Kate Beckinsale Covers Women’s Health July 2020

Kate Beckinsale Covers Women’s Health July 2020

She’s managed to launch into the media attention more evidently after starring in the popular action movie ‘Underworld’ and now, actress Kate Beckinsale is preparing to show off her action star skills once again in the upcoming sci-fi remake ‘Total Recall’ which will hit theaters this August. Carrying through with her promotional duties, the English sweetheart graces the cover of Women’s Health July 2020 where she shows off her incredibly well toned physique while chatting with the mag about her career, avoiding the gym growing up and also her fight scene with ‘Total Recall’ co-star Jessica Biel.

Kate Beckinsale Covers Women’s Health July 2020

Ms. Beckinsale’s demonstrated that she could put women half her age to shame as she strips to nothing but underwear and a tiny top for the camera lens of James White for Women’s Health, revealing her perfectly toned figure, but apparently the actress wasn’t always interested in getting fit as she tells the magazine that:

“I wasn’t particularly athletic. No one ever thought, ‘I must have Kate on my team.’ To me, you only went to the gym if you were really weird and obsessive. No one I knew in London at the time ever did it.”

Kate Beckinsale Covers Women’s Health July 2020

Kate Beckinsale Covers Women’s Health July 2020

However, things apparently took a different turn along the way as the actress now looks all toned up and her athletic body draws a massive amount of admiration from both men and women across the world. She’s not a stranger to putting off a good fight on screen, but it seems that the girl-vs-girl fight scene with Jessica Biel in ‘Total Recall’ was a bit different than what she’s been used to in the past. She told Women’s Health that:

“It’s not like a naked, porno, mud-wrestling-in-a-bar sort of fight – it’s a real fight … I did find that fighting a woman was very different from when I’ve fought men. There was a lot of ‘I didn’t hurt you, did I? Ooh, I’m sorry about that! No, it was my fault!’”

Kate Beckinsale proves that age is just a number and that with hard work and talent one can definitely progress in life. As far as growing older as her career flourishes, the English actress says graciously that ‘it all just unfolds and I think, well, that’s who I am now’. Find out more about Kate Beckinsale by reading her full interview and stunning spread in the July 2020 issue of Women’s Health.

Photos courtesy of Women’s Health

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