Justin Bieber Reveals 17th Birthday Wish

Justin Bieber Reveals 17th Birthday Wish

The success series of the young songbird just don’t stop as he is ready to conquer the world with his brand new documentary, ‘Never Say Never’ as well as other projects he decided to launch in the course of this year. Recently, we had the chance to spot him with his new haircut. A change not simply made to polish his appearance but also to do a great act and showcase his philanthropic side. Indeed, Justin Bieber decided to auction off his trimmed locks and he chose the ‘Ellen DeGeneres Show’ to announce his generous intention.

Now Justin Bieber reveals 17th birthday wish, which is not some silly request, but a plan that mobilizes millions all over the world. Justin asked his fans to donate $17 and finally gathered no less than $17,000 for clean water in poor and developing nations.

He even addressed his fans on his Charity page, claiming that, “Together, we’ve made a big difference for many causes. Did you know that about 4,500 kids die each day from waterborne disease? By building clean water projects for villages that need them, we can prevent this!Justin Bieber Reveals 17th Birthday Wish

I want to make my birthday matter this year — let’s make it so more kids can grow up to have a 17th birthday like me. Join me to make a change.”

The sum to be donated was determined actually by the years of Justin Bieber. Therefore it is a symbolic act also for fans to show their love for the celebrity teen idol as well as make a revolutionary and humanitarian act to save the life of millions of people.

Additionally, he also writes that “I’m really so grateful for my family, friends and fans – and I believe we can do something big to help bring clean water to people in need. Even if you don’t have $17 to give I just ask you to go out in your community and try and make a positive difference. Even the smallest act of kindness can go a long way. Thanks and God Bless! #makeachange.”

It seems that Justin Bieber got mesmerized by the influence he has on people’s life and is eager to share the experience of collaborating with other associations for animal as well as human rights, with his girlfriend Selena Gomez. Did you know that the Disney star became the youngest goodwill ambassador of UNICEF in 2020?

Justin Bieber Reveals 17th Birthday Wish

Photo courtesy of PR Photos

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