Lady Gaga Versace Photoshop Scandal

Lady Gaga Versace Photoshop Scandal

The unretouched Lady Gaga for Versace spring/summer 2020 photos that have surfaced online are the cause of a new controversy. The leaked shots of the new campaign reveal a much less glamorous view compared to the official Photoshopped ads, which is rather surprising considering the fact that the singer previously spoke against Photoshop.

In the raw Lady Gaga for Versace leaked pictures, the singer seems to be wearing little to no makeup and has a couple of bruises on her legs. It seems like her skin tone was perfected and her dark eye-circles were removed while her arms look slimmer in the official ads as well. 

Even her hair was subjected to changes, from a dark golden to a lighter shade with white undertones. Perhaps the most perplexing fact about the new shots is the makeup, which appears to have been digitally added afterwards.

Lady Gaga Versace Photoshop ScandalLady Gaga Versace Photoshop ScandalLady Gaga Versace Photoshop ScandalLady Gaga Versace Photoshop Scandal

While skin lightening, arm slimming and bruise removal and contrast changes for a glossier feel might fall in the typical Photoshop alterations range for most celebrities that appear on the cover of magazines or in glamorous campaigns, it’s definitely curious that Gaga didn’t go to the photoshoot with the final makeup look that can be seen in the official shot. This aspect might indicate that these photos were actually test shots, especially since not all the leaked Lady Gaga for Versace images were released as part of the official campaign.

Lady Gaga Versace Photoshop ScandalLady Gaga Versace Photoshop ScandalLady Gaga Versace Photoshop ScandalLady Gaga Versace Photoshop Scandal

Even without too much makeup and digital enhancements, the singer is looking good, especially if we consider how much different other celebrities without makeup look. It will be interesting to see whether the new Lady Gaga Photoshop scandal will actually affect the luxury fashion house’s sales negatively due to the bad publicity or if it will simply remain another example of misrepresentation of women’s bodies in the media which seems to be the norm these days.

Lady Gaga Versace Photoshop ScandalLady Gaga Versace Photoshop Scandal

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Photos: JoseLMonster

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