Ketogenic Diet: Benefits, Risks And Everything You Need To Know About It

The Ketogenic diet is basically a low carbohydrate and high fat intake diet. It has become popular nowadays due to its ability to shed pounds quickly safely yet effectively. It involves reducing your carbohydrate intake and replacing most of it by fat. This process puts your body in a metabolic state called ketosis, where an increased amount of ketones are produced in the body.

When this happens, the body starts burning fat very efficiently and turns it into ketones. It lowers the blood sugar and insulin levels, and the body’s metabolism shifts mainly towards ketones from fat than carbohydrates. A study claimed that people lost weight 3 times faster and better than other fad diets. They also had improved cholesterol and overall health levels.Ketogenic Diet Foods

A Ketogenic diet requires a person to keep track of the carb amount intake of a person. The daily intake of protein is modified depending upon the height and gender. The typical Ketogenic diet takes 70% calories from the fat present in the body, 20% from proteins, 5-10% from carbohydrate. The ketogenic diet is extremely filling due to its majorly being fat and reduces hunger to a great extent.

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Origin Of The Ketogenic Diet:

The original keto diet was the classic keto diet, designed by Dr Russell Wilder in Mayo Clinic for the treatment of epilepsy. Classic keto changes the intake of various macronutrients to 4 parts of fat intake for every 1 part of carb and protein. 90% of the energy requirement is met by fats in a keto diet, 6% from protein and 4 % from carbohydrates. This ratio changes the way energy is metabolized in the body and induces a state called ketosis. It has a variety of therapeutic benefits for the sick and the healthy too. The body is forced to spend calories from its own fat store rather than depend on dietary intake, making it extremely effective for weight loss. (1)

Types Of Keto Diet:

  1. Standard or Classical Ketogenic Diet: It is a low carb, high protein and fat intake diet. It consists of 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs.
  2. High Protein Ketogenic Diet: It is similar to the classic keto diet but includes more protein, around 35 %.
  3. Targeted Keto Diet: It allows you to add carbs specifically around workout times.
  4. Cyclical Keto Diet: It involves alternating cycles of keto days and high carb refeed days, such as 5 keto days followed by 2 days of carb diet.

The classic keto diet is the popular version amongst fad dieters, while the others are used by bodybuilders and athletes.

How To Go For Ketogenic Diet:

  1. First, do your research thoroughly in order to understand the underlying mechanism of the Ketogenic diet and how it actually works and risks involved. You can consult your doctor or watch youtube videos or read it up on the internet.
  2. Remove all high carb food present in the diet. All whole grains are examples of high carb food. Rice and puffed rice are also included.
  3. Intake of protein should be increased compared to carbs in your diet.
  4. Ketogenic foods are basically natural, whole foods by nature. Avoid Processed foods like Sugars, sweetener, sweet dishes etc. Intake of these during the diet can have a negative effect on health.
  5. Staying hydrated is very important as only low carb foods are eaten.

What Is Ketogenic Diet Food:

Foods That You Can Eat In Keto Diet:

  1. Egg: Egg whites are considered to be very high in protein.
  2. Fish: It is high in protein and many nutrients. Fatty fish such as mackerel, tuna can be included in your diet.
  3. Soya Bean: It contains around 54% protein and keeps the stomach full at the same time.
  4. Dark and leafy vegetables should be consumed. Other veggies like tomato and peppers can also be included.
  5. Nuts and seeds like peanuts, cashews, pistachios, flax seeds etc. are good to munch during snack breaks.
  6. Butter and cream are high in fat and can be included.
  7. Meat such as red meat, ham, bacon, turkey with high-fat content.
  8. Unprocessed cheese can be included.
  9. Oils, especially olive oil and coconut oil, can be eaten in a keto diet.
  10. Condiments can be consumed like salt, pepper etc.

When having to eat out, select fat or protein-based diets such as egg and meat. Order more vegetables and opt-out of dessert preferably.

Foods To Avoid In Keto Diet:

  1. High intake of sugar and sugary foods like smoothies, cake, chocolate, ice cream etc.
  2. Grains and starch such as rice, pasta, cereal etc.
  3. Unhealthy fats like mayonnaise etc.
  4. Alcohol
  5. Root vegetables such as beets, potatoes etc.
  6. Legumes such as beans, lentils etc.
  7. Processed and packaged foods high in carbs.

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ketogenic diet

Sample Meal Plan For Ketogenic Diet :


It can consist of 500-600 calories, with 50 gms of fat, 25 gms of protein and 5 gms of carbs. Examples are buttered and poached eggs with heavy cream and bacon.


It can consist of 700-800 calories, with 60 gms of fat, 25 gms of protein and 10 gms of carbs. Examples are grilled chicken with olive oil, salad with greens and ranch dressing.


It can consist of 500-600 calories, with 50-60 gms of fat, 20 gms of protein and 5 gms of carbs. Examples are grilled steak with butter and heavy cream and broccoli and mushrooms.

Benefits of The Ketogenic Diet:

1. It increases the body’s metabolism to utilize and burn the fats already present. In case of a high carb diet, the fat present in the body doesn’t get burned easily and becomes very difficult to use at a later point in time. Ketosis helps in mobilizing fats as the energy required by the body to do various activities.

2. This diet is being used for several chronic diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, PCOS, acne etc.

3. Ketogenic diet blunts hunger in many people, thereby reducing the cravings for outside fat and unprocessed food. What is better than being on a low carb diet and not feeling so hungry as usual?

4. Weight Loss:

The ketogenic diet can assist in more and effective weight loss and this is one of the best ways to reduce weight by eating healthy foods that assist in promoting the physical activities of the body. According to many research studies, it has been proved that such a low-carb diet can allow people to lose weight more easily, much faster than low-fat diets. Even if a person is taking dietary supplements, one cannot just lose weight by having that.

5. A person can easily get rid of excess water from their body with the help of such diet plans. One can restrict their intake of bad calories which do nothing but remain in the body in the form of excess fat. When the kidney will start losing sodium, it will result in rapid weight loss.

6. Decreases Central Obesity:

A ketogenic diet is also good for mobilizing the abdominal fat, which is one of the most important factors determining weight loss. The abdominal fat will determine whether it is easy to lose weight and also for many diseases like diabetes and blood pressure. This is one of the most important facts that have to kept in mind when someone is trying to determine the benefits of a low-carb diet.

7. Heart Disease:

A ketogenic diet will assist in the increase of healthy or good cholesterol levels. HDL generally means the lipoproteins that generally carry the cholesterol around the blood. LDL carries the cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body and makes it useful. Keto diet modifies all the risk factors of heart disease like HDL, LDL cholesterol, blood pressure etc.

8. Diabetes:

A low-carb or ketogenic diet plan can be useful for the body as it helps in reducing the blood sugar levels. It helps in improving the condition of the people suffering from type 2 diabetes significantly which is characterized by high blood sugars and impaired insulin. Carbs are generally segmented to smaller sugar groups or glucose inside the body, where from, they enter the bloodstream and influence the blood sugar levels. A low-carb or ketogenic will assist in preventing this.

A study showed that people on keto diets improved insulin sensitivity by 75% and lost weight much more effectively. (2)

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Risks Of Ketogenic Diet:

  • Your body may take time to adapt to the new metabolic changes and diet.
  • The most common side effects seen are poor mental function, sleep issues, decreased energy, poor sleep etc.
  • It can also change the water and micronutrient balance of the body.
  • This diet should be exercised in diabetic and hypertension patients with extreme caution and only after seeking professional medical advice if approved.
  • This diet may not be suitable for athletes looking to add muscle to their bodies.

A ketogenic diet can do wonders in reducing weight and controlling blood sugars in diabetic people. Its application in various therapeutic fields has increased by leaps and bounds like epilepsy, cancer, acne etc. That being said, any diet works only when you are consistent in the long term. Do you think the keto diet is for you? If yes, please let us know if our article benefits you.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not intended to be construed for medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider regarding any medical queries or before starting this diet.


1. Can I Eat Carbs Ever Again?

Ans: Yes. After reaching your desired weight, increase your carb intake very very slowly. Don’t binge eat carbs immediately after stopping keto.

2. My Breath And Urine Smells Fruity. Should I Be Alarmed?

Ans: No need to worry. The odour is associated with increased production of ketones, ketosis in the body.

3. Is Ketosis Dangerous For Health?

Ans: People confuse it with ketoacidosis, which occurs in diabetes. Ketosis is natural and healthy.

4. How Do I Overcome Poor Energy And Fatigue?

Ans: Include supplements like minerals and MCT oils in your diet and include a few carbs initially.

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