FAQs About Labor and Childbirth

FAQs About Labor and Childbirth

In every woman’s life, there comes a time when she asks herself: “Who can be with me during labor and birth?” Yes, you’ve guessed right, you’re getting ready for your child birth.

Life’s all about decisions, you decide what you’re job’s going to be, what house will you buy, when or with whom you’ll have your baby, what kind of mother will you be.

After nine months of waiting, hoping, wishing, dreaming, here you are – just before giving birth.  Before you start worrying about breastfeeding and diapers, here are some questions you need to know the answer.

Who can be with me during labor and birth? In the majority of cases, the hospital usually lets the mother decide whom she wants to have with her during the birth. This includes fathers, partners, children, other family members, or friends. You may also have a midwife, or doula, a labor support person, who will be there for you; she has special training in helping women cope with birth and labor.

FAQs About Labor and Childbirth

What happens during a normal labor and birth in your setting? Questions like if the doctors will give you drugs to speed up the birth, or if you’re going to pass through labor in your own time – these questions are normal.

Your GP should explain to you the normal procedures, or what are the chances for a C section (a major operation in which a doctor cuts through the mother’s stomach into her womb and removes the baby through the opening).

What to do when I’m in labor? Find out if you can walk during labor, or what positions are recommended and comfortable for you.  You may also need to know if you’re baby’s doing fine, that’s why a nurse will probably listen to the baby’s heart from time to time.

What about your water bag? It’s better to break it or not? And what about eating and drinking? Remember to ask your doctor about all these things.

After childbirth, the nurses and the hospital’s employees will teach you all about taking care of yourself and your baby, all about breastfeeding and hygiene.

Also, you may consider a group support where people experiencing what you’ve just been through really open themselves and speak freely about their experiences.

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