Last Minute Bikini Body Tips

Last Minute Bikini Body Tips

Envisioning a perfect bikini body can be a great workout motivator, however, when time is running short and our plans didn’t quite turn out the way we wanted to, the perspective of putting on a swimsuit can be quite frightening. But there’s no need to dread the thought of exposing a little more skin than usual. There are plenty of ways in which you can “cheat” your way to a better body. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

First off, a flattering bathing suit can do wonders when it comes to emphasizing your best features and downplaying the features you would rather hide, so don’t put off swimsuit shopping. If you also use accessories creating a stylish look will be much easier as it will give you more control when it comes to creating points of interest.

Cover up. If you are really self conscious about certain body parts, covering them up can be the best idea. Sarongs are perfect for those who want to cover lower body areas while a tankini can help those who have problem spots in the upper body. Opting for a solid colored swimsuit can also make one look taller and slimmer.Last Minute Bikini Body Tips

Being perfectly groomed (Brazilian bikini wax, anyone?) and having a flawless manicure and pedicure will also boost your confidence, so it is extremely important not to leave any of the details concerning your appearance to chance. Although rather obvious, these tips are crucial for a good start. If unsightly ingrown hairs are bugging you, exfoliating the area gently with a product containing glycolic acid or alpha-hydroxy acid is a good solution.

Tackling more pressing issues such as cellulite is also important to look better in a bathing suit. Although getting rid of cellulite is far from being easy, massage, lotions containing ingredients such as cayenne pepper or coffee and adequate moisturizing can diminish its appearance. If this approach fails to deliver satisfactory results, then a sunless tanner might be the best alternative. A few homemade masks for a softer skin or simply a water based moisturizer are also worth considering. Remember, soft skin equals sexy skin.

A flawless complexion is also essential in order to feel comfortable at the beach. Selecting the right products is often only half the battle. Because heat can worsen acne breakouts, choosing oil free, non-comedogenic products is an absolute must. Having bloating papers at hand during summer is extremely useful as it can help us prevent breakouts as it removes grease and sweat, two major acne breakouts triggers. Other than that, using spot treatments and wearing sunscreen are the main ways in which you can improve your look.

Looking to lose weight instantly? Well, unfortunately that’s not possible. However, faking a weight loss can work. Avoiding salt will help you look and feel less bloated, while fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes or cabbage can help eliminate excess fluid retention.

Potassium rich foods might also come in handy: try eating grapefruit, bananas, papaya, almonds, broccoli, yogurt or oranges. Trying to sip your way slim? Then ditch the diet soda and try green tea, oolong tea or dandelion tea. Also make sure to drink plenty of water to combat dehydration.

Last Minute Bikini Body Tips

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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