6 Warning Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

6 Warning Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

Your idea of a harmonious and strong relationship may differ from that of your cutie. However, the secret to take your love bond to the next level is to clarify your intentions and feelings. Some guys have difficulties confessing their plans to put an end to a relationship.

Therefore, take the initiative and save yourself from a painful experience by having the BIG talk. Before confronting him with your suppositions it is wise to read through the following selection of 6 warning signs he’s just not that into you.

1. He Encourages You To Meet Other People

This is indeed, one of the most obvious signs that he has different plans with this relationship. Some girls might be blinded by love and would consider this gesture a proof that their boyfriend respects their independence. Think twice before listening to his suggestions!

6 Warning Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

2. He Cancels Your Dates In The Last Minute

This is not only a sign of the fact that he’s not into you but in can be also considered a disrespectful gesture.

Talk to your boyfriend about this problem and tell him that he’ll make things worse if he doesn’t confess.

3. He Disregards Your Ideas

You’re fond of profound conversations with your boyfriend. However, his answers emanate disrespect and lack of interest.

Keep his gesture in mind and see whether you notice other signs which clearly suggest that he wants to step out of the relationship.

4. He Attends Parties and Dinners Without You

People who are in love want to spend most of their time with their loved one. If your boyfriend attends parties and dinners without you, it means that he’s eager to meet other people and he craves for an active social life and not a relationship.

5. He Disappears For 1-2 Days

1-2 days are enough to start suspecting your cutie of double-dealing. The idea behind his gesture was either to make you see that he’s just not that into you or he wants to spend some time with other people too. Have a discussion with your boyfriend about his feelings and future plans.

6. He’s Not Interested In Getting Intimate With You

Getting intimate is extremely important for guys. However, in the majority of cases girls attribute more essence to this act. If your boyfriend avoids the occasions when you could be together, there are serious problems with your relationship. The ‘I’m not in the mood’ stuff is a rarity in the case of men.

6 Warning Signs He’s Just Not That Into You