Kristin Cavallari Talks Pregnancy and Future Plans with Glamoholic

Kristin Cavallari Talks Pregnancy and Future Plans with Glamoholic

Mom-to-be Kristin Cavallari graces the newest cover of Glamoholic magazine. Inside, the beautiful 25-year-old star talks about pregnancy saying that, “I am actually enjoying it which may sound crazy to some women but I’ve had a really easy pregnancy. The first couple of months I was tired but I didn’t have any morning sickness. Which, I’ll take being tired any day over throwing up.”

On learning something new about herself while being pregnant, Cavallari admits that, “Your motherly instincts naturally kick in. We weren’t trying to have a kid but we weren’t not trying, we left it up to fate. I knew there was a possibility but I was really excited! Even if you are trying, just to see a positive result is shocking!” But does she know if it is a boy or girl? “No, not yet. I will find out on Monday, but even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you,” Kristin confesses. Still, she doesn’t have a preference. “No I don’t, I just want to have a healthy baby,” she adds.

Asked about what qualities she hopes her child would take from her and her fiance, Cavallari says that, “We’re both very loyal and Jay is extremely down to earth, which is one of the things I love about him. I’m very driven and I get that from my dad. My dad has always pushed me to do the best I can do so I hope that I can pass that along to my kids.”

Kristin Cavallari Talks Pregnancy and Future Plans with Glamoholic

Kristin Cavallari Talks Pregnancy and Future Plans with Glamoholic Kristin Cavallari Talks Pregnancy and Future Plans with Glamoholic

Asked if she and Jay are planning for their wedding, Kristin says that, “Yes and no. We’re talking about the possibility of having another kid right away and then getting married so we can have 2 kids close in age. We want 4 kids, so we’re thinking maybe have one more, then get married, then have two more but we’ll see, it all depends on how the first one goes.”

On her favorite collections at NY Fashion Week, Kristin explains that, “I love New York especially during fashion week the energy is so great. I’m a huge fan of Rachel Roy and it was the first time I had seen one of her presentations. Also, Betsey Johnson I go to every time, it’s so fun, it’s like a big party. I went to Dennis Baso who was a new one for me. I hosted the Pre-Oscar show on ‘E!’ so I was specifically looking for a dress for that. I didn’t end up wearing one of his pieces but I had a lot of fun and he had some great stuff, so I am a new fan of his.”

Speaking about her new shoe line, Cavallari told the magazine that, “It will be in stores in February. I’m working with Chinese Laundry and I’m so excited because I have been wanting a shoe line for years!” As for the inspiration for the collection, she reveals that, “The most important thing is for it to be affordable. I think it’s important for girls to know that you don’t have to spend nine hundred dollars on a pair of shoes to look and feel sexy. I’ll have some boots, heels, your classic staples of every shoe collection.”

Kristin Cavallari Talks Pregnancy and Future Plans with Glamoholic

Kristin Cavallari Talks Pregnancy and Future Plans with Glamoholic

On her new reality show, Kristin told Glamoholic that, “I can tell you I’m producing it and we just filmed the pilot for it. I can’t say what network it will be on yet but I can say I’m working with ‘Fremantle Media’, they do American Idol and The X-Factor. My friend and I came up with the concept and we have been developing it for almost three years. I can’t wait to be able to talk about it and get it on TV.”

As on the way reality shows like Laguna Beach and Keeping Up with the Kardashians reshaped the American role model, Cavallari believes that, “I think a lot of girls look up to reality stars because they think that it could happen to them, which it very well could. I was just an ordinary girl going to high school. So I think that they can relate to them more on some level. We do let them into our lives and we go through the exact same things that everybody else goes through. When you let someone in your life like that they feel like they know you and so they really look up to you.”

A piece of advice she would give to someone landing in L.A. and wanting to pursue a career in acting or music? “Stay true to yourself because there’s a lot of rejection, in modeling, acting, all of that. You can’t really let it get to you because you’ll always be too tall, or too fat, or too blonde. There will always be something, so you can’t get hung up on that stuff. Just surround yourself with good people and remember what is really important in life. Don’t give up, keep going back out there and don’t get knocked down,” Kristin says.

Read Kristin Cavallari’s full interview in the latest issue of Glamoholic.

Kristin Cavallari Talks Pregnancy and Future Plans with Glamoholic

Photos courtesy of Glamoholic

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