Kristen Stewart Covers W Magazine September 2020

Kristen Stewart Covers W Magazine September 2020

Kristen Stewart looks incredibly hot and glamorous on the cover of W for the magazine’s September 2020 Fashion Issue. The 21-year-old ‘Twilight’ star was photographed by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott and the result is a beautiful spread featuring an unrecognizable Kristen Stewart that gives up to her tomboy quality and becomes a seductive woman.

In the accompanying interview, the actress chats about the Breaking Dawn wedding scene, saying goodbye to Bella, but she also recalls the beginning of her acting career and how it was like growing up in front of the camera. “It’s weird, because I would be the last person in my school to be in plays, but I was forced to sing a song in a school thing. I sang a dreidl song, which is funny for me. I’ve never celebrated Hanukkah — it wasn’t in my upbringing, but it was one of those deals where everybody has to pick a song or participate somehow in the chorus. It wasn’t the normal dreidl song; I can’t really remember the words, but it was a more serious dreidl song. The dreidl was huge, it was really honored. And that’s how I met my agent, who was in the audience. I was eight. I was nine when I did my first movie, The Safety of Objects”, Kristen told W.

Kristen Stewart Covers W Magazine September 2020

Kristen Stewart Covers W Magazine September 2020

On playing Jodie Foster’s daughter in ‘Panic Room’, Stewart says that, “I didn’t realize that 80 takes wasn’t normal. But it’s funny: Some of my proudest moments from film sets are in Panic Room. My character had seizures. Just being able to say, I was 10 years old and I broke all the blood vessels in my eye on that take, is cool. It was fun.”

In ‘Breaking Dawn’, Bella and Edward get married. Speaking about this moment, Kristen admits that everything was amazing, yet odd. Besides, choosing the wedding dress was one crucial moment. “Awesome. This was my first wedding. It was insane. And odd. The wedding dress experience was a huge deal. I tried on one version of the dress, and it was like tweak and tweak and alter and tweak and change, and then it’s done. BFD dress. Huge deal”, the actress says.

On the actual wedding, Kristen reveals that, “It was major. The last Twilight book is filled with BFDs, things that people have been waiting for for so long. For me, it was ridiculously dramatic: I get married, give birth, the baby has an incredibly accelerated growth rate we’re all very concerned about, and I say goodbye to my dad for the last time ever. It was all big — I could never go, Whew, I’m losing this character.”

Kristen Stewart Covers W Magazine September 2020

Kristen Stewart Covers W Magazine September 2020

Kristen Stewart Covers W Magazine September 2020

She became Bella Swan at 17. Now she is 21 and it’s time to say farewell to Bella. “I’d been anticipating that end-of-Bella moment. I was going, Oh, my God — I wonder how I’m going to feel. And the last scene of the shoot was at the wedding. Every single character was there on set. At the end of that day, I was kind of whacked. And so I never really had that moment then. Instead, it happened later. We needed to film one more sort of honeymoon scene and we went to the Virgin Islands. After that scene, my true final scene, I felt like I could shoot up into the night sky and every pore of my body would shoot light. I felt lighter than I’ve ever felt in my life,” the beautiful actress confesses.

On watching herself onscreen, Kristen says that, “It’s not like I sit around watching my movies again and again, but I’ve never quite believed actors when they say they don’t watch themselves. I hear them going around the block to make excuses for why they don’t watch their work. It’s bullshit. Sorry, guys — I know you watch your stuff.”

Photos courtesy of W Magazine

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