. “Fun — so fun! Our fight scene isn’t overtly sexy: just two trained fighters who happen to be women kicking the shit out of each other. It could be two dudes, but we just happened to have long hair and boobs and…other things [laughs],” Jessica says.

She then reveals that this is her first girl-on-girl action. “Kate and I usually fight men in movies, and when you knock into a man, he doesn’t care. But every two seconds, Kate and I were saying, ‘I’m so sorry — are you okay?’ We were both so nervous about fighting another woman. Which is strange, because I have no problem fighting with a guy. In truth, I like doing anything that requires breaking a sweat.”

Famed for her healthy approach to life, Jessica jokes and says that her new thing is to be very bad. “I know. I think I need to destroy my reputation. This whole I’m outdoorsy, I’m really healthy — it’s too squeaky – clean [laughs]. That’s going to be my new thing: Go dark and unhealthy. It’s time to be very, very bad,” the actress told the magazine.

Jessica Biel Covers W Magazine April 2020

Jessica Biel Covers W Magazine April 2020

Jessica Biel Covers W Magazine April 2020

Photos courtesy of W Magazine

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