Kubera Mudra – How To Do Steps And Benefits

Do you know what is a Mudra? Do you understand the real significance of Mudra? Let me explain you that. Mudra is actually a way of life. It is something with which every human being should relate to irrespective of age and gender. Mudra is very simple actually.It requires a very short time to be done but it’s benefits are actually very long term and mostly permanent unlike the innumerable medications which we take.

Mudra is precisely a finger or hand gesture. Let me correct myself, it can also be a eye or legs and even complete body movement or gesture. It is meant to be regularly incorporated in your daily lifestyle so that you can get maximum benefits out of a particular mudra. Every position in mudra has a specific meaning. Every movement symbolizes something very deep and extremely significant. For instance, if you are suffering from something which requires mental piece, which in Indian terms is called as depression.

If you practise some mudra in order to fight against depression then you will gradually realize that within some years, you can stay in mental piece and say goodbye to your depression. Now, i hope you all must have understood the significance and importance of Mudra.

You might wonder from where this mudras came into existence. The origin of mudra is mysterious. It has been prevailing since a number of decades but no body actually knows from where t began and all that. We all believe that mudra is most popular in Asia. But it is another false notion. Mudra is equally popular even outside Asia too. Mudra and it’s movements have earned a name in the entire world. Many restrictions and controversies have also surrounded mudras. When the Nordic people were undergoing Christianization, then numbers of mudras were prohibited. Especially those mudras which involve embracing Gods with raised arms, were not allowed. With Christian teachings this mudras were accepted and made a part of further research and study.

If you closely observe the various gestures by priests in mass, then you will be able to get a glimpse of how these ancient people used to represent themselves. But this is not all, even in our everyday life, symbols and gestures play a very important role. We have a number of gestures in our daily life which we do but with time we began to ignore them. But all the mudras and gestures are already a part of our life since ages and will be continuing to cast an impression in our future too.

If we talk about Indian context then this mudras have form an indispensable portion of our religious system. Folding hands, bending have become very popular in India. So, directly or indirectly we all are performing some or the other mudras but we tend to ignore them with time. The mudras are equally popular in Indian dance forms too. They involve simultaneous movements of hands, eyes, legs and even waist. But this is one more addition to this which is drama. Lets start talking about kubera mudra which is very special and related to hindu religion god kubera means wealth god.

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Kubera Mudra Meaning, Steps And Benefits:

In this article we clearly discussed about kubera mudra importance along with meaning.performing steps and benefits.

kubera mudra

Meaning Of Kubera Mudra Or Wealth Mudra:

One such significant mudra is Kubera Mudra. As we all are well aware that kubera is the meaning of wealth. It is actually wealth god as well call it in Indian mythology. So, I was just amazed to know about a mudra which is associated with wealth (Money)and wealth God. This mudra is associated with your inner desires and strength. This mudra is known to increase an intensify your inner desire of wealth and prosperity. It is also known as “Three Finger technique” from Alpha training. You can see this finger gesture quite commonly in our daily life. Either you are requesting traffic police to leave you sooner, for a free parking space, right book, to bring any dress down in any store this finger gesture is used.

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In some instances you also use this to put pressure to some of your thoughts or ideas. When three of the fingers are closed stress or emphasis is given on your thoughts and ideas. It is believed that something will definitely happen when the planet of Mars (forcefulness), Jupiter (excessive joy) and Saturn (fixation on the essential and passing through new gateways) come together. Putting this all together is actually fun in regular life. It boosts your inner metabolism by giving you confidence and eternal strength.

How To Perform Kubera Mudra For Fulfillment Desires:

Well, frankly speaking doing Kubera Mudra meditation is very simple.

  • You need to firstly sit in half lotus or any easy and comfortable position. Make sure that you are sitting on a light mat or light carpet. This will prevent the radiations coming out of the floor. Many experts have pointed out that floor radiations can actually serve as an obstacle in doing the mudra.
  • Finally, you can leave your eyes open and close as per your choice.
  • But with closed eyes, you can mediate and concentrate better.
  • Make sure that not the finger movement but the intensity and the inner strength with which your perform the mudra is important.
  • Now, you must join the thumb, middle and index finger together at one point.
  • Slightly bend the finger so that they can easily come into an intersection point.
  • You can begin with nay hand you wish.
  • After doing with one hand repeat the same with the other hand.

No Limitations Of Kubera Mudra:

Now, let me tell you something very important. There is no provision of time of frequency attached to this mudra Kubera. It doesn’t matter you do this mudra at any time of the day. May be you do it in morning or evening, that is completely your choice. Also, you can do it as many times as you can. I suggest to do it at least 5-10 times a day.

See More: Makara Mudra

Kubera Mudra Benefits:

Now, we shall introduce you to the Kubera Mudra benefits.

The thumb finger represents the fire whereas index and middle finger symbolises air and space respectively. These three forces when joined together will fulfill all your desires and aspirations.

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